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Needing Guidance

by Shannon

I am thirty seven years old, married and have two awesome girls. I work for an Endodontist in Knoxville,TN. I have read some of experiences others are having and I also feel like I'm suffering from exhaustion, my body hurts, especially my left side and I feel lethargic. I have trouble staying in the "now" like I'm in a trance waiting to be freed. How long will this period last?

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Jun 10, 2008
How long?
by: Mashubi

Hello Shannon, thank you for sharing. I understand how you feel, I like many of us are experiencing fatigue and many other unusual body manifestations and we want to know, when will it change? I would like to know this too! :-) I do not know when this current energy configuration will shift, however I do feel that changes are happening every day now, and seem to be accelerating. I believe that when God's light is able to manifest on the Earth in a stronger more concentrated way, this will dispel the density and negative energies that are so prevalent right now, that create such a heaviness.

There are also things we can do to be more comfortable, that have to do with giving ourselves plenty of rest, quiet time, drinking plenty of pure water, eating a diet that has lots of fresh fruits, vegetables and live foods, eating concentrated green foods, and cleansing our bodies as we can. All these things, and creating a harmonious living space as much as possible, can help alleviate some of the temporary discomforts of this time.

Please check back again at this page and let me know how you're doing, and whether any of these suggestions have been able to help. I'd like to hear your experience. Also, the Blessings of the Light messages will continue to update us on the changes happening for the Earth and how these are impacting our daily experience.

With much love,

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