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by Dennis
(Pulaski,VA, Uninted States)
i have been praying for the healing and restoration of my marriage and a few days ago my wife broke up with her boyfriend, well she told me today that she loves him and is back with him and that she hates me and never wants to see me ever again, my heart is hurting so bad i love her so much and i pray that God will move in my life, i feel like giving up because it seems so impossible that she will come back to our marriage, she has become a different person, please help me pray thank you
by Trish
I would like to start off by thanking god. My problem is Love i desire love i really had no one to love me like i deserve it no motherly love no fatherly love no brother or sisterly love with all that said i want it so i look for it through men and still haven't found it been in very bad relationships hoping that they see what is in front of them well i was wrong, i am single parent with three kids two living with me and one on her own thank god for that, i tried love so many times i gave my heart to men and sat and watch them tear me down in many pieces i tried to give them the benefit of the doubt just so that they can make it right well i was wrong i got hurt all three times, as of today i am single yet i am still looking for that man i have met some one let me explain i am a picky women i know what i like and i go after it but it is hard when they want me only in one way and not the other sexually but not emotionally i tried it and it is not good for me cause my feelings are over the place i see his beauty i know that he would love the hell out of a women i am not her i allowed this man in and he tells me the same thing he dont want a relationship so i respect him but in doing all of that i am hurting i allow him to come into my space to lay with me then leave me and not call me nor answer my calls when i call him it hurts to much so i told him that i could no longer put myself throught that i can no longet allow him to come to me touch me then leave me and not call nor respond to me i am suffering i yearn for him and i know deep in my heart that no man is worth putting myself through all that pain i desire him i would love him so much its a shame he do not want me i tried but i need to look out for me i can no longer allow myself to hurt for some one who dont want me or show me anything not even a call i am not worthy of that i feel like he is making me suffer for liking him i am sick and i am tired of that no more for me so i decided to be single find a way to heal myself from all this hurt that i allowed in my life just for love and wanting some one who do not want me i pray that i get through this i will find my mr right one day and i will be happy i have to do what makes me feel good not what makes them feel good he wont miss me cause he didnt want me i love you Jason i wish you happiness and lots of love i hope whom ever you desire gives them self to you and they know what they have in front of them take care my friend Trish has to look out for her,
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by Blinda
i am in a bad financial bond i need to get out off.i need for my daughter to keep getting her disable check she is disabled and i need for my son to be saved and get a better job and make good decision in his life.i need for my husband to get a raised so we make ends meet please pray for us.
by Richard
(Hayes London)
Dear Jesus,
Please help me out of my financial problems I have put myself and my family in.. help manjeets mother her brother and the loan shark to have some compassion to us..help me to find ways to earn this money to payout..show me the way God..Please show me the way
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by Rod
(Phoenix Az.)
i want to ask if you all would keep me in your prayers. i have been struggling for the last three years , nothing seems to go right for me.. i have prayed almost daily to our lord for guidance but every decision i try to make regarding work seems to fail miserably. I have children i need be helping with child support. When i get my hopes up on work, something always happens.. ive lost hope and i am losing the will to go on.. i have a small child and i want to be around for her but feeling like a failure and being ashamed of my situation seems to taking over my desire to live. I am 52 yrs old. my struggles began as a child.. being given up by parents to foster homes and losing my siblings in the process.. i'm not feeling sorry for myself. I know others have had it worse.. but i just wish the pain would stop.. i just wish i could live in El Paso tx close to my daughter and be able to survive.. hold my head up. I want so bad to go back to school and become a surgical tech. But i now know that i've only been dreaming. I am asking with my last breathe... please ask the lord for on my behalf for just a glimpse of normal in my life. Thank you and God Bless you all.
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by Rhonda
(Ebensburg PA)
oh heavenly lord
please bless me with miracles from the heavens for me and my family. you whom knows all my needs at this time and see all i have gone through and still treading the waters with, cure my problems with great miracles and solution. let no one or anything hurt or create drama any longer dear lord. i pray that life will be pleasant without drama or negativity. i pray for the health and wealth happiness also for me and my family and friends. i pray for money to come from the heaven to me and make me smile like i once did and pray for me to win a settlement to buy my kids a home to call their own and have grass yard. i pray for success, respect, trust, love and true happiness with no one ever spliting us all apart and my life be like a fairy tale or just sweet.. i also would love to win money so i can make my aunts dream reality to whom past away last year and make her property a facility for kids and the needs of kids whom she loved and were her passion. god bless all and all my love , i pray you will turn peoples hearts to gold and kindness and life and love filter through their veins. a cancer facility to help familys cope with the problems and deal with them, they arent alone... i love you dear lord bless me and create miracles of fincial luck and money to make all this come true.. love you dear lorad our savior. rlg
Please pray for my mother Enriqueta G. She is having chemotherapy and needs healing. Thank you and God bless you for your work.
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by Paula
(Tujunga, CA)
I have lived with my boyfriend for four years and we were to marry this summer. We got into some fights about money and I drove him away. He now has a new girlfriend and I want him more than anything. Please dear God give me back my boyfriend and I will treat him like a king. Please everyone who reads this pray for us to get back together and get married soon. I know if enough people pray then he will come back. I love him so much!!!
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by Yihua Lai
I request healing for me and my cat!
My name: Yihua Lai
condition: depression and can't start working
Please help me to make all the negative energies existing in my body, mind, life, soul, living surroundings and my work all disappear and vanish. And i always keep clear, balanced, positive, active, hopeful, courageous, joyful, aafe and energetic.
My cat's name: Shanti
condition: urinary system disorder and too fat
Please help my cat to drink lots of water everyday, happy to eat healthy food, sleep well, play a lot, vital , energetic, healthy , happy and relaxed.
Thank you.
I need a miracle in my life. Everythiing is up in the air. My legal status in the UK is a problem and I do not have any finances. I need a financial blessing
by Kenneth Word
(Jacksonville Florida)
Please Pry for me? I can barely pay my bills, I can't sleep at night; I worry all of the time. I know that the Lord will help me, but I'm having a very difficult time in my life. My car broke down and I am still paying for it. I asked my financial institution to help me repair it and they turned me down. My rent is due and don't have the money. I'm facing eviction soon. Please Pray for me?
