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The swan is the story of metamorphosis, similiar to the butterfly. From her beginnings as a clumsy duck, her growth moves
so fast, as she transposes into one of the soft, quiet, beautiful creatures on earth. He shape is so balanced. Her graceful presence lights up the water, keeping us in awe, reminding us of her familiar image, which we often forget. Her image means growth to a higher and higher place that is more beautiful, more harmonious and more godlike.
The ease of her movement, the love, the kindness, the serentiy we all feel when we see her, lifts us up to a higher being.
She's the queen of the ddp blue sea, who brings peacce to it and all its creatures.
The sunlit mornings that cast their sparkling, soft light on her, capture her soul, as a metaphor of all artists. The pure poise.