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Comments for Sharonda

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Mar 09, 2010
Don't Give Up
by: Anonymous

I feel your pain, I battled the demons of feeling like it is time to end it. It's not the answer. Talk to your church, share your feelings with friends. Don't suffer alone, pray to God to help and I will have you in my prayers as well. God Bless you and all your loved ones!

Feb 13, 2010
Please don't give up
by: Anonymous


Please do not give up. The Lord knows all of our problems. The mistake we often make is when we say we are surrendering them to the lord, we are not patient enough and we take them back and try to fix them ourselves. What I have done and it really works for me, is created a place to store my sorrows and problems and I leave them there. I call it my Something for God to do Box. I write down the things that I am surrendering to GOD on a piece of paper and put them in the box and leave them right there and believe it or not, mostly all the things that are within the will of GOD have come to pass. I have learned to reach out on faith and just let him handle it. Stretch out of faith and try it, you have nothing to loose. And most importantly, Be Encouraged, there will be brighter days again. God Bless you.

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