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by Jose
I work in a pharmacy/drug store and I do not like working with one of the managers. His name is Antoine. He is very unprofessional and lazy, always cursing, mocking Jesus and enjoys making fun of me. Unfortunately, I have to work with this individual every single day and I don't think I can take it anymore. I used to be so happy when he wasn't there. I really would prefer not to quit because I like working there and I've worked there many years. Antoine has only been there a few months. I really do not look forward to working with this person any longer. Please pray with me, my brothers and sisters. I need your help! Please! :o(
Please let the supervisor call Michael today and give him the job. We need this job so much, and we will be so careful to give you the praise.
Dear Heavenly Father,
I come to you in the name of Jesus thanking you for your unconditional love and support. Asking you to PLEASE continue to bless me; as I need your help. Please restore my family and return Julian home to us. Please provide me with a financial gain, as I would like to trade the financial markets for myself.
Praise the LORD!
by Stacey Endy
(Canonsburg, PA)
please pray for her and baby
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by Victoria
(Rochester, NY)
Please pray for me that I get a job interview with the U.S. Marshall's office
by Stacia Gilmer
(Friendswood, TX USA)
Please pray for my family - we are victims of Hurricane Ike - we have lost everything we own but still have our heads lifted to the Lord as our Savior. We are on the verge of being homeless once again due to an oversight at the Galveston Housing Authority and our Landlord needs your prayers as well. My husband is disabled and I have 4 small children. I just got a job and pray it has not come too late. They turned off our gas yesterday and the electric and water are past due as well but for now we just pray to keep a roof over our heads. Thank you and glory be to God the Father and to Jesus who died for us sinners and the Holy Spirit who lives in each and every one of us. Amen If you can pray with me email - tattooangelwi@yahoo.com. God Bless You
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by Sheela
(Iloilo City, Philippines)
My brothers and sisters in Christ I ask all of you to pray for me to the following intentions....I am asking for your intercession on my request that I may get the appointment as Project Head in Department of Social Welfare and Development. My dear God, I ask you to hear & answer this humble request of mine so I can be self sufficient again and helping the least fortunate as well....Also, I am asking you to pray for me that I will meet and rekindle my love to my ex boyfriend, marry & live with him for the rest of my life... Thank you.
pray for me that i be delivered from the spirit of the lust of the flesh.and that i will walk in my prophetic calling
I pray that the Lord will help us to restore our broken relationship. Our friendship and love was very strong, but we had some stressful situations in our personal lives that led to our breakup. I pray that God will help continue our communication, soften our hearts, guide our discussions, provide solutions, and renew and restore the love that we shared. I pray that others will not interfere with this process. We had discussed marriage and I am asking God to provide a miracle and save this relationship.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.
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by Janice
Please Pray I May Be Able To Pass My Job Interview. God Will Give Me Strength In Everything My Family And I Encounter. Please Also Pray That I Can Be A Source Of Help To My Family Particularly To My Parents. Please Also Pray That I May Have True Forgiveness For Whatever Had In My Past That I May Learn To Let Go Of Heartache And Bitterness And Learn To Look Forward In What God Has Planned For Me.
Please pray for our marriage. It is done after 19 yrs. I don't know how we can survive this latest deception. They have been too many. I am at a loss. Please pray for us and our teenage kids.-Di and RJ
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by marie
(new york, new york)
please pray for my relationship that we grow in strength, compassion, respect, and love for one another. Let not outside forces tear down what we are building. May our unity that god has brought together stay forever
by A.R
Praise the Lord .I am currently struggling financially.. I have a due amount of 13000 Dollars.Please pray for me to clear all my dues. Because of this I cannot Sleep and cannot take my food properly.I am in big pressure and praying to my lord to solve my problems.I am financially very weak and need prayers to improve on my finances.
by Mark
(Melbourne, Vic, Australia)
I have some dental problems which are going to be costly to get fixed.
Please help us until I can gather the funds to deal with this properly.
Thank you,
by Terry
I wanted to write to you to ask for your prayers. My family is broken and I need prayers to bring my family back together.
My wife left with our two year old son roughly three months ago and has filed for divorce. I had no idea what was going on and she really hasn't told me the reason. We went through something similar roughly a year and half ago and then reconciled after three months but this time she will not speak to me unless it is through attorneys nor will she speak to any of mine or her friends. I don't want a broken family and am praying that God will change her heart and mind towards reconciliation and restoration of our marriage. I've asked for her to talk to me and asked that we go to counseling all to no avail. Please pray for us.
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by Keith
(Cypress, Texas)
Lord, you know I pray to you daily for guidance and to show me the light. My heart aches that my wife has left, I love her so. I pray that you continue to give the the strength to keep my two young children from suffering with any lasting signs of this breakup.
Thank you Lord for blessing me with my children, they give me hope and I am honored to have them with me to care for. I make sure they see their mother and that she has time with them, so that they won't feel anything but loved and protected by both their mother and I.
Lord I am struggling so with the loneliness and despair. I am pushing forward to do the best job I can do to provide for my children and raise my children properly.
I just can't seem to get ahead (even would help) with the finances. just when I see a little relief, something else happens and I am struggling again paycheck to paycheck.
I have so many friends with far worse problems that I pray for. My parents, my soon to be ex. I know I am a small fish in a very large pond, but the stress and frustration is such a heavy burden.
I continue to pray and look for your guidance. I keep hoping my grandmother will appear and bring your word and some direction, I know she sits at your right hand and I know she is tugging on your sleeve, she means well. I was her favorite grandson and she knows how I have tried to help my dad through the years and raise my kids strong and believing in your word and goodness. I have a dear friend in such need of help, please bring someone into her life that can help her, hold her and be a father to her two wonderful boys.
Thank you for listening, thank you for the strength to continue on. thank you for not allowing me to loose hope when all seems lost.
Life shouldn't be this hard, help me find a better path. this things a ask in your name, AMEN.
