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You Are Higher Self

by Rachel
(Adelaide, South Australia)

You already Are that Higher self that you seek to find...
And once found
You realize it is the Very You all along you have been searching for
You come to know there is no-thing to do...Just Be
Revel in your Being-ness
You are innocent and innocence untouched
Loved and is love…
You realize You are the embodiment of that Higher Self
Found to be in a human body…
Not the other way around.
So don’t cry in this world, child
What is finite cannot become infinite…
What is infinite can become finite
You are infinite found in a finite world
What is infinite is God, Love, Eternity, Timelessness, Joy, Peace and Stillness
You are these qualities…so why do you not know you are Love?
Because you have Forgotton your nature through unconsciousness of the Human Mind
It is in Remembering Me that is remembering You as Oneness in this precious moment.
There is nothing to attain for but just to remember Me
For I am found in the Present Moment of the Here and Now
My name is I Am
I am Here with You always
I have never left you,
And we are coming Home.

Comments for You Are Higher Self

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Oct 26, 2008
Thank You..
by: Deb

Thank you...very beautiful...that I believe it so with all my heart...coming home...blessings.

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