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Comments for Prayer Request - God Use Me to Help Heal the World

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Mar 06, 2008
Prayers for guidance
by: Mashubi

Dearest Shane, may God bless your courage and devotion and your desire to serve God. I am so sorry for the difficulties you are enduring. May the way open before you, may your desire to serve be deeply fulfilled. May God grant you the wisdom to discern each step of your spiritual path, and to see clearly. With much love to you.

Mar 29, 2008
I Hear You
by: Matthew Andrews

I hear you, Shane. How amazing, how courageous for you to listen to your heart's calling, even through such difficulty. Your story brought warmth to my heart because I can sometimes feel despairing about how little people are willing to sacrifice, myself included, so help heal the world. Your faith is beautiful.

I pray that you do mot lose hope. I so understand your feeling that you can no longer ask your family to suffer. I have a wife and young son as well, so I deeply understand. Finding a way to surrender to God while maintaining a sense of responsibility for what you have been given in this life is incredibly hard. But it sounds like that's what is being asked of you.

I pray that you feel God's presence with you as you navigate this passage - and that your heart's hope to be an instrument of God is soon fulfilled. With love,

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