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Comments for Prayer Request for a Stable Relationship

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Dec 14, 2007
by: GERI

Dear No...............I cannot pronounce your name or you country but let me advise you this.
You need to ONLY worry about yourself right now
and then when you are stable and secure it will]all come to you.....When you least expect it
God will send you what you need...not what you
WANT........So get busy getting busy on you!!!!
I dont know how old you are but if you are over
21 years old or even 18 years old you are considered an adult.....Make your own choices
and dont think that anyone can change your mind.
You are a wonderful creation from Christ our Lord and HE wants you to be independent of human persons.....

He wants you to seek HIM first and everything will follow as it should....Good Luck at being
strong and using Tough Love on Yourself as we
call it in the good ole USA.

Blessings to you are coming if you do not force it.


Dec 15, 2007
you have not because you ask not
by: Dan

God first and foremost Yes! but Jesus tells us we have not because we ask not, So I tell you ask for whatever you want and as jesus said what soever you shall in my name ask believing and you SHALL receive it. Do not give up hope. I will Pray for you and you happiness remember Gods promise Where two or more are gathered together as touching anything Ask and you Shall receive. I send you Gods Love and my prayers, Dan, Texas, USA

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