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Please Send Miracle Heal for Grant M Jordan

by Lisa A Jordan
(Bend, Oregon)

Grant in his creative mode...  () : )

Grant in his creative mode... () : )

My grandson is in need of help in prayers. Grant is an 8 1/2 year old child who is absolutely here for a strong purpose and we want him back on track to get him healed. We cannot find what is unbalanced & unhealthy with him so far but he is heading towards a children's hospital in Portland on Thursday.

We are asking for prayer warriors to help ask Spirit to send miracles. A bright light within his body that will replace and heal anything that may be off balance. We ask that the treatment for whatever they find be a mild one but effective. We want him back to his normal self in full mind, body, spirit and emotions as quickly as possible.

He misses his classmates and his normal life. More than anything else, he needs to be able to eat again (all being pureed right now). If you focus in on certain areas of the body, please make it his esophagus / throat area. Please help our family in our time of need.

Grant M. Jordan - Bend Oregon and heading to Portland on Thursday, April 15th to see a specialist in the Pedi GI field. Please join us in specific prayer for him. Not only do we want them finding what is wrong, but for those findings to be one that will not be a life altering change for him. Please let us look back at this as a very bad memory and that is it. May our lessons help others and may we be vulnerable enough to teach what we have learned along these last few weeks.

Thank you for your help !

May blessings be returned to you ten-fold for helping.


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Return to Prayer Requests 2010.

Desperate to Save my Marriage

by Sharon
(South Africa)

There has been emotional abuse from my husband and myself in our marriage, and my husband has now filed for divorce and things have really gotten ugly. He claims he is a born-again Christian, and although we aren't divorced yet, he is sleeping with another woman and says that he is at peace with God with his life as it is right now. I need desperate prayer for God to bring him to complete and total repentance and deliverance. I am really battling to show the fruit of the spirit in my own life during this time. I do not believe that divorce is God's will at any time whatsoever.

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Pray for healing for Sumaye

by Sumaye
(San Diego, CA)

Help me god release the pain of the breakup.
The pain of hurting her. the pain of thinking about her every day and night...

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Miracle Healing

by Joni Wallace

Please pray for Kateland Poff severely injured 21 year young woman

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MY family is going through a hard time my husband is in jail for something that does not even make sense. a lawyer is charging me 2000 and i don't have all the money for that because i have all the other bills i have to pay and now my car is in the shop. I need everybody's prayer please.

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Return to Prayer Requests 2010.


My Family will be homeless soon and need help to find place to live with
Husband and 2 grandchildren and son who has been in trouble and struggled for long time.

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Good job requested in NYC


Please let me obtain a good job in a good environment with people that are team players and supportive. Let me forgive and let go of the nightmare of where I am now.

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Give My Parents Suppot

by Savannah
(Colorado springs, Colorado)

Both of my parents are going through a rough time in things lately. My mom had gastric bypass in january and is struggling, her weight loss has been great but she can't keep anything down to get nutrients, she also feels sick all of the time. My dad's father and uncle has just recently passed away and he seems to be perfectly fine but i can tell that he really is upset. I just want to help them be strong be able to work their way through these problems.

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Return to Prayer Requests 2010.


by Adeline

Minha Nossa Senhora de Fatima,meu Sagrado Coracao de Jesus Nosso Senhor. ajudai-me por favor,dai-me paz de espirito, ajudai-me a dar as respostas correctas, de maneira que eu seja compreendida, julgada e tambem saia gloriosa desta jornada. Que as minhas palavras sejam escutadas sem terem que ser justificadas.
Tambem a minha financeira situacao esta delicada, por favor ajudai para que tenha-mos paz em casa. Meu Deus eu creio em Vos.Amen. Obrigada.

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by owen

please pray for owen and dee to get back together as a family and have a good life together and to be in love always. And that court will turn out great

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Pls Pray For Ah Li And Parents

Dad made advances at me which obviously,I declined.So now,either he curses and swears at me or ignores me completely.He just doesn't seem to see his own faults and flaws yet magnifies mine.Please help pray for me and my parents.Thanks.

