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Should I turn back?

Over a year ago, I met a wonderful man...I thought.
I live in Costa Rica...originally from Canada...and was working as a massage therapist at some high end hotels in Costa Rica. We met and he fell....into love he says. I moved to Costa Rica 7 years ago, to transform my life to a more spiritual environment for my growth. He moved in with me...and things went weird..I was not making enough money to support myself very well ..so I implemented the bartering system into my life...This was not up to
his standards...He introduced me to the luxury yacht business and I put my resume together and applied for various positions...He is a chef...I finally landed a very good job in the Bahamas and that's where I am now..working and living on a private yacht..He is still in our place in Costa Rica ...waiting for work as well. He is questioning our relationship ....telling me that he will not continue it if I am working away...full time...he wants it only to be short term....for his own needs ...I suppose.
I do not understand...because he encouraged me to the yachting industry...and did not like my way of life in Costa Rica either..now that I am able to finally go forward in my life...and make some plans for myself and my 13 year old son...he all of a sudden is becoming selfish....knowing that my life as been difficult for 7 years...and knowing my past...now he wants to drag me back...for he is only missing me...
I need some time to get on my feet...perhaps a couple of years....and he is not willing to wait that long
What do you suggest
Warm regards
Mary Anne in the Bahamas

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Freedom to love
by: Mashubi

Dearest Mary Anne, thank you for writing. From what you have shared, it sounds like you have been flexible and responded to your partners needs and wishes by making life choices that would please him. Now, he is upset by some of your choices. The question becomes, what is it that you would like for your life direction? what is your heart calling you to? Compromise is necessary in any relationship, but ultimately both partners must allow each other the freedom to grown and follow their own divine soul blueprint, otherwise one or the other will feel stifled. This is the learning and the dance of a sacred relationship, to love one another as God loves, unconditionally, and at the same time to work together to become conscious of whatever inner tendencies may inhibit that love, such as fear, jealously, selfishness or the need for power and control. With love and truth, a relationship can blossom and deepen, or grow to it's next level. Allow yourself to listen to your heart which is guiding you in this situation. Please let us know how it goes for you. With much love to you.

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