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by Dharius
(Atlanta, Georgia)
Do you wake up in the morning to go to work...and say why?
Self says: I have to pay rent, bills, car payments, food, etc...
Well, I know my mind tells me all of these things, constantly.
Do you feel like life is passing at an incredible speed?
I ask myself: What am I chasing?
Self says: Money, greed, ability to get more stuff, and compare my life to that of others?! This isn't living.....
Recently, I've been reading books by: Lester Levenson, Wayne Dwyer and Rick Warren. These books whether you are a religious or spiritual person will ground you to the importance in life!!!
We all have abilities, we all want to receive love, and we all want to be acknowledged as having importance. Our job as individuals is to come to that conclusion without trying to get acceptance from others. When we accept ourselves as: unique, loving, smart, creative, caring, and joyful...we can make a difference from the inside...others will notice...and the journey of knowing what your life's meaning will come into light...
I've began...I hope my words will help you (the world) to see that it is as we see ourselves as everyone else in the world...our beliefs, differences, and senses change...
We find peace in ourselves...
Best Wishes,
Dharius Lawton
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