And also for a certain personal miracle.Thanks.Ah Li,Singapore

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Thank You God

by Jerome Tolliver
(Chicago, IL)


I just want to say thank you, in the midst of trial and circumstances, financial difficulties and things seen and unseen. You give me strength each and everyday to continue. You have given me a portion of health for my wife, son and myself.You have shown me your love by giving me your son to die for my sins. Even though I have needs I just want to say thank you and that I love you and turn my life and will over to your care.

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by diane
(st catharines)

Please Heavenly Father in Jesus name assist Clinton to take school seriously and to get a job he likes. Please assist my subconscious to feel deserving & allow & accept abundance (million dollars) into my life. Glory to You in the Highest, Thank you,Thank you

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Please Pray For Work And Patty

by Ron

please pray that I get a job soon. I have not worked a day this year.
Please bring my fiance Patty back into my life so we can get married and she can help me to get full custody of my son and I can help her with her daughter who I love like my very own.
Please pray for me.
God bless,

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by Adeline

Minha Nossa Senhora de Fatima, meu Sagrado Coracao de Jesus Nosso Senhor,Vos sabeis o que eu preciso, peco- vos ajuda nesta jornada que se aproxima Dai-me paz de espirito, Dai-me a Vossa mao e Guiai os meus pensamentos para que eu consiga controlar as minhas palavras, para que eu seja compreendida e nao seja confundida, para eu sair vitoriosa e afortunada. Ajudai-me eu Vos peco Minha Nossa Senhora de Fatima, meu Sagrado Coracao de Jesus Nosso Senhor que sem a Vossa ajuda eu nao sou nada socorrei-me para nao ser humilhada, para que tenha paz em casa.
Vos sabeis o que eu preciso , meu Deu ajuda eu vos peco, meu Deus eu creio em Vos.Amen.Obrigada.

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Return to Prayer Requests 2010.


I want to contact you in reference to prayer for me and my family i want to ask for prayer for my mom karen hendricks general health and healing of all sickness and cancer if any she's been a smoker for a long time also Michael Washington he has a brain tumor i ask it not be cancer and that the tumor goes away i also want to ask prayer for myself karina wise for healing over my body for some reason i feel i have cancer and that it may have spread to my liver i ask god heals me and stop this pain in my liver area i also ask for protection for my son kareem ali to keep him away from all hurt harm in death i ask all these this to be prayed for in Jesus name

Karina wise

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Pray For Kimberly and Jerry

Please pray for me. My name is Kimberly Allstun. My fiances name is Jerry. Pray for our relationship. For nothing but real true love to exist. I am having troubles with alot of jealousy.It seems my world revolves around jealousy, please pray for that and many many other things that I am going through. Pray for my fiance Jerry as well and all our families too. Thanks!

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Return to Prayer Requests 2010.


I know God gave my hubby a truly great job w/ great pay, great hrs, & great benefits which we could afford once along with a place of our own.I know he can do it again.I pray he'll do so in lightening speed. We've been waiting 4 over a yr. I know he can do it again. Living w/ parents is very hard & stressful enough w/out the added stress of my autistic son. He drives my mother crazy & she has no sympathy 4 him or patience 4 him at all.I pray we leave here on good terms & quickly. A place at least 3 hrs away would b nice.
I know this is materialistic 2 ask but when times were good 4 us he bought me a ring. It is a pink double pearl ring. Well during the move part of it broke. I took it 2 the jeweler this a.m. & he'll get w/ me next wk 2 c how much it costs 2 fix. I pray it'll not be much. I know the ring was $$$ but he got a really great deal on it. It's the 2nd ring he ever picked on his own & the 1st I actually liked that he got. I feel bad it broke & I pray they'll b able 2 fix it for a little money.

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Spiritual Growth

by Philip

Please pray for my Spiritual growth. Also, I want to be holy in him. Thanks for your prayer.

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Emergency prayer to Mother Mary

by D

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your help and sought your intercession, was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto you, O Virgin of Virgins, my Mother. To you I come, before you I stand sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in your mercy hear and answer me.(Mention Petition) Publication MUST happen immediately and prayer will be granted. The blessed Virgin Mary is powerful and pure and never fails!