Please Pray the Govenor Ed Rendell will pass the budget before the 17th of July so my husband will keep getting paid. Please hear my plea. And send me a Rose! Thank You! Amen!
by Evelyn
Hello my name is Evelyn and I am here because I would like everyone to help me pray for me and Pablo Adrian because we have been broken up for two weeks and I also found out that there was another woman involved who lives down the street from Pablo that has played a major part in our break up we have been together for 4yrs and everything was going well we were supposed to move in together as a family and now we have not even talked and it is killing me because I've done so much for this man because I love him and just want us to be able to work things out and give our relationship one more chance and for Pablo to realize it is not worth to fall into temptation and loose everything we have worked for in the last 4yrs I truly love this man a I am willing to forgive him but I'd like for him to ask me to forgive him since after all he was the one who was unfaithful . But most of all I just want us both to be happy with each other again and leave behind whatever it was that made us split and loose what we once had please Lord help us I am begging you have mercy on us .Please help us restore our love . Thanks .
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by Usha
(India, Mumbai)
Please pray for a financial blessing in my life & heal relationship of my husband with his family
by CDH
(Greenville, NC, USA)
Please pray for me to have a financial breakthrough in my life. I am behind on all of my bills and my credit is really bad. I want to be a lender and not a borrower. I feel as if I am on the verge of losing everything. Please pray for me.
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by patricia andrews
dear heavenly father i ask of you to come into the hearts of my family (mother,brother, sister, niece)for their bitterness of jealously, badmindedness, bitter attitude and grudgefulness of the ways to me. I had been the giver of this family over fifty years and still no one acknowledge what i had done. DURING the illness of my dad i did not like the way he was treated and the negative things and action hand down to him. as i did not showed support in their doings and i kept my distance and cut off all financial side of my regular aid i was bullied and cast aside and all negative remarks are directed towards me. my eyes open at this late stage to realise that i was only friended for what i am giving and the love and care and financial support and material things do not taken into acount. lord my heart is hurt for the unjust and the injustice i have now encountering from my family members.But the love i once have is still ther untouched or unshaken for all .the ways they had treated me ,almighty god BLESSED THEM FROM THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH WHEREEVER THEY MAYBE. OH!GOD FORGIVE THEM THAT THEY MUST REPENT OF THIE SINS AND THEIR SOULS. Father in thy mercy cast out the demon that are occupying their hearts and souls in JESUS NAME.Let us not rejoice let us not continue to be a bully among ourselves let us weak to harm,circle my presence and home from all negative attacks. oh god guide my steps today let all evil doers and spiteful people found out of all what they may have to bring me down be powerless to harm or get in the way of my liberty. Father in jesus name i beseech thee to continued to protect me and cast out all the evil that surround me or my soul and restore my life to continue to receive more abundant blessings and my friends also blessed be to all open and secret enemies no matter where they may be today or tonight. so i i end with the blessing of god the almighty father in heaven pray for me and forgive my enemies,familes, friends, colleagues, distant relatives, and anyone who may utter a bad or negative word or words towards. blessed be to all. MAY THE BLESSING OF GOD BE WITH ALL AND HOPE THEY IND THE TRANSGRESSION IN PEACE AND LOVE TO BE HOLLY .MY BLESSING I SEND TO ALL I PRAY FOR IN THE PRAYER. PATRICIA ANDREWS
I recently meet a man name Jason, whom I've grown to care a great deal about. Something has happen among us, we no longer communicate anymore. Please pray that we reconciliation our relationship. I pray that we become man & wife.
Thanks You!!!!!
by Elaine
Please pray for the good health, protection from all accidents, danger, evil, harm in all forms or design and all sources for me, my husband, my daughter, all family members and extended family members, friends and colleagues. I pray that my marriage is blessed and survives all the trials and tribulations that come with it. I also request prayers for my family's finances. My husband and are debt ridden and pray that we are delivered from debt, financial worries and constraints, our house is saved from repossession, our businesses that we have just started thrive, are successful and attract the right kind of clients and that we secure better paying jobs with better benefits. Please pray that my husband is healed from addiction to alcohol and cigarettes, that he is more responsible and that all his dreams and aspirations become a reality. I pray that my daughter grows up in the light of the Lord, that is becomes a responsible person who knows right from wrong and good and bad, and that all her wishes, dreams, aspirations are realised.
I ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen
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by rosita
Please pray that my son will find the courage to work on his depression and unload his anger...he is in a place that has good people that are willing to help him..this will so help him and his loving family who desperately want to be there for him
by Sally
Please pray for Christian and Sally for restoration of love and relationship. Please pray Christian stay away from temptations that are not good for him,also please pray that he stop confusing me and he finally reveal his feelings for me soon.
by Corey Oglesby
(Jersey City)
Please pray that God's Will be shown concerning the reconciling of my marriage. Because I truly love my wife, but have made mistakes....
Please pray for the curse over my finances to be broken and that a financial blessing will be bestowed on me to pay my bills
by Rosb
I have been married for 4 years, and came abroad with him to lead my new life. After 6 months of marriage we had few arguments and suddenly he told me to leave him and go home, but things changed i started working, we stopped fighting, both of us started working hard. Since he's very ambitious and wanted to build his own business, i understood, compromised and did not interfere in between his dream. We never had argument but still I always felt something missing, whenever i confronted to him that if he doesn't love me or not happy with me, he will say he's happy and love me but this year February suddenly he came and said that all this year he was having an affair with someone else and that he's leaving this girl and he wanted to separate with me but yet wanted me to be there and we decided to go on with what we were doing, i forgave him as i felt it's my mistake. But now his family are involved and they wall want us our separation, my husband has suddenly stopped talking to me although we live in the same house. He is very kind hearted, never abusive, he taught me many things in life. I don't want to leave him and can't think of my life without him. I know at one point he loved me so much, and still believe that love is still there inside. I wasn't able to conceive, all my friends believe that baby can change both our lives. His family never encouraged us to have kids, and there are people inside house who are doing their best to separate us, that's how i feel this may not be true. But I strongly believe that he will come back to me. He will realise that am the one for me. When i married i had promised myself and him that no matter what i will stick to this marriage and still want to continue with this. Please pray for me, I strongly believe in prayers and miracles.
Can you pray for me to meet a good Christian husband. Could you also pray that I continue to follow the Lord's leading so that I will become the best Godly wife that I can be to this dear man when we come together in marriage.
