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Prayers for Healing for Regina

by Regina Oldham
(Nashville, TN)

I am a 37 year old woman who has suffered with Rheumatoid Arthritis for the past 6 years. If you know anything about this disease it is a debilitating and crippling disease. I am taking strong medicines to try to slow the progression of this disease. The medicines are very strong and have lots of side effects. The medicines are dangerous and they supress the immune system.
I believe in Miracles and that is why I am asking for prayers that I am healed and that I would no longer have this horrible disease.
Thank You and God Bless all who read this and pray for me.

Comments for Prayers for Healing for Regina

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Jan 26, 2009
Thank You
by: Regina Oldham

Thank you both for your prayers and advice.

Jan 24, 2009
Effect of spiritual healing in curing your disease
by: Devendra Kumar Joshi

Dear Regina
It came to my knowledge that you are suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis since last 6 years and having difficulties, but just start beleiving and faith in God. I am going to prey and start spiritual healing procedure for you right from today onwards. I am very sure within few days you shall feel like cureing and relaxation in pain and other problems. And in few more days you shall be able to work like any normal women and will be able to come to my house.
God will certainly bless to you.
Devendra Kumar Joshi
spiritual healor,

Jan 06, 2009
Prayers for Healing for Regina
by: Anonymous

there is a error in this !!

please be with you should read

Their Name
I recognise the divinity in you
i forgive u
please forgive me
please be with you

Jan 05, 2009
Prayers for Healing for Regina
by: Anonymous

Dear Regina

I strongly believe in Meditation and forgiveness.

Now I suggest..
Please start with forgiveness...
any person or persons who have hurt you in the past...
write their names on a piece of paper...one name per line and brief reason..
1. Start forgiving this person..This must be sincere. You must be willing to forgive the person...
Say something like this.
Their Name
I recognise the divinity in you
i forgive u
please forgive me
please be with you...
repeat this 3 times for all the people who have hurt you.

2. Removing Fears
Get a piece of paer and write down your fear. Your current condition is also a fear write it down.

Once all your fears have been written..
write a final line

I erase all these fears in my mind. After that burn the paper or tear in pieces and throw away.

3. Complete Surrender to divine. Tell divine..You are the coz of everything on this planet and you are now surrending yourself to the divine to look after you. Make a point of saying to the divine, it is now not in your hands to find a resolution for the problem he is having and that he needs to find a solution for your proble.

4. Write a letter to divine and give him 3, 6 whatever number of days, and tell him to give you some indications and or signs whay you need to do.

In the meantime, depending whatever religion you follow, do some devotional reading and singing

Note once you have given your problem to divine, you must trust it has reached him and that he will now arrange for something...

Ideas may come in the form, you may find a very good doctor or specialist that may assist you or youy may meet a healer who will be able to do some healing for you or you may end up doing some free service to someone which ultimately removes the issue you are having..

What you must remeber is that you must have intense faith in divine. You must know he has received your help request and he is trying to find a solution for you...

While waiting if you know how to meditate, please do that..else continue the ritual of forgiveness day after day with utmost trust..This will neutralise any negative karmic effects you may be having..

Please trust in yourself is a must and utmost trust in divine is a must

I send you blessing for loving, kindness bliss and getting better soon...


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