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Prayer Request for Justin And Desti

Please pray for us during this difficult time. We are experiencing bad despair and helplessness along with depression. Nothing we do will make our life move forward. Any prayers for our situation would be appreciated. Thank you.

Comments for Prayer Request for Justin And Desti

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Jun 19, 2008
Despair and Helplessness
by: Deb

Dear Justin and Desti....I, too have had times of despair and helplessness....KNOW, that this is passing through...coming up to clear and heal...open up to RECEIVE this Summer Solstice...despair defined as give in, give up, lose heart, lose hope, quit, & surrender.....ASK and ASK again for doors to open into that which you wish to see and feel...all of this is but for a time...just a time...BELIEVE IT...hold on to that and all that is so very good in your lives...like each other..:-)...I send you love and more and more light flooding into your space, your beingness...as we, together let go of despair and helplessness and fill up with a KNOWINGNESS that all is in order within the chaos...surrender to love and to believing the unseen for it IS coming...and so it is...to our bliss and joy, I pray.

Jun 19, 2008
thank you so much for your insight and words
by: Desti

Hello this is Desti, Justin girlfreind...thank you and everyone for praying for us and all of your words of encouragement....love and light to you and yours....and everyone on this beautiful site....


Jun 21, 2008
It's a pleasure
by: Mashubi

Hello dearest Desti, what a pleasure to meet you! Thank you for visiting, and for your love and light blessings. With much love to you.

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