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by Adeline

Dear God, my Lord, my King.
Please help, please give me inspiration and wisdom, knowledge and true words. Please Dear God You know what i need i have faith on You.
Dear God Bless us all.Amen.

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Financial Blessing and Miracle

by A & T

Please pray for my husband and I that we get the tax declaration that we need on this property showing the change from agricultural to industrial. We need this document badly to save us from the financial crisis that we are going through right now. This is our last resort as we have exhausted all our funds and are heavily in debt. We ask that we get this tomorrow as we are so short on time. We also ask that we get our loan approved in the soonest time possible and the amount that we need. Thank you so much. Let us storm the heavens with prayers so that our request may be granted.

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Gods Help

I would like to thank God for everything he has done for me. I ask God to continue to see me through. I ask God to help me with these financial difficulties. I ask that God take the burden of this stressful loan situation from me and not let me be penalized for trying to be a good person and help someone.

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Return to Prayer Requests 2010.


i am asking god to bless me with increase, i am claiming increase in my life, i am claiming the victory for this job promotion. i am claiming the victory over my enemies. i am claiming the victory over my adversaries. i am claiming the victory over my naysayers.i love you lord and i will trust you.

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Prayer For Healing

by Fernando

Please pray for the healing of Ms. Telma F. so she can be cured from her tumor. Thanks and God bless!

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by Carol
(Pittsburgh, PA)

Please Lord,

I need for my health to improve so that I can get a job and be independent from my family.

I will be so grateful for any help that can change my health or financial status.

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My Prayer For Work of Some Kind Soon

by Anitha

Please help me find the guidance and strength to continue looking for work. I have been without a job for six years and I am now destitute. Thank you so very much for your kindness in helping me.

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Return to Prayer Requests 2010.

Entrusted Legacy

by Brett

Please Pray for the Following:
Entrusted Legacy and Consult 4 Kids are start up companies that specialize in providing high quality training to adults that ultimately help students, children and youth in after-school programs across the United States and throughout the world.
The leadership team to make decision based on God's purpose that will ultimately affect staff and students in a positive manner. Specifically Allan Collatz, Dave Mongold, Isaac Buentello, Liz Guthrie, Frances Vasquez, Audrey Glenn, Debra Horton, Susan Zandes, CynDee Zandes and Brett Zandes.
Thank You Very Much!

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shwetas marraige

by sony

pls pray that god blesses my daughter shweta with a loving and caring spouse soon. pls pray that my daughter gets married soon in a loving and caring family.thankyou.love u jesus.

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Please Help Me Find My Way

by Lupe

God, I don't know why my life has turned out the way it has. I feel lost and alone. I ask for your guidance. Please help me find me again and help me find a way of supporting my family. I feel helpless and worthless, like I don't know what I want in life or what to do. I feel as though I have no purpose here on earth. I am confused and lost. I desperately need your help. Please God, only you can save me from this torment. I cannot live with this pain, sadness and empty feeling any more. I want to be happy. I want to be a good mother and a good wife. Please, Please God help me.

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Minha Nossa Senhora de Fatima meu Sagrado Coracao de Jesus

by Adeline

Minha Nossa de Fatima, nossa Mae Imaculada,meu Sagrado Coracao de Jesus, que por nos pecadores morres-te na Cruz, com fe Vos peco ajuda,por favor guiai os meus pensamentos, as minhas accoes, as minhas palavras, por favor Dai-me firmeza e determinacao, para conseguir vencer a jornada que me espera e me atormenta o coracao.
Meu Deus eu creio em Vos.Amen.
Agradeco do fundo do coracao a todos os que teem rezado por mim, tambem vos estais nas minhas oracoes, pois todos nos precisamos da ajuda de Deus Nosso Senhor e de Sua Mae Santissima. Que Deus nos Abencoe a todos.

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Need God's Divvine Intervention In My Life


I've bee in this country over two years with nobody to help or even talk to. I've searched for jobs over and over again but was told same story (no legal working document to show). Even went as far as looking for off the book job all in no avail. I am living from hand to mouth each day. I do believe there's someone out thee who can help or even join me in prayers for break through.

