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Light Body Experiences of Dorah Treneary

by Dorah
(Broome, WA, Australia)

In 2001 I had a spontaneous fully conscious experience of merging with the Universal Mind. It felt like an experience of God, Light with a capital "L" and I understood that that is the true reality. We are all small sparks of light merged with the Light of God, only most of the time we are not aware of it because our light is contained within a physical body, the perfect within the imperfect. In 2005 I had a series of spontaneous fully conscious experiences of traveling between the worlds, the lower dimension of darkness and the higher spiritual worlds, in which I made contact with my higher self, or Holy Guardian Angel, which was when I discovered that our Higher Self is connected to God and like God is all Wisdom, Understanding and Knowledge. My mind was connected to everything that lives, both in this world and beyond and could make contact by thought alone. We are naturally receivers and transmitters in this state. The Light IS coming in on all of us. It is brighter than it has ever been. We are only in darkness when our mind is in darkness.

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