Your prayers mean a great deal and I'm grateful for them.
by Marie
(Washington DC)
Please pray for me that god grant me a way out of my troubles so that those who have gone out of their way to spread lies about me and laid claim to all that I do can not continue. How long lord will the wicked tear at my flesh and rip away at me. How long will the wicked continue to trumphed over me. Please hear my cries and bring your wings of justice to comfort me, protect me. May all see the truth so that they lose and run away in shame. lead me to have victory over my foes so that I can continue to do the great works you have for me to do in peace. thank you for your protection and love always
Please refer to my below mentioned mail, now i have got the message from my friend that the marriage is fixed in May '10 and that the engagement is fixed in December '09. but as of date the boy does not have any house in Mumbai nor does he have a fixed job and drinks everyday and has no money to eat what will he take care of his wife, when he can't take care of himself and i believe that since the girl's family is ready to spend the expense of the wedding reception and engagement expenses and they are putting around Rs. 1 lakh gold for that girl, they are greedy for that gold, after the marriage they will sell all her gold and buy the house which is wrong this is all the idea of His greedy Aunty who has fixed this proposal and told the girl's family all lies that this boy has bought a house in mumbai which is all lies, that boy is still staying in his sister's house in mumbai, he does not even have a proper place to stay, he is lazy and depending on his brother's to buy him a house, these families are just playing with the girls life and even the girl's family is not interested in finding the truth, please pray that nothing unfortunate should happen, please pray that this marriage should not happen to ruin the girls life because she is an educated person and cannot open her mouth and tell her parents, may the girls family find the right partner for the girl and get her married to a boy who is of her choice, because marriage is not a joke, it is life long. hope everything goes well and will keep you informed about the forthcoming issue that will happen. even this Aunty's daughter has been engaged to a boy who is abroad and she too is getting married in May '10, God only knows how much this lady has told lies to the boy's family and in no time they called the boy down from abroad and got the engagement done and got the marriage date fixed without giving any dowry, you can just imagine how these families are playing.
Please pray from my sister’s friend, whose parents have seen a boy, his name is Sudhakar, this boy does not work and drinks a lot, the boy's parents have not told the girl side that this boy is drinking and not working, they are cheating the girl side as they are getting money, they have told the girl lies and this girl is from Mangalore, they are also not very rich so knowing they will have to pay less dowry they are trying to get rid of this girl getting married to a boy without knowing anything about him, please pray that this does not happen as this girl's life will get spoilt and she will ruin her life, even before this boy's brother got married, he used to drink a lot and hit his wife, that is why his wife, left him and is staying with her mother, she got one child. Even when this girl got married, they should their house and told all big stories about this boy’s aunty as she is rich, just to build their impression, this boy drinks everyday and stays in Mumbai in his sister’s house, he does not even a house of his own in Mumbai, one month he works takes the salary and enjoys drinking then two months he stays at home, the entire family is like that, the mother and her sister is forcing him to get married, the aunty does not even feel she too has a daughter to be married what will happen if someone cheats her own daughter, they have too much of pride because this boy’s two brother’s have just gone abroad, they are forcing him to get married, they say they will do everything, trying to spoil two lives without knowing the consequences, they think just because they are abroad, they feel they can buy anyone and trying to build their impression without having anything in their pockets, this boy always has no money and keeps asking his friends for money.
Please pray for my sister’s friend that her life also does not get spoilt.
I make this prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Please pray that may the Lord will grant us a child. We have been married for 3 years now and we have been trying to have a baby but we fail. I have e history of ovarian cysts. We can't seek doctor's advice because we do not have money for check up. We would like to depend on the miracle intervention of God. By means of many people who can help us pray, I believe in my heart hat God will hear us. Please help us and pray for us! Thank you!
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Please pray for debt freedom over my outstanding debt such as car, mortgage and credit cards
I am in need of a financial and emotional healing. I am unemployed and unable to make my rent payment. I am severely depressed and unable to see light at the end of the dark tunnel. I have lost faith. Please pray that I am able to find my way out, restore my faith and financially manage in a healthy way.
by Nicole
Please send prayers for my marriage of 10yrs. We are going through a difficult time and he is not sure if he wants to stay married. God bless!
by Shashikala
i my self shashikala my second husband chetan. we love each other very much. we got marriage on 10th november 2009. i love him very much i cant live without him.please pray for us that no one can separate us. but from last 2 months my husband chetan is changing. he is not talking to me. please my husband should come back to me i cant live without him. i love him very much.we must live together. i love him so much. he also loves me but why he is doing this to me. please pray for our relation. that no one can separate both of us.please pray for us.he is my husband. why he changed. i dont want to live without him. please jesus i want him back. oh god please i want him back i dont want to live without him. i love him very much. i praying day and night. god please grant my request. this is an urgent prayer please. he is changing day by day.he is becoming angry, he is not ready to understand me.he abuse me, and beating me,why he became like this. i am shocking. still i love him very much. i can do everything for him. when he is trouble he need money or my ornament he comes to me and ask immediately i am giving i am never ask that when he will return.i always with him in his urgent needs and in any problems. after solving the problem he is doing same thing that he dont want me and dont want to stay with me he will marry another girl in future. dont keep any hopes on me.i will not take care of u.i am worried about all these. how can he leave us. i and my childrens need him.we love him very much.please pray for us that my husband chetan must come back to me.we love him very much.please brother pray for my urgent need.
by Patricia Andrews
(London, UK)
BRETHERN I asked for your company in joining in with me in prayer. Almighty Father in high Heaven I come before you tonight as I always do but most of all I am in need of financial blessings as the BILLS are piling up and there is little money to sort them out.HELP !! OH! GOD I have tried several avenue in finding a simpler way but this too seems to be at stand still. I am praying for a response in the outcome of my television programme audition this will bring ease to my financial and charity contributions if I do really well. I hope we could pray and visualise that i could be on the show. I also need to help some needy people to buy their medication .JEHOVAH I ASK OF YOU TO COME TO MY AID AT THIS CRUCIAL TIME WITH ABUNDANT BLESSINGS FINANCIALLY AND MATERIALLY. IN JESUS NAME I PRAY.AMEN!!
