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Comments for Restore Our Relationship

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May 13, 2009
NOTE for restoring relationship
by: Diane

I so understand and know first hand what your pain feels like, I was married to a man who for 17 years I needed to say the same prayer, then counciling showed me that I was making him my priority and he made me his option! Love your self more, let go of someone who is not as authentic about love as you are. You obviously have the capacity to love true and deep, he is not "IN LOVE" with you and can not show the same authentic heart felt feelings. Find someone who can, and who can see what a treasure you are. My biggest regret is not that I got divorced but that I stayed in a bad marraige way too long--it should have ended after 2 years not 17. God is giving you a sign, it is a clear sign, you simply are chosing not to see it because it is not the sign you want, and your heart is breaking. The most important thing to rememeber is that when relationships are true and real and love is authentic there is absolutely no need to do prayers or tears to keep something together, It simply is, and when you find the right mate, your will know the difference. Remember learning how to let go is a wonderful life skill to have, it teaches you how to grow as a person. I pray you get throught this and in the future find your divinely chosen mate! Abundant Blessings, Diane in Albuquerque

May 15, 2009
You will be okay
by: Anonymous

I too know all too well what you are going thru and what your are praying for I went thru the same thing and I know it hurts but you must remember things happen for a reason. My ex broke up with me and I was very hurt and depressed and I prayed for our reconciliation because I missed him and loved him so much but as time came by yes the Lord would bring him back just for alittle while but not as the same person he was and over time it got worse and now we no longer speak at all. I saw his real person and I knew that I could not deal with a reconciliation until I truly knew what I wanted. I knew that I did not deserve to be treated in such a bad way by him regardless of how I felt for him. I have learned thru prayer that I had to do something for myself I lifted my hands up to God and gave it all to him to deal with because I no longer could. I started to look deep inside myself to see what it was that I needed to do and that was to love myself again. Put God first and love yourself and everythig else will come into play. You will eventually see alittle at a time that this was a blessing to you. You have the heart to love and you will receive what you gave from someone special, someone who will deserve your love. Try to be at peace with yourself and just know you will be ok, you will get stronger. I know exactly what you are going thru and I feel blessed that I am now able to tell you. God has a plan for you, you just have to trust in God. I did and I always will because He has brought me this situation and others too. God will not give you more than you can handle. We will always love that someone special with unconditional love in our own way but you have to remember if it's meant to be then let it if God brings him back the way it's suppose to be, if not let go so YOU can be happy and pray for your ex's happiness too. What you give to the world in a loving and positive way you will receive back ten times. Look at the big picture. I know it's hard but just remember every day that goes by it will get alittle easier, have faith and trust in God. Love and Prayers to you. You will get thru this you just have to trust yourself and Trust in God.

May 18, 2009
I understand the pain
by: Anonymous

Just wanted to let you know that the prayer you posted was identical to my thoughts. I am in so much pain now and its the same thing, everyone says let go, get over him etc. It doesn't work that way. Esp. when you know the person is so wonderful but might have some issues to work through. The pain of being alone and thinking of them 24/7 is unbearable. All I do is cry. So when I say I get it, I REALLY DO. My ex bf lost his wife to cancer just under 2 years ago and we dated for the past year. He is a wreck. He is grieving so much and that's why we aren't together anymore. He couldn't handle dating and he didn't love me like he wanted to. He just wasn't ready. I love him more than anything in the world. And I thought God put us together for me to be supportive of him. With him gone, I barely want to get up everyday. I know this is how he feels without his wife. I cannot imagine his pain. All I do is pray pray pray for some sign or something from God telling me whether I should let go and move on or if there is a chance, he will heal him and bring him back one day. So I just wanted to say that even though it doesn't really help much to know you aren't alone and others are hurting too, at least we can share it together. God can do anything He wants so I keep telling myself if He knows best, He will bring us back together( and you and yours) If that will truly be His will. THe hardest part, is accepting that it may not be. Hang in there.

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