Dear gratitude and thanksgiving for all that that is...for food, shelter, water, air to breathe...I join with you in thanksgiving.
Nov 17, 2008
To and For Estelle by: Anonymous
I join you in thanking God for all the blessings He gave you and I thank you for taking the time to thank God and sharing it-it reminded me to thank God for the blessings I received too and continue to receive.To God be the glory!
Apr 16, 2009
Praise to the LORD and MASTER by: Anonymous
I just wanted to put it out my thanks to God. Prayers of thanks just didn't seem enough. When I came across this sight and saw what you wrote. I just wanted to say that your sentiments were mine. Praise GOD and all his glory. For he has blessed this world and the people in it.
May 18, 2010
Thank You for all the blessings by: TERRICK WICKER
You have given me and my family, we felt so at the bottom at times and we stuck in there knowing your blessings would arrive soon and you came and poured your victory in our my body and soul we are so grateful Amen.
Jul 04, 2010
God gives us challenges to bring us closer to Him. by: megs
dear god, i am having a hard time in my work, i still want the job but i keep on receiving bad calls,and it somehow makes my self-esteem low. i pray every time i feel sad about it. i still believe that You wouldn't give me something that i cannot overcome. thank you for all the blessings and keep my loved ones safe. Amen.