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Light Body Healing Resources

Light body healing is a relatively new area of learning that is developing as more of God's light expands on the Earth, awakening people to their divine spiritual essence. As the light expands, our bodies and our consciousness begin a process of transformation and purification.

Our physical bodies are at their deepest essence composed of light, and as we awaken spiritually it becomes more possible to feel God's light in our bodies, and to feel that our physical bodies are actually bodies of light.

As our bodies begin to hold more light through the process of spiritual healing, transformation and purification, we begin to have a different kind of experience of life. We may become more sensitive to the thoughts, feelings and energies of other people and of the environment. We may develop physical symptoms that are not medically known, but are real nonetheless.

Light body healing is the process of working with our physical and energy bodies to bring healing and light, so that we can be more whole, and so that we can more effectively be of service to God and the Earth at this time of planetary transformation.

We would like to hear your personal experiences, questions and and challenges related to light body healing. If you have questions, comments or experiences to share about your light body, please feel free to share your thoughts. You can also read some of the light body experiences that our visitors have shared.

Newest Resource for Light Body Healing

In 2008 I received guidance to start a new website dedicated to sharing information about the new light body.  This site still has an older design but the information on it is 100% relevant now, and is perhaps even more so than when it was created.  

We would like to upgrade this site and it's design, and are grateful for all donations that can help us to bring the newest vibrations of divine light to NewLightBody.org!

Articles on Light Body Healing

The following are some related articles and spiritual guidance Messages from the Realms Light  about light bodies and healing from a planetary perspective.

Transforming Your Physical Body into a Sacred Light Body

The Body's Consciousness: Encoding From The Soul

Energy Healing

Healing with Gemstones

What is Guided Meditation

Free Online Guided Meditations

Free Self Healing Resources

The Light Body

The New Light Body

The Restorative Power of Rest

The Acceleration of Light

Transforming the Body's Consciousness

These are articles by my teacher GurujiMa at her website Light Omega.

The Sacred Human

Our Sacred Bodies

The New Light Body

The Sacred Consciousness of Food

Light Body Experiences Our Visitors Have Shared

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

thank you for your article 
"It is extremely important right now, at a time when all of us are living with heightened levels of stress, that you have a peaceful, nourishing place …

A personal experience  
Hello all Dear Beings, I wish to share with you something that has been with me for more than 10 years. A perception of my body not being totally present, …

I want him change as a human being 
I am 26 year old. since my child hood I have seen lots of problem and suffer within it. I don't know about other . In my week moment a boy came in to my …

Like Nothing I've Ever Known 
I've had out-of-body experiences before. I've worked with deep meditations and chakra cleansings, and all that. But these last two years have been strange. …

extreme body symptoms 
I have bad headaches foggines,tingling all over muscle cramps and weakness of limbs at times MRI are all fine.I also have chest pains that feel like someone …

Request for Light Body Healing 
I entered a prayer for healing for myself I would also appreciate any light body healing or any thing that be done to help me Please sincerely Sharon

weird reduction of function in legs 
I have a weird reduction of function in my legs that several major neurologists are at a loss to explain. After lots of MRI's and such everything appears …

Healing Energy Question 
I have been doing energy work for many years and even before it was given a name, and all I hear is this from Reiki you are channelling the energy from …

My Light Body Experience - I Have no Idea 
There seems to be a lot happening and yet if asked why is it or for what use or purpose - my answer will be - I have no idea! Your site Mashubi and Julia …

Light Body Question - Conquering sex instincts 
My husband suddenly stopped loving and desiring me. I am badly deprived of love and physical intimacy. I haven't made love for 5 months and hence craving …

Mystery Pain 
You asked for questions, so here is one. I have a mysterious condition around my left breast, underarm, and in what feels like my heart. I have had all …

Light Body Experiences - Being Reborn 
After 5 1/2 years of living in a verbally/mentally/emotionally and sexually abusive relationship that left me with next to nothing when it ended in 2003, …

Entering a Higher Spiritual Level 
Hi, I am experiencing this,much of it is personal teaching that have come from Spirit. I feel that I am adjusting in a new skin.My sight( not seeing with …

Light Body Sharing - Struggles and Changes 
This has been quite an interesting year so far! Definitely different in terms of basic immune system, with a flu to start out the year that left me with …

Light Body Question 
What does light body mean and why is it important.

