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Prayer Request - At the End of my Rope

by George Jessee Jr

Well today 8/20/08 my wife and daughter came by for just a minute to show me my daughters hair cut for school.Then will my daughter went to the bath room my wife said she got the separation papers today and would bring them Saturday on my birthday.I believe the lord has turned his back on me with all the praying that i have done and all of the studying.I feel so hurt and so lost with out any one and it hurts me so bad not to be able to see my daughter every day it just tears my heart out and to see them leave.Please i need prayers so bad that i feel like i am at the end of my rope.PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR MARRIAGE PLEASE

Comments for Prayer Request - At the End of my Rope

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Aug 21, 2008
To the one who wrote - At the end of my rope
by: Naomi

Even though I do not know you, except what you share in your message, I feel the anguish and recognize your cry in myself and in so many others. We call out and ask for what we want to happen, and when it doesn't work in the way we hoped, we feel abandoned and like our prayer wasn't heard. We want more prayer power. It is a very human desire. Maybe if many people pray, we can make it happen!
We can't control another person's heart or behavior. It isn't ours to do. We always have the freedom to work on how we respond to what happens.
The highest response is to love your wife and daughter enough to try to work with them for what is best for all of you. If you are loving and helpful, there is no reason you can't see your daughter quite frequently. Allow the space to determine what is the best solution for all of you. That will ultimately bring the greatest peace....even though the hardest thing of all is to feel your heart breaking at losing your family as you have known it.
I do pray for any possibility of reconciliation and for the love to be renewed and restored within you, your wife, and your daughter. I pray that prayer with you now.
I only speak of maintaining the love, during this time of feeling the abandonment and hopelessness. Just keep loving! There is life in that creative response. There is hope in it. It helps you breathe to love them no matter what!
This is God's gift to us, to keep loving us even when we don't act in the highest way possible sometimes.....most of the time....for most of us.

I write to let you know you are not alone. People will pray for you. You are heard. God is also listening to your wife's heart, and to your daughter's cries in her heart, in whatever she can't yet express.

There are prayers on the companion sight, healing prayers, many write loving prayers to care about others as well.
Blessings and Love,

Aug 21, 2008
Hold onto the rope...
by: Deb

Dear Jesse.....I add my love and support to Naomi's messge to you....one of loving in the face of all that is occurring in your outer world....the end of the rope is LOVE....never let go....love yourself, your wife, your daughter and each moment you can bring it up within yourself to do so....love her new haircut, love her stories of her first day at school...love that your wife loves your daughter....wherever you can name it...LOVE...and may God Creator flood your heart with more love than you can imagine in this lifetime....shifts will occur...life WILL change and who knows what may happen....holding onto the rope with you, for you, and for me, and for us all.

May you be blessed this very day...for your highest good!

Aug 22, 2008
your angels
by: Anonymous

I have called upon the light of the beloved angels to be with you in this time. Your request is on its way to the mighty Devine I Am . Call on your beloved angels now.. Know all is well. We thank the universe for the mighty power of good for you now.. holding you in that light "peace be still".

Beloved Angels are sending the blessing you so need now for your wife and daughter too,May you be sounded wiht peace , healing and know love is with you even if you don't feel it , Stop now and forgive yourself from dought and know the devine source IS with you.
beloved Angels we thank you now . Devine source we thank you now.. Thank you thank you thank you.. It is so.

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