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Prayer Request - Empower me to promote Unity of Mankind Transcending Differences

by Partha Roy
(Delhi-Kolkata ,India)

Lord Jesus , Holy Mother Mary , Every Holy Soul ,
Empower me to translate my dreams into reality :
Of many, some of my aims are:
To improve health of every human being across the world through popularization of high vegetable protein consumption ( e.g. Dal) as staple food replacing starch based food to tackle malnutrition problem around the world after proper scientific study guided by truth
To realign agricultural processes globally to increase Dal type /vegetable protein production
To incorporate vegetable protein consumption popularization in global business strategy of largest food production companies of the world profitably
To bring Israeli desert green (afforestation) technology to convert part of Rajasthan ,many parts of Africa , Americas, Australia ,Asia ,green, initiate orange & other fruits& vegetables farming which will create new jobs
To inculcate joy in every human being across the world transcending differences of race, religion, culture, language etc barrier guided by truth.

To cooperate with every human being across the Universe in progeny creation, growth & maintenance to preserve their genetic heritage across the world transcending religious, cultural, legal, socio-economic barriers but based on truth, pure love, dedication, commitment. In fact, to help every living being to create progeny
To inculcate joy, happiness for every soul,
To ennoble "man-woman sexual interaction processes" to create healthy progeny by spreading truth based, Indian, oriental, occidental knowledge on sexual relationship
To lead & advance human civilization development processes in to new heights of socio -economic, cultural, in fact all round growth & prosperity.
To align with universal absolute & relative truth to spread joy rising above differences
To live & help everyone to live in biological body for 120years +
To create very large healthy, intelligent biological family chain who acts as human resources to serve mankind in future through knowledge, skills, etc
To be part of any team who share the thought that " Life is more important than death " and " Life optimization process " rather than " Life minimisation processes"
To be part of the team who share the thought that " even bitterest/greatest enemy has right to live & grow in a non damaging way" i.e. " principle of co-existence".
To lead pro-consumption ,pro-materialistic balanced lifestyle as path to contribute for empowerment of others
To lead debt free life & achieve excellence

As human being I always believe that as long as we are in human being we all can make mistake including myself, We are imperfect in some areas of our life but yet it is possible to achieve several global welfare objectives. I'm not interested to exploit any ones weakness ( under beg, borrow, steal theory of operations) but keen to create (completely) new in vacant space inculcating joy ushering in socio-economic growth & prosperity .

I seek every Holy Soul's blessings & guidance to create & optimize global understanding by pro-consumption , pro-materialistic, balanced , healthy life style through actual practice in personal life & communication.

Resources are critical to pursue any developmental activity at individual, local, national, global level. I wish to generate resources through effective communication , positivism and everything based on truth with due care not to hurt anyone even knowingly & unknowingly except for self-defence. Also, I wish to practice pragmatic realism .

Also ,I wish to generate through business activities & contribute to support at least 150 Holy Fathers & Sisters with all type of material , financial needs to help them to achieve excellence in their chosen objectives for welfare of mankind through out the world. I wish to support them through high quality materialistic support system.

Wish everyone optimum & opulent joy.

Thanks to everyone who will be praying for me.

Partha Roy

Comments for Prayer Request - Empower me to promote Unity of Mankind Transcending Differences

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May 18, 2010
Please Help Me
by: Anonymous

I am really in need of prayer. I quit my secure corporate job a year ago in order to become a professional artist (entertainer/performer/singer/musician). I DO NOT WANT TO GIVE UP FAITH AND HOPE BUT I AM COMPLETELY AFRAID RIGHT NOW AND COULD REALLY USE PRAYER REGARDING FINANCIAL SECURITY, ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS, SELF ESTEEM/SELF IMAGE. I KNOW IT'S ALL GOOD I JUST NEED PRAYER!!!!!!! I TRULY believe I have been following the call of my soul, I just don't know how to dissolve any remaining unconcious blocks to receiving money and prosperity in any any every way possible. I want to continue sharing my gifts and do what I feel I was born, blessed and anointed to do which is MUSIC AND ENTERTAINING!!!!!!!!!!!.
I really really really want to continue to listen to myself and follow my heart but I'm also scared that I finally listened to myself for real and have screwed up royally and if I let my mind continue to spin out of control then it goes to I'm gonna be broke, have to sell my car and move out of my apartment and be completely homeless and humiliated for making such a stupid decision when I used to have a 6 figure salary. I turned THAT DOWN ONLY TO END UP BEING HOMELESS?????. WHAT KIND OF DUMB DECISION IS THAT LISTENING TO WHAT I THOUGHT WAS RIGHT FOR ME FINALLY???
ALL THAT IS NOT THE TRUTH IS NOW DISSOLVED AND RELEASED IN ITS ENTIRETY FROM MY BEING. Pray I know only the truth, I am only the truth, I radiate only the truth, I speak only the truth, hear only the truth, I think only the truth, I am immersed in only the truth, I be only the truth in all circumstances, I only see, hear, taste sense, make decisions based on, am guided by, act from, respond from, feel, embody, embrace, emote, ruminate, smell, intuit, perceive, relate, emit, reflect, eat, ingest, digest, live, choose, live move and have my being, conscious of, talk about, connect to, think, believe, experience, know the truth (what is real...reality...love...goodness...joy..peace...please pray for my continued and expanding perfect and Divine health, wholeness, happiness, and freedom! I release and let go right now...
this or better for me, my loved ones, and every being on this planet now and forevermore. Thank you. And so it is, and so I let it be. Amen.

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