Please pray for Michele St. Clair that her diagnosis of breast cancer would be wrong.
by Regie
I don't know how to do this and I never done it, but please bear with me...
I am begging those of you who I believe must be closer to God than I. For I can no longer take what I have become, I can no longer feel alive. I have suffered so much for so long a time, without work for 15 years makes me feel hollow inside, makes me feel so useless and so unimportant. How I wanted to be part of the world once more, how I wanted to do something, how I wanted to have a sense of destiny and not waste the life God had given me.
Please pray too, because of what I am now, that my wife will see the love within our family, will see through the eyes of our only child and leave the man she had been flirting for so long.
Pray for me please, for I can no longer carry the cross. I am about to break, for each day that passes by is another tears in my eyes....
Please pray that God give me a chance to work(Dopax) and let me feel alive, loved and with sense of purpose once more.
thank you so much,
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by Priscilla
(Kl Malaysia)
Pls pray for my hubby Ramesh ... we registered in 2001 and now separated..
he claims he dun love me anymore and has another gurl...
i really want him in my life i cant move on and he's pastor's son...
pls pray for him to accept me back pls
Please pray for me i have a problem dealing with letting go of a relationship where i was rejected for 7 months my name is alfredia
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by T
I am loving a man that i met we had some lovely nights together he see that i was looking for more and he back away. i am missing him so much wishing that he could see me or get to know me the person.
Dear God I really need a finance break though. I have given to people all my life. I have done without so I could help others. I am not complaining because it makes me happy to help others.
I love you Lord more than anything and I have been served with foreclosure papers. I know you said in your Word that you will supply all my needs. I have sown and I need to see a harvest not only to fix this problem but also to help others.I want to be able to help the hurting and I cant until I have relief myself. I also want to be able to support my church more. Thank you God for all the blessings you have bestowed on my live.Help me Lord to have the faith to trust you and not worry. I need to be delivered from worry I know that is my main distraction. Thank you Lord for what you will do in my life.
by Wayne
(Liverpool, England)
Please my ex partner Caroline to see how much i love her, she only seems to be able to see the negatives, and never the positives. I love her, with have a young son together.
Dear God,
Please help me and my whole family surmount the challenges you laid down on us. I am at my wits' end. I do not know what to do anymore and only You can help us now. Please, I beg You, dear Father.
by Trenia Murray
(Charlotte NC Mecklenburg)
Please pray for all those on this website that are in need. I am asking prayer for me that I find a job, prayer for my husband that God shows him favor and that he is released. I'm asking prayer for my children that God open up their spiritual eyes
by Mrs Lee
(South Africa)
My son has been in a terrible motorcycle accident, lost his kidney and his spleen. He needs a miracle for complete healing. I have suffered from severe depression for many years and need the touch of God to heal me from this mental illness. PLEASE PRAY FOR US as we have no where to go but trust God for a miracle. We are so desperate for a touch of God. Thanks very much God bless you.
by Kimberly
(Orange Park, FL)
Please pray that somehow I am given the strength to be still, silent, and to hand my problems over to God. I am very angry at God because I feel ignored and am being hurt. I want to be married and become a mother and I need God's help and direction to do that. I am very lost and alone in life and this is one my one prayer that I ask for myself. Please pray that God answers me soon and I will have a miracle in my life. Please pray for me. God knows all the details.
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by Mariano Montemayor
Dear St. Anthony, St. Jude, St. Theresa of the little flower, St. Catherine of Sienna, Padre Pio, St. Claire, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Bernadette of Lourdes, San Lorenzo Ruiz all the Angels and Saints I need your divine intercession to our Blessed Mother Mary please pray for my job security, my health & well being, my mental health, my wife health concerns & job concerns, my mother health, my sister Gemma’s health specially her concerns, for our protection from harm and unforseen circumstances and rest of my family. Last but not least please pray for the early release of my wife cousin from prison. Amen
I pray that she will find a job in a school system that will love and treasure the wonderful teacher that she is.
by casey blankenship
my request is.. for prayer.. that the things in my life and the lives of others in my situation, would flee. i am not a christain.. and i probly wont ever be one.. but.. if it wont hurt.. and if god is all powerfull.. than i will ask fir his help.. if he is even there.. please aid me on this. i didnt give much detail on m need. but u get the picture...thanks and.. i hope somthing happens..
by Susie
to find soul mate for susie,chris,ann-marie,louise,jean and anyone else in these 2 families that needs one.
Please lord find the right christian godly men or women for all my family and all chris s family,any one that needs some one,take awy the spirit of lonliness from all these people in jesus name i pray amen
by Julia
Friends, please pray that my husband will decide to relocate me and our sons to be closer to his daughter from a previous marriage. He is fearful that his ex's family will try to hurt us because of idle threats made in the past. I believe we are safe, but it's in the Lord's hands ultimately. Thank you.
by Anjo
(Manila, Philippines)
ANTHONY JOHN – pray for change of hearts & enlightenment and pray to deliver him from stubbornness, addicting computer games & rebellious spirit; to have a God fearing heart.
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Hi, my name is amber and i just found out im pregnant after almost a year of trying I feel so blessed. I currently have a wonderful 2 year old son and I would love to give him a beautiful sister. My hearts desire is to have a little girl to one day be my best friend. I know that might sound selfish but I want to pray about it. But most importantly pray that this will be a happy healthy pregnancy for all. Thank you so much!
by Christina
(East Orange, NJ (United States))
I would love to get married by the end of this summer and also conceive with my first child by this year 2009.
by Laura
(Clearwater, KS USA)
Dear God..
The last two years have been really hard and now we are almost to the end. The wheat crop was the 3rd worst we have had. We have 3 kids and lots of bills. The older 2 kids dad died in Jan 2009 and that has left me with all his debt. I just want to be able to not worry about what to make for dinner or to be able to put gas in the car. Lord.. you said if we had the faith of a mustard seed.. and unfortunately that is about all I have left. Lord we ask this all in Your Name.
