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Comments for Prayer Request for Marriage Restoration

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Apr 01, 2008
Marriage restoration
by: veronica

Hi Isika, I truly feel your pain. I have the same marriage problems, except that we are still together, he goes to this OW once a week. We have 2 boys as well, and they have no idea what their father is up to. I have no courage to tell the kids because they adore their father so much. I don't want them to hate their father. My husband is living a double life.I truly wanted to split up with him but because of the kids i can't, i don't want to break up my family although i'm suffering inside.Let us pray together for guidance and strength. I know it is very hard but for the sake of our kids we have to be strong...thru prayers...Miracles will happen you know ..just hang in there...cause i am... remember God is with us!!!

Apr 02, 2008
Marriage restoration
by: Lina

Dear Isaka,

I feel for you & I know exactly what you are going thru. My friend had exactly the same problem as you but guess what? she came out of it & the OW left & they are dating each other now and are so much in love! I prayed for my friend & I got her a book by Catherine Ponder "The Dynamic Laws of Healing" in which Catherine tells to bless everyone & every situation. Keep blessing & you will see the results. I told my friend that & in that book Catherine relates a story similar to yours & my friend & the wife did exactly what Catherine says"bless the OW & the husband. Then what is happening is blessing going to them & this is positive & you should say" I bless you ...(name) & I bless the goodness of God within you". Everyone is a child of God. When you bless the goodness of God within them, their goodness emerges on the surface & they turn better & change. That's what exactly my friend did for both the OW & her husband. She did that everyday. Be patient & surrender to God. Leave all in His Beloved care. He will work out things for you & keep blessing everyone who is the cause of your hurts right now & you will feel the peace & love of God & miracle will happen. Trust me. You can buy the book & start reading it & trust in the Lord. He's a God of wonders & can work miracle. Trust & faith walk hand in hand. You need to have both. Just surrender to God. Say to Jesus "I cast this burden of ...(name & situation) upon You & I (your name & your kids) walk free. In saying that you are surrendering all to God & let Him deal with your situation. Allow Him to do that. He's our Father. He will help us in all situation. So if you can bless these two everyday, you will see the results. Do that from the bottom of your heart & you will see how God will work in this situation. All the very best. Love in Christ. Lina

Apr 07, 2008
Marriage Restoration
by: Anonymous

I will pray for you, dear Isika. May God bless you and help you.

Apr 07, 2008
God will save your marriage!
by: Augustine

Lord God, I pray you, through the powerful intercession of St. Padre Pio, to have Pity and save the marriage of Isika and Eric. Unite them again into a loving happy family. Amen.
Lord Jesus, have mercy on them!
Lord Jesus, heal them!
Lord Jesus, save them!
Lord Jesus, set them free (from the forces of evil}!

Jul 28, 2008
keep standing
by: ronnie

hey standers,
Well its another day which means its another day to stand,pray and fight for our marriages, families, and friends.
Standing for our loved ones while they are out sinning in the far country is one of the biggest sacrifices and showings of unconditional love that we can make for our loved ones. Knowing that they have betrayed us, hurt us, abandoned us and is attempting to start new lives with new people right before our very eyes is so gutwrentching. But Jesus calls us to pray for our loved ones and to believe that he will bring them back to the Father and back home to us.
Lets keep believing in the promises of our Lord Jesus Christ. Lets remember that he is our miracle worker and that Gods word never returns void. Never mind what your spouse or the other person says, never mind what your family says, never mind what the world says or what the circumstance is. Nothing can stop Jesus from doing what he says he will do.
Jesus will hold us. Jesus will remind us that he is with us. Jesus will and is saving our spouses and bringing them to he Father. Jesus is bringing them home to us.
Never give up. Try not to look at the pain and the circumstances. satan and nothing else can stop our Lord.
Praying for us all.

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