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Prayer Request - Broken Hearted

Me and my boyfriend Mark broke up a few days ago. There was a a lot of problems in our relationship and he won't talk to me now. I wish he wouldn't let his pride stand in the way. I have never felt this way about anyone before. All I want is for him to pick up the phone and call, and to come back home. I want us to start over and be happier than ever before. Please help.

Comments for Prayer Request - Broken Hearted

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Sep 27, 2008
by: Anonymous


Oct 16, 2008
Put your heart in God's hands
by: Kimberly

I, too have recently broken up with my boyboyfriend. He called me last night on my birthday to let me know he was too tired to come visit me on my birthday and I let him know that I was hurt by that and really wanted to see him. That made him angry and it turned into an argument that led him to break it off. We have more problems and I have cried more times than I have laughed in our two and half year relationship, he has broken my heart so many times, you'd think it wouldn't hurt anymore, but it still does. I think the reason it does still hurt is because I truly love this man and have most respect for him even though he doesn't repect me and my feelings and needs in the relationship. One thing I've learned is that maybe we are just not meant to be, love shouldn't hurt or be so hard to do. If you force something that wasn't meant to be, you will never find happiness. Place your heart in God's hands and your true love, the one that will love you for you and respect you will find you. Say a little prayer befroe bedtime each night, God is by your side always. I know it hurts, but sometimes the best thing to do is move forward. You are going to grieve and hurt for awhile, that's normal, you're only human. But, once you heal and find peace within yourself, you'll find happiness! I'm trying my best to take my own advice. Time will heal your hurt. Good luck and I hope you find your happiness!

Jan 26, 2011
by: james edward gerard fox

please pray for me to rid myself of the illness in my mind and body and to please make me perfect and complete always - not lacking anything


Feb 22, 2011
by: james edward gerard fox

please pray for me to rid the illness in my mind and body and to please make me perfect and complete always - not lacking anything


Nov 16, 2011
health/healing NEW
by: james edward gerard fox

please pray for me - my whole life is upsidedown and i really need a complete lasting miracle in my life - i am sick in mind and body and need prayers to fully regain health and healing to my mind and body always as well as a tormenting unclean spirit taken out of me for good - amen


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