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Workplace Spirituality

Bringing Our Whole Selves to Work

Workplace spirituality is a growing area of interest as more and more people are experiencing a new spiritual awareness in their lives. As our consciousness transforms and becomes more One with God's love and light, we find ourselves wanting to be more fully present wherever we are.

Spirituality into the workplace does not require any special training, workshops, or employee training programs, and can be practiced daily with a growing sense of satisfaction and fulfillment, even in the most challenging of jobs.

In our new reality in 2020, many more of us now work at home, which can support us is bringing our full selves to all parts of our life and work.

Most of us spend the majority of time at work. Whether we work for an employer or are self employed, spirituality in the workplace is a daily opportunity to put into practice our growing spiritual understanding.

In today's world the opportunities for fulfilling and meaningful work are limited. For the most part humanity still embodies the consciousness of separation that tells us we are alone, we are not safe, and we need to fight for survival. We still carry motivations towards greed and accumulation of wealth and prosperity for the self, rather than for all.

As a result, for the most part our social and economic structures still reflect this. We generally see little or no consciousness of spirituality in the workplace, or anyplace else. Many people labor daily in jobs that feel meaningless, or that do not challenge them or use their gifts.

At this time we are beginning to a transformation in humanity's consciousness. We are seeing a slow collapsing of the existing social structures, because we can no longer live on the Earth as we have been, and we need to find new ways to sustain ourselves. The old ways simply do not work anymore. Many people are beginning to realize this, and many wonder how we will find solutions to the many problems we face.

Workplace Spirituality - Healing Happens Everywhere

During this transitional time, we are all deeply challenged. We must stay aligned with God's love, light and truth, and with the intention to create positive change in the world, even when we may have a great deal of fear about our own day to day survival in an uncertain and increasingly unpredictable world. Workplace spirituality is one way we can bring healing to the world. As we begin to bring our whole selves to every moment of our day, and to our fellow human beings, amazing miracles can happen.

At its most basic, spirituality in the workplace can be practiced by anyone at any time. It involves an inner alignment with your higher self, with God, and with your positive intention. Workplace spirituality involves bringing an awareness of God to every moment, to every action, to every person that you meet, to every challenge that you face.

You can put into practice workplace spirituality by sharing love with others, by doing your job as best as you can, by sharing love, respect, and positive energy with people, and by refusing to put out negative energy to others even if others do. You can be firm, set limits, and distance yourself from those who are difficult, but you remain at peace within. In this way you shine light into your daily life and to all the people around you. Read some of the stories of our visitors who have put into practice their spirituality in the workplace.

Years ago I was in the midst of a terrible time of crisis in my life. In the midst of the fray, I needed to hire an electrician to install a heater to a chilly area of our house. I was concerned about someone new coming into the house, as I was very sensitive to energies and I dreaded the process. I asked around and a friend highly recommended their electrician, so I reluctantly went ahead and made the appointment.

What I learned is that this electrician was really a healer. He worked on houses but he brought light to everyone he met. He was the most beautiful soul, peaceful, loving, and very good at his job. He had a profound sense of the sacred. By the time he finished the work on our house, I felt great! You don't need to offer healing sessions to be a healer. By sharing love and light and consciousness, you can bring great comfort, hope and healing to others.

Challenges in Workplace Spirituality

As we grow in light and love, increasingly we are capable of perceiving more subtle levels of energy in people and situations. Our eyes become more opened to how much integrity, respect and caring for other people may exist within a workplace or an organization. There may arise time when changes within ourselves, or within our workplace, lead us to need to end our working relationship, even if it is not convenient for us.

I experienced this many years ago when I worked for a rehabilitation agency that assisted psychiatrically disabled adults to work within a computer software company's assembly planet. I enjoyed the job, loved my clients and co-workers, and I even had the opportunity to work overtime. The job paid well and provided enough free time that I could pursue my spiritual community activities.

One day I learned from the other counselors of a seriously unethical situation going on with the CEO of the agency. Without going into details, I was quite shocked to learn this. I found that I could no longer in good conscience work for and represent the agency. With great reluctance I gave my notice, and several other counselors chose to leave as well.

We had some good discussions amongst ourselves about this situation, as each of us was in a unique situation and we each needed to make our own choices about how to respond to the situation. One woman who was in a leadership role at the agency was a single working mother and had a well paying position which fit perfectly with her mother's schedule. She did not feel she would be able to find a similar situation for herself and her daughter, and so she continued her employment with some mixed feelings.

Workplace Spirituality Support Forum - Share Your Story

Spirituality in the workplace is always happening. Each of us that carries God's light consciously into our lives is bringing transformation to our world. Please share what you have learned about workplace spirituality with us! Please also join in and share your thoughts about what others have shared about bringing spirituality to work.

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Workplace Spirituality Support and Discussion

Click below to see the workplace spirituality stories, discussions and challenges that our visitors have shared ...

On my job I work for the LORD 
The type of work that I do is Customer Service, I am in connection with members and providers, I know that each person that I communicate with may not …

How GOD talked to me! 
It happened almost 20 years ago in a Backwater town in Kerala, where I was staying in a hotel during my work related travel. I used to explore bookstalls, …

Peace and Calm 
Filled with joy of God's love, I prayed and hoped to share this joy with the ones I worked for. My work as a residential aide in group homes brought …

Workplace Spirituality - Facing the Challenges 
I gave up work to be at home with my children and it was a challenge to get back into the workplace. When my youngest son Oliver was 4 I went back to …

Spirituality and Sustaining it in the Workplace 
I also work "for" people with disabilities. There is a constant demand for one to keep in touch with ones inner self and wisdom during the course of the …

Workplace Spirituality - Bringing Light and Love to my Restaurant Job 
2 years ago I really needed a job, and I have been a baker and cook all my life with much more jobs at the same time. For me it was very scary because …

Click here to write your own.

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