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Mother, Healer, Myself

by Betty May
(Hayward, CA. USA)

I am a Reiki/Energy Light "Worker". I have had 15 years of learning and working with universal energy. I thought of starting a business, but it never felt quite right. My thought was that the energy needed to be my basic being- the ground where I stand-the place I begin each day- before I thought to share with everyone else. So, 5 years later, I have grounded the work into my being, and I began wanting to share. so now I am ending each evening with different ways of distance healing, etc.
I find myself adding my energy work to my business resume (I am passionate about finance and accounting as well), so when I look for a job, someone can begin to see the whole of me in the resume.
Often, I see feel a quickening in my heart, when I do my bookkeeping. I don't make excuses for not doing my distance/earth healing anymore. My energy has become that with which I face the world. I eat less meat. I eat less. My spine has become an unending source of wonder (I have a compression fracture on my 3rd lumbar, and go to see a chiropractor every month), because it is no longer a source of pain, but a joy of movement and passage of light. It moves when I believed it would never work "normally" again!
The outside soles of my feet often feel like the bones are not in alignment.
I am letting go old concepts and really enjoying other people's point of view. I revel in the greening of the earth. I look for a new job in togetherness with stewardship of the Earth.
Thanks for letting me talk, and using my thoughts for something needed! It is good to be in service!

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Jun 14, 2008
Thanks, Betty
by: Deb

You are so right...who we ARE and bring to whatever it is we do IS the light that we share and the energy that adds to the workplace possibly unknown or recognized on the conscious level. The way you put it made it so clear. Much love to you.

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