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Light Body Experiences - Being Reborn

by Ria
(Rutherford, NJ, U.S.A.)

After 5 1/2 years of living in a verbally/mentally/emotionally and sexually abusive relationship that left me with next to nothing when it ended in 2003, I was more than a little terrified when I began to experience Ascension and Transitional symptoms. In January of 2004, January 6th to be exact, I experienced my first of many transitions. After a month of dr visits, medication for anxiety and panic disorders, which only masked the symptoms at the time, and ultimate clean bills of health, I decided to seek information from the metaphysical world which I have always loved and been drawn. I read article after article and cried for days on end because I knew my life was changing and that there was a reason I had been drawn to the Metaphysical world. Earlier this year it was confirmed I am a Lightworker. In 2004 though I was just starting out and realized quickly I would have work to do and lessons to learn. I went through my first round until late 2005 when I became depressed and simply allowed the darkness to take over until 2007. I understand now it was meant to be that way and I am grateful for that time period. In late 2007 I found myself taking steps, steps which I did not know would lead me to this time and place and have thus begun my second round in this transitional process.

My physical symptoms can be found on any website that lists the physical symptoms of Ascension or Transition and even now I still cry when I read them. It helps me to remember I am healing, shedding old skin and old layers of belief and action and thoughts that serve no purpose in my new life. It reminds me that I am on the right path and that I am Guided by some very special Forces in the Universe. My physical symptoms have lead me to the ER twice out of pure fear. My ego is growing very concerned because it knows very soon it is not going to be in control.

It is time for me to shed the old once and for all and I am glad to do it. I use flower essences to help remove some of the blocks and Reiki and in October of this year, I am going for my Level 1 degree. My Master is an amazing woman who has guided me now for almost two years. I am so honored she will teach me.

Through darkness I have learned there is light. Being abused and the subsequent backlash,of which there was more than I could ever know, that experience, as well as many others, have given me courage to continue in this journey of Transition; and finally being able to claim Positive Personal Power is a joy to me. I believed for many years I had no purpose here, no worth, nothing to give. I believed I was ugly and stupid and unattractive. Now, it is a blessing for me to look back on the most terrifying time and finally understand and accept I was stronger than I could have believed. I will fulfill my dreams and succeed.

Don't give up. When the symptoms of transition are at their toughest, do not give up. When the transitional journey seems to terrifying or long don't give up. Believe in your ability to reach a Higher Level of Being. Believe you were born to be and do great things.

Be at Peace

PS. Special Love and thanks to Bello Dane ~ he knows who he is and why ~

Comments for Light Body Experiences - Being Reborn

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Sep 08, 2008
Thanks, Ria
by: Deb

Dear Ria...so kind of you to share your experience..although unique to you many of us seem to be having some strange times...MUCH, MUCH love and light to YOU and as I tell my ego...thanks for the memories, but would you get in the back seat and let my Soul drive the car?!...love to you.

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