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What is spiritual counseling? My very first spiritual mentor revealed a truth to me that I have witnessed in every single spiritual healing session I've participated in, both from the client's perspective as well as the healer's perspective.
She said that spiritual counseling is a process by which the counselor and the client sit down together and have a conversation with God. When the session is finished, you should both feel better because together you've raised both of your vibrations to be more connected with the Divine. In other words, your session has called more spiritual light which helps everyone.
There is a particular kind of training required for those who offer spiritual counseling services, as there is a need for the counselor to "walk their talk" and to be living in alignment the spiritual principles of love and truth, to hold a high level of self awareness, and a balanced consciousness of their strengths and limitations.
Spiritual counseling helps us to learn how to handle the challenges of daily life in relationship with the divine. Most of us are accustomed to thinking of ourselves as alone in the world. We are used to thinking that we need to figure things out on our own, and to fight to survive.
When we begin to understand that God is real, we start to see that life can be different. We learn that we are not alone, because the Creator is here with us and in us ... but during times of stress or challenge we may forget this. The long years of habit can be difficult to undo on our own!
Spiritual counseling helps us to meet life's challenges from a new consciousness of connection with the Divine. It offers support to you as a whole person ... your soul and spirit, your emotions, mind and body, and your practical life here on the Earth.
World Blessings offers online spiritual counseling services and sessions to people of all faiths during special times as our schedule permits. Our online calendar will be available during the times when sessions are available.
This is a very large topic and you can learn more here about intuitive spiritual counseling services and online spiritual counseling services.
You can also learn more about me and my journey.