Sharing Light Body Experiences 
I have had more energy in walking my dog, though I haven't wanted to walk her sometimes. Of course I do it anyway. I have Fibromyalgia, but am getting …

Light Body Experiences - Exhaustion and Forgetfulness 
i don't know how to explain this but i'm tired all the time overwhelmed in body and spirit, my hair and nails are a problems either falling out or breaking …

Mother, Healer, Myself 
I am a Reiki/Energy Light "Worker". I have had 15 years of learning and working with universal energy. I thought of starting a business, but it never …

Summer Solstice Build Up 
Wow...are you guys feeling strange?!...waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to return to sleep..then the next night down with exhaustion...feeling …

Can Light Body Healing Help Me?  
Can Light Body healing help me to find suitable resources rich healthy lady companion to create healthy, wealthy family & create several children who …

Wishing everyone joy , happiness , prosperity.... 
Dearest Mashubi , Wish you & everyone in World Blessings optimum & opulent joy , socio-economic prosperity , experience of pure affection & …

Body is Running Really Rough 
Since we've started: I've been sieged by gallstones for the first time in my life; I've had numerous rounds of exhaustion that leave me only capable of …

Letting Go and Letting God 
I have been through a lot of difficulties in my marriage. I have learned to stop trying to control my situation and allow God to intercede. No matter what …

My Experiences  
Shadows or aura of tree tops: I first started experiencing the shadows or white auras on tops of a group of tree tops in a a distance. I read about …

Light Body - I have not experienced it yet 
I have actually been extremely tired the last two weeks...I bought vitamins....hoping they will help. Have had extra stress and money problems so maybe …

Light Body Experiences of Dorah Treneary 
In 2001 I had a spontaneous fully conscious experience of merging with the Universal Mind. It felt like an experience of God, Light with a capital "L" …

Family Unity , LOVE 
Namaste - Mashubi Yes, I also have been experiencing great strides forward to the refinement of my energies . I fast weekly , I have quit caffeine …

New Light Body Experiences 
Some of the experiences I have felt consistently these past several weeks are: -Heightened sensitivity to light to the point of wearing sunglasses …

The Coming Light 
Dearest ones, in the past few months I have been blessed with new friends, friends who are aware of these times and the shift in energies. They have …

Beginning a New Chapter 
Dear Mashubi, There are so many things going through my mind at present. I am not sure that I can rationally place them in order. …

Needing Guidance 
I am thirty seven years old, married and have two awesome girls. I work for an Endodontist in Knoxville,TN. I have read some of experiences others are …

It's Here.... 
Well, for about 3 years I've had all kinds of experiences...with Mother Earth...with a portal to heaven...with gigantic "waves" of energy that resemble …

Light Body Experiences of Norma Jean 
I have been experiencing many ascension symptoms, such as severe migraines, tingling through my arms and hands, back pain, inability to sleep, crying for …

Light Body Experiences of Debbi Brown  
Hello, Thank you for all your beautiful work. It was an incredible few months of intense physical symptoms. I too have experienced exhaustion, dizziness …

Allergic Reactions 
Mashubi, I am so glad you are going to have a website about our light body and its issues. I had an allergic reaction last month that put me into full …

Thank you calender of 100 days 
The last year things didn't go well, financially, emotional, physical, personal and social. There whas a lot of blockage and every time something started …

Growing in the Light 
I have noticed that I am more tired, and do feel an over amount of energy surrounding me. I am more aware of it now than about 4 months ago. But, it was …

Letting Go and Being Happy  
Today should be a sad day for me my Reiki Master and loyal friend has told me that he no longer wants to teach me. during the last 18 months the learning …

Moving at a Faster Pace 
I am 68 years old and still wondering what I will do when I grow up. I have found that I am suddenly becoming aware of psychic happenings and have much …

I don't know what to say..i still feel very tied to this world of matter..it's a very difficult moment of my life and I'm full of anger.

Lots of weird stuff 
I have experienced a lot of depression, exhaustion, weight fluctuations, digestive issues within the past year. I have been feeling a bit better the last …

Prickles in my Arms and Hands 
I have recently started experiencing a prickly sensation in my arms and hands. It's not an uncomfortable feeling, just unusual. I have also been overly …

My Light Body Experience 
I am so glad you've asked this questions. I haven't had any body symptoms, but I am seeing energy. I am seeing swirling like energy that if you try to …

Ascension Symptoms 
Well, its the same old "ascension symptoms". I find myself more lately battling the light and dark within myself. I've had all the symptoms of ascension, …

Very unusal - uncontrollable bleeding 
I had the most unusual light body experience I've ever had last week. I was drying off from a shower, and a cold sore on my lip started to bleed. Usually …

The exhaustion and depleted energy... 
For me who for most of my life seemed to have tons of energy, the last year or two have resulted in a feeling of depletion, exhaustion. Great effort on …

Strange Experiences 
In the past few months I've found myself quite exhausted without explanation. I work in an office and the fluorescent light seems to sap my strength like …

More Sensitive to Dental Work - Any Suggestions? 
I am a healer and over the years as my light body has changed I have had more and more difficulty going to the dentist. I find that the anesthetic they …

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