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Return to Prayer Requests 2010.

swift tranportation to rehire me this week

by jerome pierce
(los angeles ca)

Please pray that Swift transportation will rehire me next week the Swift recruiter Richard Landino in Phoenix, AZ will accept my explanation so I will start work driving tractor trucks hauling containers from Port of Long Beach CA & that GOD will heal my left heel of my left foot thanks Jerome Pierce

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Please pray to God for Carol who has had a third return of breast cancer. Thank you

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Please pray with me and for me

by Roberta
(South Carolina)

I have prayed for a healing and decided that I do not need the test requested by my doctor. I have faith in the decision I've made and believe it to be the right decision. Please pray with me and for me. God has not failed me yet and with your prayers I know he will not fail me this time. Thank you for your prayers and may all your prayers be answered. Many blessings.

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Loans Burden

by Pamela
(Taiwan, Roc)

Dear God, I pray that I can pay off my present financial obligations and loans. Please help me pray. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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Return to Prayer Requests 2010.

help me God

God please grant the service connection To me. I will continue as I have always done to help people. I know you are well aware and I lost my house in helping other people. Please grant for service connection so I can continue to help others.

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Return to Prayer Requests 2010.

Prayer Request for me (Jobby) and my wife (Anisha) - Marriage Restoration

by Jobby

Prayer Request for me (Jobby) and my wife (Anisha)
Request for :Marriage Restoration
Lord Jesus
I pray to reunite me and my wife,Help me Jesus I love my wife and I don’t want to lose her.
Recently my wife told her parents that she doesn’t need me anymore and her parents have registered a law suit against me and my parents in the family court for almost 19.5 Lakhs of rupees which consist of 750 gm of Gold and 10 Lakhs of rupees in cash which we have not taken from my wife or her parents, This is a Lie which my Jesus knows it.
I forgive my wife and I am ready to accept her in all the situation because I love her unconditionally and I need her back in my life.
Lord Jesus
I pray to help me and my wife to spend a good married life together in union with Jesus our master and to forget all the bad days and bitter experiences
I Pray to fill us with you unconditional love so that we may love each other as husband and wife.
I pray to give us forgiveness in our hearts so that we may forgive each other and accept each other as husband and wife.
I Pray to unite us again with the will of God.
I Pray to fill my wife and our married life with your Holy Spirit.
I Pray to Wash and cleanse my wife with the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I pray to help my wife and make a way for her to come back to me as soon as possible.
I pray to purify our relationship and our marriage.
I pray to remove all the anger and hatred which my wife is carrying against me and remove all the thoughts of separation and divorce from her heart and mind.
I Pray for wife’s Parents, and her sister’s and their husbands, my wife’s Uncle and family and all her relatives who are against me and my parents and they also don’t want me to be with my wife and are forcing my wife to get separated from me. I Pray for all of these people and others who are against me and my marriage to be filled with Holy Spirit,Lord Jesus wash them with your Precious Blood. Take complete control of their hearts and mind .Guide them my Master. Give them a loving Heart to love me and accept me as her husband .Lord grant them with salvation lord they might turn from their evil motives and action and stop doing evil activates against me and my marriage. Lord Jesus my master do not let any human being separate me and my wife. Jesus my master I truly rely on your word.
Mark 10:6-9
6"But at the beginning of creation God 'made them male and female. 7'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife,8and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one. 9Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate."
Lord you are the witness of my marriage Malachi 2:14,Lord my master you are the covenant of my marriage .Lord my master you were there when I and my wife made marriage vows’, I don’t want any human judgment to fall on me or on my marriage for you are my lord and my savior for you are the witness of my marriage.

