Are you working? If yes start saving money for paying the debt. Talk to the person who has lend you the money and ask for some time. And yes the amount is a huge one I know. Have complete faith in God. Pray to Him and ask Him to help you pay the debt. And do this with Complete Faith and leave everything to Him. I am very very sure He will help you pay ur debt and yes one more thing you yourself start giving affirmations that you will pay your debt. I am sure God will listen to ur prayer and very soon you will be free of all debts:)
May 10, 2009
I Pray for you by: Anonymous
I pray for you that you find a way to pay all your debts, joyfully and with understanding. Keep sending gratitude to the the person you owe the debt to and God who is helping you repay all your debts. Remember, come what may, you are a magnificent being; a piece of God. Have faith in yourself. You are at the right place at the right time.