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Shamed Beyond Repair

by Scarlett
(Detroit, Michigan)

To be released from my shame. My husband became seriously ill and I fell apart. Could not live up to what everyone thought I could/was capable of. I'm ashamed of myself and sometimes want to die. I cannot be perfect and failed and feel inhuman. People don't respect me. I take a lot of drugs to try and hide my shame, but it doesn't work. God forgive me. I have ruined my life/everything. God help me put it behind. Every day it flies up in my face. I've shamed my name/my family/myself. How do you live with yourself with this albatross around your neck? I want lots of drugs.

I can't stop thinking of how bad I look/people see me. God help me! I'm sorry, sorry, sorry! :-(

Comments for Shamed Beyond Repair

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Jul 31, 2011
love for scarlett
by: Adelphi

scarlett, you are never beyond repair. You have been taught to be ashamed when you were small but that is not who you are. You are a beautiful being full of love.....where is the shame in that? You were taught to try and be small and incapable so you would be hurt less. But you are extremely capable the power to create and change your life is inside you. Forgive those who oppressed you when you were small. those who said you were bad. Treat you child within with love and understanding. Give yourself what others can't give you. Be a friend to yourself. You have an amazing heart which is something to love about you.

Jul 20, 2011
He Touched Me
by: David J

My most favorite song is He Touched Me, sing this song always when you are happy and want to bless the lord with your heart or when you are in private and feel you need to speak to the lord about your troubles Amen.

Shackled by this Heavy burden
Neath a load of guilt and Shame
For the hand of Jesus touched me
And know I am no longer the same

For he touched me Oh he touched me
And oh the joy that floods my soul
Something happened and now I know
He touched Me and made Me whole.

Well since I met this blessed savior
And since he has made me whole
I will never cease never cease to praise him
Ill shout it while eternity roles

He touched me oh he touched me
And oh the lord has touched my soul
something happened and now I know
He Touched Me and Made Me Whole

Praise god

Do good for the lord from this day forword
Repent in the name of Jesus
Ask for his blood to cover your soul Amen
Now be free to spread the word of the lord Amen

Sing this for the love of Jesus

Praise the lord

Jul 14, 2011
Let him be your strength
by: Anonymous

dear scarlett,

you don't need drugs to make your shame, your hurt,or bad feeling to go away. All you need is our heavenly father. Let he be your addiction, your drug. let him be the one you come looking for when you need strength,let he be the one you release your sins to,let him be the one thing that gets you through. and know he is always there when everything else falls apart. Because he loves you.He loves you and all of us more than anyone could ever compehend. no matter what our sins and shame are.you r in my prayers always!!

Apr 18, 2011
Gods healing hand is holding you!
by: Anonymous

You are in my prayers. Nothing is "beyond repair" God is the ultimate mechanic of souls. Keep praying and set daily goals. Take care :)

Apr 11, 2011
Shamed Beyond Repair
by: Self

You are correct. I am trying to dig out of my shame. It is a daily struggle.

Apr 06, 2011
Forgiveness is already yours
by: Sherry Andrea

Thou sins are forgiven thee.

Remember this always. God does not treat us like our sins deserve. Do not care what man thinks when he looks at you, only care what God thinks and God always thinks highly of you. Don't care more about what man sees and keep your focus on God by keeping your focus on him and all the grace he shares with you.

If it makes you feel better and more able to move on and let go of how you are feeling about this try offering something like an hour of prayer. I am sure God would rather see that coming his way instead of just feeling of shame, right?

Much Love XOXO
Sherry Andrea

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