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The Mystical Veil of Love

by Naomi

Every day, it becomes more about each heart creating its own heaven,
and less about finding the answers from anyone else!
The world has no right to dictate what makes a man or a woman right or wrong, or whether one is to be deliriously happy
or isolated in a sobering sadness that drops a curtain over all the beauty we are given through grace.

We choose how we respond to whatever we experience along the way, and if one day, love breaks free and guides our way,
and we are empowered to love our way through anything, coloring the path with our joy!

It is not illusion or delusion, but the awakening of the sea of our soul. Let the longing of your heart surrender to love and guide you there!

The Mystical Veil of Love

This sacred morning
has the face of Love,
light curling around and through
impossible places,
filling my room and eyes
with blinding brightness,
surrounding me with
imperceptible arms,
not waiting for words to
create what I see.

By some miracle,
Love has turned from
its graceful flight,
poised and hovering above me
pouring its majesty
over my existence,
tearing the mystical veil
from a morning
now wearing a robe of golden light
no weaver could create
with all the golden thread
in the world.

Love came in the night,
expanded in the dawn,
and spread
the face of the beloved
in a burst of morning splendor
before me, around me,
within me,
as a blazing world flames out
surrounding and flooding
all in a sea of light.

Whose eyes perceive this glory?
Who dwells within me
to behold such divine revelation?
Who writes these words
to convey what human eyes
could never see?
What spirit moves with life
within my womb?
Who fills this cup with golden light
brimming and running over,
bathing and
ruling my reality
with the crown and sceptre
of the Sun?

My maiden heart surrenders
to this Lord of Love in
humble adoration
and devotion,
yet turns to face
the revelation as a woman
grateful to be swept
into this gleaming grace.

No dream is this as I wander
in the golden skies
of my eyes
aware of breathing beyond
my own,
yet rising and falling,
rushing in and breathing out
as one.

What last vestige of this
earthly life
fell away to grant me
this freedom
to dwell in this heavenly heart
of my beloved?

The moment comes
when it comes,
as we watch and wait
and dream and
wander through valleys
and scale the walls
and mountains
we face
along the way.

What kingdom is
harbored in
your longing heart?
What paradise awaits you
in your soul?
How would
the morning of your
awakening appear to your
eager eyes?

Dare to dream
of your very own heaven.
What is veiled
in the sleeping kingdom
of your heart?
We each create
the dream of paradise
and the longing
that summons Love
to guide us home.

Comments for The Mystical Veil of Love

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Feb 18, 2009
Thank YOU!
by: Deb

Dearest Naomi...thank you...blessings, and YES...bring on the dreams come true!

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