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Your Spiritual Healing Experience

Many people have written heartwarming messages to us, sharing their spiritual healing experience of receiving the Blessings of the Light inspiration and spiritual guidance messages. Here are a few of the many comments we've received by our readers who have taken time without our asking, to share their experiences.

If you'd like to share your spiritual healing experience with us, please use the form below.

I just wanna thank for the wisdom and love shared on this page. Amazing reading.


Dear Mashubi,

Thank you for sending your Blessings of the Light messages of Hope and Love. I read them all and find them comforting and inspiring. Thank you for doing this work.

with Love and Blessings in the Light of Love,


Dear Mashubi,

Thanks a lot for sending me a nice inspiration..It really helps me a lot particularly if I feel upset or faced a lot of challenges in life..I am so pleased that there are people like you who gave encouragement and spiritual support to somebody...May you continue all your good works.. and continue to spread the blessings of light..


Thank you very much for the worldblessings message - New Sacred Relationships -in your e-mail of 19th Feb. The messages are so good and inspiring. Please continue sending me more of them for I really need them for my spiritual and psycho-social growth. How I wish all our world leaders - religious and political - could read and medidate on these insipirations! The earth would indeed be a better place, full of love and goodness, for God is love and goodness. My first name is Augustine, I am a Catholic Priest from Uganda, East Africa. Please pray for me as you continue sending me more of your wonderful inspirations.May God bless you with His love and peace! Love and Blessings,

Augustine Lukenge

Uganda, East Africa

I have been suffering with depression and very lonesome. After my first talk with Mashubi, I have never felt so wonderful, and now with my daily blessings that I read everyday, I feel better. I share them with my husband and he thinks they are beautiful to listen to and also the 100 day calendar.When I started doing my meditations I noticed how I feel so wonderful inside. Even my husband says he can see the difference. He said the one time when I came out of the other room after doing my meditation, he said it was like my face was glowing. He also says he can see a change in my mood and temperment. I feel so at peace after a meditation and a reading of my daily blessings. I thank the Lord for Mashubi and her staff for all the help and for this wonderful website. Thank you and God Bless,

Denise Lacerte, Hudson's Hope Canada.

I just wanted you to know how much I have been appreciating your website, WorldBlessings.com. Many of the entries are perfect for the teenagers I work with. The clarity, simplicity, and length make spiritual teachings so accessible to them. Thank you so much, and may God bless you and this gift to the world!


Adair MacKay

Your guidance to me was unbelievable. It really helped be get the broader perspective I've needed for years! You gave me something that lifted a heavy burden. Your daily guidance speaks to be like nothing else I've read spiritually.

Love to you and Deep Gratitude,

Beth Caurant

Your guidance is a wonderful gift to me. I appreciate every issue. And yesterday I was having such difficulty and I went back to the beginning and read them. Each one helped me in a progressive way to move through the difficulty. That felt like a deliberate design and I was amazed.

Marie Neal

thank you endlessly for being the sacred vessel and transmitter for God's words.when I read and take in the messages I feel as if they were received specifically for me!

nancee anderson

I want to let you know how much I look forward to your inspiration letters they are most warming to my heart and soul. I really appreciate God’s work you are sharing with us.

Love, Bob Nabors

Your new website is totally awesome! I signed up and your first communication was so on target with something I have been struggling with for 3 ½ years!


I surely needed this message today...night time is always the worst for me... This message "realigned" my soul and spirit!!!

Sharon Abendschoen

I often wondered what that feeling of total body vibration meant. When ever I pray my body totaly vibrates inwardly. I seem to find more and more calmness and contentment each time I talk to my Father thank you for letting me understand the awesome feeling God has changed my life a lot. Since I have given my life to God I am off depression medicines, I dont have pannic atacks every day I have a whole different out look. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU ALL

charles smith

I'm sending you my love and gratitude, that you are able to write what you are given in World Blessings. I feel that the daily messages are like candles that light a pathway at night.... helping me stay on track, feel comforted, be reminded of where the Path is. Candles of eternal flame. Words that bring Light. At times, essential markers of the path, helping me feel the continuity of the path finding my way from one flame to the next - comfort and guidance in the dark.

Love, Robert McIlwain

This is very beautiful and powerful. I feel the light and need it so much. I believe that others who do this exercise will also feel it.

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