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I need plenty more belief, plenty more power of prayer and more Holy Ghost with me. Please pray also that God gives me gifts of God's grade.
by MO
Please I need prayers for my boyfriend.We have been together for about 2 years and used to love each other so much. We were already making plans of getting married in the last quarter of this year when I started noticing slight changes in his attitude towards me, i found it difficult confronting him initially as i thought it was due to work pressure but when i confronted him he told me he was no longer interested and that we should go our different paths.He also told me he has someone else he is dating. He used to be very caring,loving and understanding and he still means a lot to me. I have planned my future with him and cant even see another person except him.I need prayers for him to come back to me and forget whatever funny and flimsy excuses he has been giving me.His family loves me so much to the extent that they are all against him right now and wouldn't even talk to him. I have been praying on my own but i need more prayers as i believe 2 heads are better that one.Please join me in prayers and God will do something extra ordinary in your life as well.
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by John Dante B.
(Long Island NY, USA)
Lord I pray for the restoration of my relationships with Cailin, Dagmara, Olivia, Viola, Marta, Megan,krystal, Stephanie, Michelle, Dana, R., Basia,Krystal . I ASK you LORD GOD that you have each of my girl-friends email and call me today and truly love me today.let their hearts be full of love for you lord God !Let them be fully loving and friendly and warm towards me and be happy to talk and see me today. LORD BLESS THEM AND HEAL THEM. Thanks for this my LORD, in Jesus's name, amen.Everyone pray for me and my girl-friends to be together talking over coffee starting today . Lord heal our friend Gary's fiance ' Lois as she is very ill now with stomach and intestinal problems and a parasite, and heal Eli's father and improve and heal his liver and his respiratory issue and John d's sister banish the cancer from her body.and heal Eli of stress and anxiety.Lord heal Richard's prostate problem and let him be made healed and whole. Let all tests show his prostate is normal. LORD Thanks IN ADVANCE for all the healings ! Praise God !, thanks ALL, Your prayers mean alot to me. LORD let me john daNTE B. be healed and whole. right now, in Jesus's name,thanks Father , amen,Thanks from my heart to each of you praying ! ,John
Please pray for my mother she needs help, her husband as recently walked out on their 6year marriage leaving her stranded alone with 2 children, he says he loves her but is very angry, this strange as their were once happy, however what is more difficult is that she has left her country to live in his country in brazil and she does not know much of brazilian culture or languge, she only speaks english, please pray that MR.A.G.C will return more loving, honest and secure to MRS.B.C and pray that she can pass the time happily and securely until he returns home.... give her strength and courage and protection, Thank you everybody....
by Chris
(Western Pa)
Lord, Grandpa and Grandma and anyone that cares please help me get my love of my life back. I know my wife cheated but i do love her. please forgive her and open her heart and send her back to me.
by Tanya
Please join my mother and me in prayer for the complete healing of our beloved cat, Kit. He's joy in our lives and we love him very much. We believe that God has healed Kit fully in Jesus' name. We also believe that our finances will be enough to effect God's miracle of healing for Kit. Thank you for your prayers and God bless all of you!
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by Terry
I wanted to write to you to ask for your prayers. My family is broken and I need prayers to bring my family back together.
My wife left with our two year old son roughly five months ago and has filed for divorce. I had no idea what was going on and she really hasn't told me the reason. We went through something similar roughly a year and half ago and then reconciled after three months but this time she will not speak to me unless it is through attorneys nor will she speak to any of mine or her friends. Her name is Joyce and our son's name is Joshua. I don't want a broken family and am praying that God will change her heart and mind towards reconciliation and restoration of our marriage. I've asked for her to talk to me and asked that we go to counseling all to no avail. Please pray for us.
by Shante
Please pray over my daily stuggles that I have faced for a year and a half. Pray over my health, school, job search, and financial struggles. Pray over my relationship that it will get stronger.Pray over my family and friends
by Lou
I am feeling so bad right now. I hope I can get through the many tears I shed. I'm not very good in putting things into words, but my prayer is for my son Aaron & the drug problem he has. I have no solid proof of this but I know in my heart that something is not right. This last year has been a nightmare for me. I pray for strength, guidance, & faith. I pray for Aaron that he is given strength to fight off any addictions, is given guidance & faith. Please help me and my son, I am at such a loss.
by pat d
(somers point nj)
GOD please help me find a good paying job.GOD please lead me ,guide me.please grant me the power to go on.i need you.please fill my heart with your love.
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i need prayer that the lord will send me money so i can go see my son this weekend. I also need a job ASAP so i will be able to pay my bills and keep my car.
by Phil
Pass this prayer request on if the Holy Spirit leads you...Please Pray GOD brings me my one and only soulmate now.I've been praying for a soulmate for about 14 years now,during most of that 14 years I've been expecting my soulmate to come at anytime.I've been tormented emotionally that whole time waiting so if the Holy Spirit leads you,can you pass my prayer request to as many people as possible thru Email or however you feel like passing this prayer request on....Pass this prayer request on if the Holy Spirit leads you...Phil
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by karen
please lord help my husband and i find a job before we lose our home and everything we have worked so hard for, i talk to you everyday and nighe and sometimes i don't think you can hear me, i am sorry for everything i have done wrong in the past, please LORD we need you so much in our lives
by Mattie
Father I know You are mighty and able to perform great miracles. I know that You are a God full of loving kindness and peace. You are sent Your only Son to reconcile us to Yourself. Father, I also know that it is Your will for us to live in peace and harmony. You also would have us reconcile with each other. I humbly ask that You would open a new door and reconcile my relationship with H.B.. Father I believe that You brought us together and were present when he and I entered into convenant relationship before You. Thank You for hearing my prayer. I pray a blessing for all those who are also experiencing the same as I. In Jesus' name. Amen.
by Veronica
(Spring City,PA)
Please pray that Govenor Ed Rendell will sign the budget so all the state employees including my husband will keep getting paid. Please let him sign the budget before the 17th of July. Please I beg you to hear my cry for help! Amen! Thank You!