Unite Me and My wife again.
Jesus my Master fill my wife with your life giving word and help her to live a Christian life and to obey and respect you and marriage vow which she made in your presence.
Make my wife the wife you want her to be.
Lord guide my wife and bring her to the right path
Jesus I pray for you Divine Mercy on me and my wife
Since my wife Is working in dubai iam not able to communicate with her ,My wife is not speaking to me since several months ,I tried calling my wife but she is not picking up my call and then after she switches off her cell phone, I tried sending her sms and doesn’t respond to it.I even tried send her emails but she has blocked my emails so I cannot even send that.Lord Jesus please change my wife mind ,please bless her with Salvation so that she understands her mistakes and come back to me as soon as possible.
Lord Jesus my master have mercy on me and my wife and unite us as soon as possible.
Lord Jesus enter in to my Wife’s heart today and fill her with your Gift of Salvation and help her to know and accept you as her lord and savior.
Lord Jesus have mercy on my married life please lord protect my marriage with your precious blood.
I only rely on you my Lord and my savior
Nothing is impossible with Jesus
If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. John 15:7
God my heavenly father I rely on your promise and I have full confidence in your word
Isaiah 55:10-13
10 As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, 11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
God My father I completely rely on you to restore my marriage. Lord Just say a word and my marriage will be restored.
Lord give us all what we require to lead a good married life together with Jesus our Lord and Saviour
I pray in Jesus Name. Amen.
Thank you My Lord and give you all the Glory, Honor and Praise

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i am asking god for his direction on a promotion with mrha8 company, i am asking god to save my husband and save my brother from a life of sin and bondage. i am asking god to bless my finances

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by johny

Please pray so that the staff patient proposal in our institution is sanctioned by the government and political leadership without any delay and hindrance and we are permanently absorbed in this institution. We are working very hard for the progress of this institution.

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Return to Prayer Requests 2010.

Prayer Request for me (Jobby) and my wife (Anisha) for Marriage Restoration

by Jobby

Prayer Request for me (Jobby) and my wife (Anisha)
Request for :Marriage Restoration
Lord Jesus
I pray to reunite me and my wife,Help me Jesus I love my wife and I don’t want to lose her.
Recently my wife told her parents that she doesn’t need me anymore and her parents has registered a law suit against me and my parents in the family court for almost 19.5 Lakhs of rupees which consist of 750 gm of Gold and 10 Lakhs of rupees in cash which we have not taken from my wife or her parents, This is a Lie which my Jesus knows it.
I forgive my wife and I am ready to accept her in all the situation because I love her unconditionally and I need her back in my life.
Lord Jesus
I pray to help me and my wife to spend a good married life together in union with Jesus our master and to forget all the bad days and bitter experiences
I Pray to fill us with you unconditional love so that we may love each other as husband and wife.
I pray to give us forgiveness in our hearts so that we may forgive each other and accept each other as husband and wife.
I Pray to unite us again with the will of God.
I Pray to fill my wife and our married life with your Holy Spirit.
I Pray to Wash and cleanse my wife with the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I pray to help my wife and make a way for her to come back to me as soon as possible.
I pray to purify our relationship and our marriage.
Jesus my Lord heal our hearts
I pray to remove all the anger and hatred which my wife is carrying against me and remove all the thoughts of separation and divorce from her heart and mind.
I Pray for wife’s Parents, and her sister’s and their husbands, my wife’s Uncle and family and all her relatives who are against me and my parents and they also don’t want me to be with my wife and are forcing my wife to get separated from me. I Pray for all of these people and others who are against me and my marriage to be filled with Holy Spirit,Lord Jesus wash them with your Precious Blood. Take complete control of their hearts and mind .Guide them my Master. Give them a loving Heart to love me and accept me as her husband .Lord grant them with salvation lord they might turn from their evil motives and action and stop doing evil activates against me and my marriage. Lord Jesus my master do not let any human being separate me and my wife. Jesus my master I truly rely on your word.
Mark 10:6-9
6"But at the beginning of creation God 'made them male and female. 7'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife,8and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one. 9Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate."
Lord you are the witness of my marriage Malachi 2:14,Lord my master you are the covenant of my marriage .Lord my master you were there when I and my wife made marriage vows’, I don’t want any human judgment to fall on me or on my marriage for you are my lord and my savior for you are the witness of my marriage.

