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There is hope on the horizon!

by Matthew Hart
(Garden City Michigan)

Does all that you hoped in seem to be lost
do you feel like you been through the ringer and tossed
Is there seemingly know way out of your situation
then look to the Lord and the father of all creation
Is your life filled with misery and grief
then open your eyes and you’ll see the relief
Can’t you see the glimmer of hope on the horizon
it’s breaking forth like the dawn of a new day
A hope that is filled with passion and fire
will ignite your soul with a spiritual desire
For the enemy is trying to squash your light
but the spirit of the Lord will take up the fight
For angels have been dispatched for you
and you will be amazed at all that they will do
Watch how they move here and there
knocking the walls down and removing your care
Do you want to see that hope on the horizon
then stop your sinning and compromising
For God’s elect are being gathered from the west to the east
and from the greatest to the least.

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