Please pray for my family I lost my job and We need a financial miracle. I also would like to pray that I get the dental help I need soon before its to late.
by The Student
(In my Soul)
God you know who I am you have seem me suffer for long. You have seemed me risen too. You saw here and in mexico. With my brothers and alone. You know that something is gotten out of me and that therefore I am not the same. You clearly know this is not who I am. I am the happy the victor the the successful. Where did that will go. Please put it back in me. Please give me that suffering as well as that power of will that comes with it. I need the type of suffering that I used to have in order to continue and appreciate things. I need to see and appreciate life when its given to me so I can pursue and conquer my dreams please help me so I can do good on the LSAT. HELP ME GOD. PLEASE.
by Marisa
I have arthritis which makes it hard for me to walk or even stand up for longer periods of time. I don't have much stamina or energy at all. My toes and the soles of my feet are numb.
My son is 20 years old and is going to school in another city. Periodically he e-mails to say that he hates me and his father because everyone he knows had a better(more prosperous)childhood and adolescence.
Please pray that I regain my health and that my son can forgive whatever he thinks we did to him. I am truly sad and desperate and I need your prayers very much. Bless you and thank you for caring.
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please pray for me and my little girl. I have breast cancer and am awaiting the results to see if it is metastatic or not. My little girl is seven years old and adopted from Ethiopia. I am a single mom. please pray for us. I am very scared.
by Hubert
(Poughkeepsie NY USA)
My name is Hubert I am asking you to please
pray for peace in my marriage. For a financial Blessing and wisdom.
by reena dsa
(panjim goa india)
my brother is a happily married man with a wonderful wife and two kids.but suddenly he got involved with a girl from work that destroyed the peace of the marriage please pray that he leaves this girl gets strong not fall her temptations he also applied for a new job pray that he may get it also pray for me im in search of a good husband i put an matrimonial ad pray that a good respectable boy answers and that guys who want sex or ruin my life they may not apply also pray that there may be no more rejections
(San Antonio)
I need clarity and stability in my situation, God. I am heartbroken, anxious, fearful and my debts are piling up on top of me. Almost every area of my life, but health and job are in pits and I have no idea what to do , how to live, how to go on without major anxiety non stop. Help me soon,for I am devastated.
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by Estelle Forbes
(Athlone, Cape Town Southafrica)
Thank you GOD for carrying me thru this very difficult time. Not too long ago I felt that I am not coping and buckling under this financial strain, but a ray of sunshine appeared and this has motivated me. And for this I give You all the praise and glory. Amen
by Isabell
(Perth, Western Australia)
I would like to get back together with my husband Joe whom I truly love in spite our differences... It just breaks my heart that we are separated right now, and I would like to sort things out with him, but he doesn't want to talk to me about it. We have a beautiful daughter, 3 years old and her name is Nina. She misses her Daddy. I also have 4 children from a previous marriage living with me. I feel devastated by our breakup. Please help me as I am sure he still loves me too, even though he acts as if he doesn't. Thank you for your loving thoughts and prayers...
by Florence
(Daly City, CA USA)
Dear Jesus, touch and heal my dad , Mauro, who was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. May our prayers fill his body and Jesus perform a miracle ...
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by Sreenivas
i have a financial commitments of Rs 30 lacs indian currencyand my financial position is very bad, kindly pray for my business developments, financial blessings.
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My Blessed Lord, I just got laid off my present job. But I'm not too sad because I know that you are the same God that will bless everyone here that is on this site looking for your strength and guidance. Please bless me with my best job ever. One that maybe I will stay with until I'm ready to leave. Please make this new job one that I can learn a lot from and people I can learn a lot from. And PLEASE let me get along with my bosses for a change. Let me find favor in sight of my bosses, and PLEASE let me have plenty to do on my next job. Also let it be something that I can be proud of and hold my head up high. Because I know you only want the best for all your children. In the name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit in Jesus name I pray. So shall it be. Amen.
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Please pray, that God reveals the truth to my friend and I, who are going thru a difficult time. That we may have peace and happiness in our heart and mind. That this difficulty we are experiencing be healed by God's hand. Thank you and amen.
by Donna
(Oregon City, Oregon)
I suffer from low self esteem. I am also hard on myself and feel I need to "fix" everything. These feelings have induced anger within. It affects my daily life and the people closest to me. I sometimes wonder if I have a hormonal imbalance..or if these are just feelings I have carried with me due to abuse and trauma...or both. Much Love and many Blessings to all of You. Thank you for your prayers..Peace
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Please pray for my mental state. Lord be with me as I make this tough decision. You have never failed me in the past
by Sirloada
Dear Brethern,Please prayer for MRS I G.and her husband MR V.V.G for a number of years she my(sister)is having a hard time in her marriage as her husband is treating her like an outcast.I feel that my brother-in-law is devious, selfish,very deep in his emotions. he is rather cold and he put his one of his daughter above his wife. She is hurt badly beyond repair. I FELT REALLY SORRY FOR HER,but how could I do anymore I am weak but I cant give up not now. OH ! GOD HELP HER AND PUT HER AT EASE WITH WHAT THIS HORRIBLE LIFE IS SHE IS GOING THROUGH.Blessing on that household so she could have a better existance in their eyes. For whatever it is this husband caused LET GOD REVERSE THIS SITUATION SO SHE COULD FIND PEACE IN HER HOME.
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Please pray that the right man who is handsome, affectionate, & will love me & that I will love with great passion will walk into my life someday hopefully soon. I realize this is probably a very selfish request. I however do not mean it in that way. I am just very lonely & have a great deal of love to share with the right person. I am a 35 year woman & would like to start a family soon. Thank you very much for your prayers, they truly mean a lot to me. God bless you all.
I am asking prayer for my relationship with A., he feels like i betrayed his trust and is very angry with me. He told me in a few days he'd cool down and all will go back to normal but I see the anger in him and I'm not sure.He cursed and yelled at me and thats not like him at all.I really seek God's forgiveness for telling his secret and A's forgiveness and that he'll come back to me. I really love and miss him and God is my only strength and hope.
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by Sophia
(Palm Springs, CA)
Dear God,
Please give us jobs so we can be self sufficient again. We are really trying:)
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by Cathy
(Huntington NY)
please pray for me, protection me from all harm, may everything plotted against me revert back to those intended to harm me. grant me means to overcome my current problems and help my loved one to do right by me.
by Rachel
(Oshkosh, WI)
my husband and I have had a tumultuous four years of marriage. we have both hurt each other so badly. if has since left our house and doesn't know if he wants to return or if its worth it. I believe in us and our marriage. I want him off the streets and away from the women who are trying to get him to commit adultery. and away from the negativity of alcohol and clubs. I have found church and god and it is making a tremendous difference in my life. I hope that he to can find god before its too late.