Unite Me and My wife again.
Jesus my Master fill my wife with your life giving word and help her to live a Christian life and to obey and respect you and marriage vow which she made in your presence.
Make my wife the wife you want her to be.
Lord guide my wife and bring her to the right path
Jesus I pray for your Divine Mercy on me and my wife
Since my wife Is working in dubai iam not able to communicate with her ,My wife is not speaking to me since several months ,I tried calling my wife but she is not picking up my call and then after she switches off her cell phone, I tried sending her sms and doesn’t respond to it.I even tried send her emails but she has blocked my emails so I cannot even send that.Lord Jesus please change my wife mind ,please bless her with Salvation so that she understands her mistakes and come back to me as soon as possible.
Lord Jesus my master have mercy on me and my wife and unite us as soon as possible.
Lord Jesus enter in to my Wife’s heart today and fill her with your Gift of Salvation and help her to know and accept you as her lord and savior.
Lord Jesus have mercy on my married life please lord protect my marriage with your precious blood.
I only rely on you my Lord and my savior
Lord My master protect me and my wife from all evil attacks, dark forces, black magic’s and all the activates of devil and all those people who doesn’t like our marriage.
17 The 72 disciples returned with joy. They said, ‘Lord, even the demons obeyed us. With your authority, we ordered them to go out of people!’v18 Jesus answered them, ‘I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. v19 Listen! I have given you authority to walk on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy. Nothing will hurt you. v20 But do not be glad because evil spirits obey you. Rather, be glad because God has written your names in heaven’. Luke 10 17-20
Lord my master Baptize me and my wife with your holy spirit and fill us with all the gifts and fruits of your Holy spirit. Holy spirit Protect us and move in us freely, take hold of us.
Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you. John 16:7
Lord Jesus in you mercy forgive me and my wife for all the sins which we have done and set us free from all curses and generation curses

1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Nothing is impossible with Jesus
If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. John 15:7
God my heavenly father I rely on your promise and I have full confidence in your word
Isaiah 55:10-13
10 As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, 11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
God My father I completely rely on you to restore my marriage. Lord Just say a word and my marriage will be restored.
Lord give us all what we require to lead a good married life together with Jesus our Lord and Savior
I pray in Jesus Name. Amen.
Thank you My Lord and give you all the Glory, Honor and Praise

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pray that my son be released from jail.

by sharon

please pray that my son mathias be released from jail very soon please help me pray for him thank u.

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by nllo

Please pray that God will bless me with marriage to a man whom i love so much.I pray that God will give him a heart to love me as much as i love him and that God in His mercy will unite us in love and marriage.I also pray that we will live a holy sanctified life and that whatever we do or say will honor our Lord together.Through Jesus Christ amen.

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Family, Love and Marriage

by kelly
(Kirkland WA 98034)

Please pray in Jesus name my girls are healed from their Bipolar and mania disorders and ADHD. Please continue to pray God's blessings on David and me as we strengthen and grow in our love and relationship. Pray I have a date soon when he is going to come and when he does come we are even stronger with our love. Pray God that David calls me and keeps in touch with me today. Pray he brings me good news. God bless everyone, forgive my sins, Jesus heal my children and God bless my relationship with David.

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home loan

by sony

pls pray that god sanctions my home loan soon..thankyou.love u jesus.

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Prayer for good and dreamed job

by olumide
(africa, nigeria)

i have graduated 5 years ago without jobs and those who support me financially are tired and bored. i pray from my heart that God Almighty should provide me with a good and dreamed job. i have msc geophysics last year. please pray for me

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Life Fulfillment

by Dayna
(Pearland, TX, USA)

Father God, please help me to live a full life, one with peace and enjoyment. Help me to find stable, rewarding work, with good co-workers & management, that exceeds my expectations beyond measure, that I may be a blessing to my family and friends. God pass me not. Bless my children, that they may be healthy, wealthy, and wise, without lack. Free those from addiction and may forgiveness abound. In Jesus' Name...Amen

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Samadhi A G W

I have been suffering from severe depression,I've always known i've come to this world for a purpose and I need prayer in this phase in my life so I can be released from what's holding me back from achieving what I came to do.I will be ever so grateful.

