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Growing in the Light

by Marilynn Newell
(Swartz Creek, MI, USA)

I have noticed that I am more tired, and do feel an over amount of energy surrounding me. I am more aware of it now than about 4 months ago. But, it was 4 months ago that I was experiencing some problems with my boyfriend. The problems caused me to pray much harder than I normally would. Each day of praying, I would get a thought, I would follow it. My first thought was to go to the library, I looked up Karma. The information on karma was the beginning of my spiritual beginnings. This did change my boyfriend and my relationship. Gaining knowledge I went on the website, and I found "World Blessings holding the light for a sacred earth". A thought told me to go to your website. The information just overwhelmed me, and I have grown spiritually so fast just in a short period of time. Acknowledging the negative thinking to positive thinking did a big emotional and physical change. I do my practice of alighment, meditate, and yoga. When I first started the practice of alignment, I was going thru emotional healing. The negative thoughts and feelings surfaced. I became very aware, and very sensitive to these energies. This was a hard struggle to get thru, but I made it....I released my fears. I do believe God's light has caused me to heal, and grow spiritually faster, than at another time when the light wasn't as strong. God is answering my prayers...my manifestations are developing. I am connecting with people more like me, and my living situation is better. Each day I am learning more, experiencing more, and growing more. I purchased a rose quartz, an amethyst, a blue kya, and I have a crystal stone. These stones are wonderful, they are giving me the positive, healing elements which is helping me to deal with negativity. I am feeling great!! Father God, Mother God, and my Angels are with me, they assist and help me everyday. They connected me with you. You have a wonderful day, Blessings to you.
I hope my story has been helpful.
Love, Marilynn

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