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A sacred life does not live in compartments.
Its claim is total. Its domain is everywhere.
There are many for whom spirituality has been a part-time occupation, one among other areas of interest, and this can be the case for as long as spiritual life remains more in the realm of idea rather than something essential to the conduct of life. When we begin to have experiences of other realms, however, and, indeed, of the reality of God, then the spiritual moves out of the shadows of peripheral experience into the light of what is central, and a true process of awakening begins.
What accelerates this shift from an 'interest' in something to a need to hold this something at the center of life is the great awakening taking place now as a result of increased spiritual light upon the earth. This change will lead many to question the perspectives they hold about the very ordinary activities of life and the choices they make concerning the mundane and the everyday.
Such a planetary shift causes a new awareness to emerge of the existence of the deeper self or soul, and with this comes a desire to live life according to the dictates of this soul and to be guided in doing so by God. As this happens, our intentions and commitment deepen, and life becomes unified around a central core the core of our desire to be one with our true purpose. This is not a step that the mind can take, nor even the emotions. It is a step that can only be taken in response to the call of the soul. This call creates a yearning for a larger life.
As this yearning grows, the heart naturally begins to look for areas in life that remain excluded from the spiritual. These may include activities that are deemed too small, too practical, or too earthly to be part of a sacred life. Such activities may at one time have seemed routine, insignificant, and dull. Now, these begin to be viewed in a different way, a way that searches for meaning. Once the heart awakens to the desire for a life that is sacred, such activities can be surrounded with prayer - a prayer that they, too, may be brought into the sphere of holiness that is recognized as life.
The calling to live a sacred life comes from the deepest heart at a certain point in the souls evolution, and cannot be forced before the time of its arrival. Nevertheless, there is a more universal calling taking place today to all souls on behalf of the planet Earth. This calling is speeding up the process of individual spiritual evolution so that what may have seemed part of a distant reality in former times, now begins to be given credence and value. This is due to the greater opening of the heart that light initiates, bringing with it a longing to feel connected, through love, with souls everywhere, and with the earth itself in its many forms and expressions of sacred life.
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