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we are in trouble please pray for my marriage

by sangeetha
(hyderabad,Andhra pradesh,India)

Actually, we are three friends now we are in trouble in getting married to the loved ones,we wont have any problem from our parents side,from other side we have a problem (dowry),so please requesting all to pray for us marriage,we are just waiting for a miracle in our lives in the name of jesus.

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Return to Prayer Requests 2010.

Need Immediate Prayer for marriage

by sangeetha

Need Immediate Prayer,

we 3friends having a trouble in getting married to the loved ones,our names swapna with charan,sangeetha with suresh,pradeepa with srinivas,we have problem with otherside family members,please request all to prayer for us to get married to the loved ones.in case of suresh & sangeetha lot of issues are happening regarding the marriage,please pray for us to get married in this may month 2010,we are just waiting for a miracle to happen in our life.please request all to pray for us that we get married to the loved one`s without any troubles.

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Return to Prayer Requests 2010.

pray that my son be released from jail.

by sharon

please pray that my son mathias be released from jail very soon please help me pray for him thank u.

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Prayer for Love

Dear God, please help Jennifer to see how good we could be together. But only if that is the case.

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by Jenn
(New Providence)

Dear Lord, I pray for your help and guidance in this new relationship with someone very special. Grant to us wisdom, knowledge and understanding in everything that we say and do, and especially in how we show love to each other. I pray for your richest blessings on Ron - spiritually, financially and in every other way possible. Grant us wisdom and understanding in building on and expanding our love for each other. Lord I pray that this relationship will lead to marriage very soon in this year 2010, Lord You said that we should knock and it will be opened to us and that we should ask and it will be granted unto us, Lord we knock on the door now and we ask You Lord for Your great outpouring of blessings on our relationship. Lord we put everything in Your hands because with You all things are possible. Let us be kind, respectful, loving, caring and gentle towards each other now and always, in Jesus' name I pray, Amen

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Urgent Prayer

by Brenda Shelby
(Bham Alabama)

Please pray for me and my hsuband MM that we receive an urgent financial miracle so we can pay our bills that are behind, and pray for me for healing of my body and mind, I lost my mother 2 months ago and my sister and father a few years ago and I am all alone without any immediate family, so please pray for me.

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I request healing prayer for my Mother who has cancer and request prayer to facilitate the manifestation of my healing of cancer. We were both diagnosed with stage 4 terminal cancer in the past 6 months.

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home loan

by sony

pls pray that god sanctions my home loan soon..thankyou.love u jesus.

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Grant me this opportunity for this Job in Minnesota

by Jennifer

I am asking God to guide me in the direction of which I need to get my dream job in Minnesota. I have caught interest with the manager for their current opening for their "General Manager" position in their market.
Please God help me get this job and point me in the right direction.

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Minha Nossa Senhora de Fatima meu Sagrado Coracao de Jesus

by Adeline

Minha Nossa Senhora de Fatima, Mae Imaculada, Vos peco , Vos imploro por favor que Tireis a minha filha da ma situacao em que ela se encontra, meu Sagrado Coracao de Jesus, tambem eu a Vos vos peco Vos imploro, por favor, a Vossa Interseccao para que ela tenha paz e sossego, e consiga seguir a vida dela sem grandes atribulacoes.Com fe e carinho de mae eu creio em Vos.Amen.
Agradeco do fundo do coracao aqueles que rezam pelas minhas intencoes e tambem eu rezo por vos com desejos de que as vossas necessidades e desejos se concretizem Deus Nosso Senhor nos Abencoe a todos.

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Restoration of my Son's Faith

by Eva
(United Kingdom)

Lord You are Good and Your Mercy endureth forever. Thank You Lord Jesus for delivering my son and his family from the hands of the enemy. Thanks and God Bless you all.

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I ask that you pray for me and my family. Me and my husband have been married for 4years, we have a 5 year old daughter. My husband had a affair with this woman who claims to be pregnant with his child, he says it's not his if it is I don't know what to do I love my husband but i think that it is the ultimate betrayal please pray that I can make the right decision for me and my daughter and also that the baby is not his and she can leave us alone.

