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Your Donation

Thank You for Supporting Our Work!


World Blessings is a 501 (3c) non-profit educational organization, and we are so grateful for your support!  

Your donation supports our work and allows us to continue operating our online spiritual healing resources, spiritual guidance Messages from the Realms of Light, our Planetary Healing online events, groups, meditations, prayer circles and other and the spiritual healing resources on our World Blessings.net and NewLightBody.org websites.

All of our groups, classes, online events and Daily Messages of Light are donation supported.

donation supported service asks us to feel in our hearts, what we wish to offer for the value of what is being give to us, and to choose an offering that reflects both the value of the work and our current means.

Donations also ask us to consider not only what we are personally receiving, but also what may be possible for us to help support those who have very little means.

Caring for All

It is very important to us that World Blessings be available to anyone who wants to receive our services. We operate through donations so that no one is excluded from having access to our work.

It is also very important to us that the World Blessings websites transmit a vibration of love, light and healing.  We are always so touched when people write and tell me how much our site has helped them to feel uplifted and to experience a sense of peace and their own inner light.

It is for this reason we do not place advertising on these sites. If we did, the sites would easily pay for themselves, but the vibration would change and so the sites would not be accomplishing their purpose.

Your Support Helps Us to Continue

We do not have an independent means of financial support, and so your donation is essential to the continuation of our work.

Each month we pay hosting, website, calendar, Zoom, and mailing list expenses, and we donate significant time every day time to writing, creating new healing supports, updating and expanding our websites, and preparing for our online events.

In order to support this work for yourself and others, we ask that you bear in mind not only what you, personally receive, but also that there are those who are unable to give anything at all. Your generosity makes it possible for them to participate as well.

Thank you for your generosity in helping to support our work, and in making possible the expansion of this work to the world!

World Blessings is a 501-3C non-profit educational organization.

Copyright © 2005-2025  WorldBlessings.COM

World Blessings is a 501 (3c) Non-profit educational organization

All rights reserved