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A Spiritual Perspective On Depression

The following articles by my beloved teacher GurujiMa offer a spiritual perspective on depression, which is affecting more and more people at this time on Earth.  The process of purification is intensifying our inner experience of all that is not whole within us. This process is happening both individually and collectively. At the same time many people are not able to feel God's love and light, which would provide comfort and support.

The Earth herself is transforming both vibrationally and physically, creating much upheaval for all of humanity. These articles offer a spiritual view of depression and provide guidance, support and daily meditation resources. At the bottom of this page we have a place for you to share your experience with depression, and also to read the stories of other visitors who are healing depression.

  • NEW Trends in Emotional and Spiritual Health: Depression and Post-Traumatic Stress
    Beloveds, we live at a time when increased spiritual energy on the planet is creating a raised awareness of the values of the heart and of life itself. At the same time, it is bringing into consciousness all that is out of balance and not in harmony with these newly awakening values. It is in this way that it is possible to look at the increased incidence of depression in developed countries, which, in many nations, has become of epidemic proportions.

  • A Spiritual View of Depression
    There remains a vast gap between the current way of treating depression as an entity - clinically, chemically, and in terms of the body - and the way of treating depression as an energy related to consciousness. Although an understanding of brain chemistry and of neuro-transmitters are among the more popular views today concerning the origin of depression, the energy of our spiritual self influences the way in which brain chemistry and neuro-transmitters work, and when changes are made to the flow or current, a new balance within the brain can be achieved.

  • A Spiritual View of Depression: The Hunger for Light
    The hunger of the soul for light, especially when the language of spirituality has not been acquired fully, can be both painful and confusing. A person can feel lost, misunderstood, out of place, with a sense of not belonging anywhere. In fact, without the spiritual underpinnings anchored in awareness, it can feel like one doesnt even belong to oneself. This nameless thing that it is possible to long for involves hunger at the deepest level. It is a hunger for spiritual light.

  • A Spiritual View of Depression: The Boundary of Self
    The situation of being permeable to energies that belong to the world's condition is ever present. We are never immune to the impact of what surrounds us as a spiritual atmosphere and what we live within. What this knowledge can do is to help us separate from feelings of despair, sadness, grief, or emptiness that we think of as belonging to us alone, and to know that they are not entirely ours.

  • The Wisdom Within Depression: A Spiritual View
    It would be well to look at all forms of depression, especially those of greater intensity, as a spiritual crisis in their underpinnings, for though they may show no movement toward healing on the mental or emotional levels for a time, on the level of spirit and soul there is much activity. Here, a question is being asked and a question is being answered continually, namely, 'what is this life about, what is its value, and what am I doing in it?'

  • A Spiritual View of Depression: The Light That Shines in the Darkness
    The capacity of darkness to create a 'cover' over light is what creates the sense of emptiness or lack that is so intrinsic to depression. Though light always remains present within each individual being, darkness obscures the inner connection with the heart and with the source of being so that this light cannot be felt.

  • A Spiritual View of Depression - Living With the Unknown
    Everywhere in life, things are moving, relationships are changing, disappointments are happening, letting go is required, and the sense of the unknown exists as an everpresent companion to each step that we take. Knowing that there is a part of the self that is untouched by the circumstances of one's life and that that part of the self is accessible, is a reason to strive to reach it, to search in every way possible for the path to find it.

  • A Spiritual View of Mental Illness
    Today, most of us do not think of severely limiting conditions as a path of healing because there is so much suffering and limitation involved. And yet with respect to the mentally ill, the disrupted sense of self and the search for a core self is, in fact, such a path. It creates a great need to find ones way back to a more solid footing in relation to the external world and also in relation to the self. With this in mind, we can begin to think of mental and emotional disorders as both a problem, and an answer to a problem. The problem is visible; that it is an answer, most often is not.

Articles by GurujiMa Related to Depression

  • Addiction and Spirituality - The Way Home
    There is a time and place in which the soul begins to seek a path of return to its lost home, and, finding the way blocked or invisible, yearns once again for the sense of peace and love that it remembers as having been part of its deepest longing. In that moment of time, when the soul turns toward the sun of its longing seeking remembrance and reunion, seeking the sense of peace and completion that it believes is possible, a significant step toward the light of Spirit is taken and the soul will never be the same again. At the same time, if the yearning for home is not realized by fulfillment, if the spiritual longing finds, instead, an emptiness of heart and a lack of response to its prayer for reunion, it can become disconsolate and greatly sorrowful, so much so that it gives up that which it has set its heart upon, and instead turns to other means by which to fulfill its desire for peace and for the essence of tranquility which can only be produced by the light.

