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by Ashley
I am having difficulty understanding what is wrong and what is right in a relationship. I have had a series of negative relationships, so I feel that my perception may be skewed to some degree. I also believe that Love allows what is, to be what is, and does not worry over such material things, but, I am still disturbed in my heart, which is why I must share.
My boyfriend and I have been dating for about 6 months. He is a beautiful human being, a very special one, a person that I know God has brought into my life for a very beautiful purpose. I believe that he loves me, and cares for me, and I also trust that he would be faithful to me. However, I find that he is constantly looking (I say gawking, yet he disagress) at other woman. While I understand this is a natural part about being human, and I must accept that attraction to other women (and men for me) is normal, I find that he does this excessively, and many times makes it a point to verbally announce a woman's "sexiness" to me. Many times when I see him taking a second look at a girl, or creating an opportunity to talk to this beautiful woman, I feel violated and very insecure. I have dealt with a history of abuse, so I am unsure whether my reaction is warranted.
I have spoke to him about this and we both have recognized and agreed that we cannot just "stop" being attracted to the other sex. However, I feel that he is so very overt about it, and that it feels disrespectful. I really love him, and I believe he loves me, but I think him and I have really differing viewpoints about such things.
I do not wish to ask him to change, for I cannot ask a person to change who they are. I am very confused and was hoping that this wonderful site could help.
Blessings dear children of God. Thank you.
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