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Stirring of New Life

by Naomi

greeting you at dawn,
Just a tiny sliver of a moon left as the sun touches the horizon with light, a cool breeze, and a deep quiet has settled over everything.....the phases of the moon go from full moon to the night with no moon. I feel like I am in that zone between the world and spirit....perhaps, it is where we touch our forehead to the threshold, kiss the place of entry, before crossing into the special air and rhythm of the heart....as the light brings everything to life again.
When the divine eyes that look out over creation, with that Great Heart brimming over ready to wash the world with divine grace, no longer see anyone keeping a vigil over the garden of the heart, will it cease to rise and bring warmth to the Valleys of the Sun? If no one is present to the miracle, will everything bloom and awaken without anyone singing the beauty? Here in this stillness, I feel the singing of the sun in the circling of the sacrament of dawn within my heart and in the universe. Aligning with the light, we merge and dance as one.
I was up two or three times in the night, and I was remembering lines of poetry of Whitman and Wordsworth, and what it was like to watch dawn over the Mississippi River, and recalling the enchantment of my play as a child, and they all seem to flow into a single moment of dawn, this very moment, in the ways all moments are simultaneously happening throughout the universe.
I remember a young girl speaking from the other side of her existence, does anyone ever realize life while they live it, I mean really see it while they live it? She was looking at the beauty of it with the awakened eyes of the spirit. I think of how many times I have spoken words without grasping their deeper meaning or looked upon beauty without truly seeing it.
You know how creatures can pick up food, take it to a spring or brook and wash it clean, almost like baptizing it before eating it, dawn does that to the day....to our hearts...purifies the air before we breathe it....again.
Ah, the sun just appeared over the horizon and turned the dawn into golden morning. How utterly beautiful!
My womb has known the stirring of life within it as a child grew and formed within me, and I feel we are in the womb of creation stirring and discovering the life that we are. Oh that every heart might awaken to the holiness of the precious life they are.
Perhaps as we feel our oneness, and we take the essence of another within us, we don't give birth to a physical being, but love expands to take us all in and gives birth to us in a new way...and we feel the lightness of our being....the transparency of spirit...and the wingless flight of love. Oh, I feel it this morning.
I lift you all in the light of my vigil of love
for every prayer you hold in your heart.


Comments for Stirring of New Life

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Oct 27, 2008
Vigil of Love
by: Deb

Dear Naomi...thank you so for your message this day...to be included in your pray...to feel the essence of the stirring...if just for a moment....I am blessed....you have touched me with the call of spirit in the knowingness that all is in perfect and divine order...no matter what.

Jul 04, 2009
Stirring of New Life (Vigil of Love)
by: Naomi

I so appreciate your endearing comments and notes you write to others, and what a delight it is to find your words affirming my prayers and my encouragement to others. I feel I know you, because when we walk in prayer, we share one of the truly beautiful bonds we experience in this life.

Much Love, Naomi

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