  • There Is No Such Thing As Failure
    Failure is not the opposite of success. Rather, the opposite of success is indifference. For indifference places us on a road of unconsciousness where the striving to reach toward a new and for the moment unattainable goal does not matter. If the goal is just beyond reach and we are trying with all our might to reach toward it, then success lies in the process, in the reaching itself, in the integrity with which body, heart and mind are joining to pursue an aim that is wanted by all three.

  • A Spiritual View of Autism
    The value of a spiritual view of autism is that it enables the pain of limitation and helplessness suffered by those who experience significant impairment and those who care for them to be held with a sense of purposefulness and meaning. This can support individuals and families with a sense of truth and love, even during times of greatest challenge.

  • Attention Deficit Disorders and Related Problems in Children - A Spiritual View
    The phenomenon of limited or impaired attention span, of difficult or aggressive behavior, of problems with peers or of making friends, of body level agitation which leads to nervous gestures or an inability to sit still for more than a minute - all of these can be symptoms not of a medical or psychological condition, but a condition that has to do with the greater presence of light on the planet and in the spiritual atmosphere or environment in which we live.

  • The Secret Inner Life of Alzheimer's Disease - A Spiritual View
    A spiritual view of the inner world of Alzheimer's disease, its meaning and purpose, and the inner reorganization taking place as outer functioning diminishes.

There are additional articles related to the healing of depression that were posted on our spiritual article archive

Messages from the Realms of Light About Depression

Some of the spiritual guidance messages I've received from the Realms of Light address the challenges many are experiencing with depression. Here are just a few.

  • Lifting the Spirit
    During times of difficulty it is common for people to feel depression. This is understandable when facing obstacles and challenges, however at this time there is also great Light available on the spiritual level that can be a source of comfort, nourishment and strength.

  • Love and Blessings during Difficult Times
    As much of your world celebrates holidays and the birth of God's light in the world, so many are suffering from depression or despair, or are experiencing difficulties within family relationships and interpersonal communications.

  • Healing Despair
    Despair is the feeling that there is no meaning to one's life, that life is not tolerable or bearable or worth living. This is a very painful and tormented state, one which causes much suffering for those afflicted. The energy of despair comes because the soul is not able to perceive God's Light or God's presence within whatever difficult experience is happening. The soul perceives itself to be alone, without love or hope or comfort or meaning.

  • Shifting Old Energy Patterns
    The current time is a difficult one, for the spiritual levels of light arriving to the Earth have not yet reached the critical mass of physical embodiment that will create a major structural shift in the current planetary situation.

You can read some of our most recent Messages from the Realms of Light spiritual guidance messages here, and you can also sign up for our email list if you'd like to receive new messages when they become available.

If you have additional information to share about a spiritual perspective on depression, please share it here. We'd love to hear your experience

What Other Visitors Have Shared About Depression

Click below to see contributions from other visitors who have shared their experiences with depression ..

No Longer Myself 
I know not of what your life entails, but as someone who had a successful past and now have endured a horrific past 5 years, I pray for you to find ACCEPTANCEin …

Please - pray for a healing for myself from depression . My family is been torn apart...... it has been over 100 days...... and I have been praying. Please …

Spiritual Depression: Disconnected From God 
As a Christian, I have been trying to analyze why I have fallen into a "spiritual depression". What is spiritual depression? It's a disconnection from …

I have been plagued with depression for most of my life, most of the time my practices were bent on "escapping the sadness" and escsaping the mental turture …

Depression as a mental Illness or Situational Depression? 
Please inform me of the mental illness as just one Depression?

Mr.Tariq Siddiq. 
I suffered depression as a result of failure in business years ago. It has been a hard road with me being on a constant state of arousal and erratic behavior...but …

My healing  
I have had depression on and off for years. Until 1 year ago I was on prozac and therapist and couldn't control my sadness. I found God and gave him my …

Depression after a divorce 
I recently walked out of an abusive relationship, I am now divorced. I wanted my marriage to work and tried hard, but he would not change. I am depressed …

Can't believe , I am still struggling. 
We , as Christian ,have hard time comprehending depression , culture and faith. How can the three for me , two for you, make sense ? I don'tknow, but …

Request Healing Urgently 
Dear sir, i am suffering from fear of people and negative thoughts .some times i think to commit suicide due to this things .iam frustrated with …

Reiki Helped my Depression 
I suffered severe depression for three years, my condition was getting worse day by day I was taking extra medication, I got to the stage I was getting …

How I Deal with Depression 
my son died in nov. i have been severely depressed, i can not read myself well, therapy cost too much money for these hard economic times, anti-depressants …

My Experience With Depression 
I have been through depression on and off for almost 29 years. My dad was depressed and I remember how sad he would get. He didn't pay much attention …

Love Helps Depression 
i have had quite a bit of depression in my spiritual path. I am a single mom and there have been so many setbacks with physical injuries and illness. …

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