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Financial Blessing and Miracle

We ask for prayers that we are able to get the 500K that we were expecting today. You know truly well, dearest Lord, that we are hopeless and desperate. Please be with us and grant us this financial miracle that we so need. As you have said, "Ask and you shall receive". We come unto you begging to please grant this to us today. Thank you so much for always being with us and continue to grant us the wisdom and strength to be able to overcome all of these trials. Amen.

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Return to Prayer Requests 2010.

Open My Eyes, My Heart, and My Understanding

by Shaderria
(Decatur, GA)

God I know that you're listening. I know that you can feel my pain. I feel so lost and afraid all the time. I wonder what my life is coming to. I need you God more than I've ever needed anyone or anything. God open my heart and my understanding. Let me know that you can hear me. Let me know that you're there. I need to know that you love me and that you can see me. God I'm so afraid of what my life is coming to without your guidance. Lord I need a sign. I need to know what direction you want me to go in and what steps do you want me to take. I'm here God. I'm ready for change. Help me God!!!!!

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Prayer Request

by noel

i am in desperate need.my dad has cancer.my grandmother is in a nursing home and my mother & brother don't seem to understand the situation.please pray for the return of Jesus. God can do anything.sending his son back now would be a blessing. can someone pray for the return of Jesus according to Matthew 18:19 'that if any of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing they shall ask ,it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven

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Patricia Henry

my dear friend ariel,her son shamar,daycare issues,his being overweight at 2 years old - 38 pounds to be exact,that she would be able to find appropriate daycare for her son and be able to continue her schooling to make a better life for herself,her son and daughter.that trisha would respect her mother and help her out much more.AMEN

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Return to Prayer Requests 2010.

I need him

by Shannen
(Sabah, Malaysia)

The one that I really love has already left me two weeks ago. He told me to forget our relationship and he wants me to let him walk out from my life. And he said that he doesn't love me anymore. My friends told me to forget him and concentrate on my study. But I can't! I'm losing hope each day, and sometimes I feel that he will not come back. I've used this prayer before, but unfortunately things got worse. I know that I had made a mistake and I don't want to let him go because I love him so much. I just want the old him to come back to me. I need him so badly. Please pray for me and others who have the same problem as mine. I REALLY want him to come back to me. ='(

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My Grandson Our Angel

by patricia

My 1 year old grandson has been having colds one after the other and has been on antibiotics for a very long time, the doctor has said he has an enlarged spleen and this friday my wonderful daughter in law and my son will be told by the doctor what exactly he has as he has had tests done and being in hospital. please may you wonderful people have him in your prayers, that he may get well, my wonderful child. Thank you Patricia.

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Return to Prayer Requests 2010.

Lost my Beloved

Please help me pray that my beloved will come back to me. it seems that he has forgotten about me already. Before he was so in love but now it seems that he does not know me. I'm hurting very much already. help me pray.

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Desperate Mother

I need financial blessings. I am raising four of my grandchildren and can't seem to make ends meet. Please pray for me, I need financial help.

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Raymond Nicholas Legnini

I am needing all the help , healing and protection I can find right now...thank you

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Financial Blessing.

by Candy
(Bellevue Ky)

My husband Don has been out of work for over a year, we are growing weary, his health is failing he has applied for disability, I pray God will help his disability go through quickly. May God grant us his favor over our finances.

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Help Me Pray For My Financial Problems

Please help me pray that i may survive in my debts and overcome all the problems i encounter. Thank you.

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this city

will you pray this city is in the will of God.

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Prayer Request For My Son To Find Work

by Nancy
(Albuquerque, NM, USA)

Please join me in praying for my son to find work. He has not worked in a year and a half and is battling depression as a result making it more of a challenge to look for a job. I know God has the perfect job that is waiting for him and that he need only open to receive it, for which he needs to feel worthy. I see him opening to God's blessings for him and being grateful for the many gifts he already has - love and support from his family and belief in him. Thank you for your prayers. They are appreciated.

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God to Protect Me and My Family

by yaovi

GOD to protect the family from any attack and lead us always in everything we are doing to help us to be successful

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Please Pray

My Sweet Jesus You know what i need please give me peace and confidence, keep my mind clear with positive thoughts .
God bless us all.Amen. Thank you.

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