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ST Theresa please let my sister Susan be financially blessed today so she can give my husband and I $500.00. Thank You! We can use the help! Thank You please send me a rose! Amen!
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by Matthew
(Sterrett, AL)
Please pray that God will restore and bless the friendship between me and a girl named Kerri. Please pray that God will bless my life and open new doors in my career and financial situations. I'm struggling. Please pray that God will touch my life spiritually and use me to reach others. I need the hand of God to touch my life.
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CPS has taken my children away from me and i don't know if i will ever get them back, someone called and told them lies about me. I am so severely depressed, i do not even have the strength to get out of bed. Without my children my life is over, i have nothing and i am trying to find hope but it is not coming, please pray for us, i cannot take much more
Please pray for a financial blessing for my business. I receive my blessing. In Jesus' Name. Amen
I am requesting prayer for a closer walk with God and strategies to help me get out of debt.
by Jennifer
(North Carolina)
Hello all,
Please pray for me. I have been going through a lot lately. I need to know that I am in the Lord's will and if not, what I need to do to place my self back in it. I really just don't know where my life is headed. I need some prayer warriors to pray and ask the Lord to show me the way. I want to do his will and live my life according to his purpose for it.
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by Margo
My husband walked out on me and our 4 yr old son...My home is in foreclosure...I lost my job 2 wks ago. I have no income, no child support. Please pray for me and my son. Thank you.
by Christopher
Dear brethren,i am here today to plead with you all to agree with me in prayers for financial blessings in my life.i have alot to do with money some of it which involves helping my aged mother,brothers,sisters,relatives,friends as well as well wishers because they all look up to me for help as i am in europe.Help me pray to our lord God in heaven for his blessings because am going out of my mind thinking how i can solve my present needs.
Thanks for your help and God bless you all.
by Jeff
Lord God I love you so much I’ve given my life to you, and my life is about glorifying you everyday. You took us out of each others lives for a reason so we both can give our hearts and life to you I have turned from my old self and decided to whole heartedly follow you. I know you have only just begun to do the work in you have planned for me. I do believe the same holds true for her, I know she’s searching and wanting you in her life I hope and pray she decides to whole heartedly follow you like I have.
I love her entirely with all of my heart but I would like nothing more then for you to give me another chance Lord, but I know God you want her heart more than he wants you two to be together. I know us being together is secondary to you right now and I love her enough for you to have her heart before me and if and when she becomes a believer like I have, I know she is searching so hard to find you, give her the strength to reach out to you and give her life to you Lord, (I know she’s trying so hard to get over the control of her ex husband who doesn’t want us together as a way of keeping her from being happy) and Only then will this work and I can show her the love and kindness she deserves. Please Dear Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, you have put this desire in my heart to make this work, and I truly do love everything about her.
Lord God restore to us our love and relationship, you can make it work, do not let the enemy win this battle. Do not let him succeed in keeping us apart. I need you Jesus, with all of my might I need you. Please put her heart and mine in your hands and in your heart. Make our hearts one in your love Lord God. That hand in hand we may grow in you, live for you and serve you all the days of our lives. You describe love as being “patient and kind, believing all things, hoping all things, enduring all things. Love never fails” Lord God, this is the love I have for her. I am enduring, I am hoping and believing, and I am trying with all my might to be patient while you heal her and bring us back together Lord. I’ve given this up to you, and I trust you, believing you for this. Please Lord God, restore to us this loving relationship. But only Bring us back together if it is in your hands and heart, and if so there is nothing and NO ONE that will come between us or break us ever again, If it’s not by your hands and heart and will please close any open doors and I know if the door does close you have another amazing plan in store for me and I will continue to trust you Lord and let your will be done. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit Amen.
Can anyone who reads this please pray and intercessory prayer for her continued progress and that she finds the strength to give her life the Lord.
God Bless You!!
by Llyle
please pray that God will heal my body. i am 48 years old and have a genetic lung disease. i got turned down for a lung transplant, the doctors said my bones are too weak from years of medication to heal from the surgery. i need a miracle. thanks for your prayers lyle
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by Leroy S Yeartie
(Jackstonville FL)
My girlfriend and kids had been living with me for about six month. I did everything to get her but I got off track and I think I have lost her to another man. I am so deeply in love with her and don’t know what to do. I need a miracle in my life to bring her back to me. Please help me pray! Her name is Takiyah and my Name is Leroy S. Yeartie, Sr.
by Paulette
I am a social worker working with children. I have a child, Theresa G. whom I work with. She is making it very difficult for me to work with her. She is angry and does not wish to communicate with me, which makes it difficult for me to do my job. Please let God touch and open her heart to better communication between us. Please allow Theresa to accept me as the person who needs to assist and help her. Let Theresa and I have better communication in order to work together. In Jesus name I say thank you and Amen.
Lord help me,am a single mum living with my six year old daughter and everyday i feel like its just me against the world,my future is bleak i don't know what will happen in my future,am an asylum seeker and live in a country where i cant work or further my education,i live on handouts.Going back to my country which i left seven years ago is not an option as they are political problems,hunger and starvation,please pray for me to find peace and a better future for my little one.
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Please pray that God will restore my marriage and give me financial miracles as well. Ask God to take away my wife's anger, contentiousness and fear. Heal our family and give me work and ministry. In Jesus name
by Debbie
(Kansas City, MO)
Dear Saints:
Please pray for me to receive a overflow of finances to pay off my debts, have my car repaired, sale my home and purchase a new home of my dreams. $200,000.00 would really cure my debts. The word says we have not because we ask not. I am asking and believing my prayers will be answered in Jesus Name, AMEN.
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by William
My wife (Ronica) has left me for another man and is living in sin with our kids, they are calling this new man uncle and I would like for you to help pray for me that my wife see's the wrong she is doing and turns back to GOD and her husband and our family.....