Thank you all so much for your prayers and comments. I realize that my request will be a work in progress, but one thing that God seems to be teaching me daily is how to stay focused and in the present moment. My mind begins to stray to worries and fears, and it is as though a still voice whispers in my ear, "It's okay. Breathe. Relax. Live. This is my gift to you." And so, I'm learning to live my life. I would greatly appreciate continued prayers. Once again, thank you. And God bless.
Dec 28, 2009
RN by: future RN
Well I don't really know how hard it is to be an RN. I hope God will give you a healthy body, mind, and soul so that you can live your life happily. Ask God for happiness so that you can work tirelessly. Pray to God always.
Dec 17, 2009
RN by: Anonymous
While I don't have kids, I can relate. I am a nurse and I'm exhausted and I feel I have the weight of the world on my shoulders. I will pray that you and the kids have a very merry Christmas and that God gives you some peace.
Dec 17, 2009
Visualization by: Anonymous
You hold the power for beneficent change within your soul. Please try to visualize in your mind what your heart desires. Try to actually see in your mind's eye these images, hold the images as long as you can, then surrender them to the higher power of God asking that His will be done. Blessings.