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Prayer Request - Abusive Ex-husband

by Kathy
(Bethany, OK USA)

I need help in getting away for negative energy that
won't stop. My ex-husband wants to kill me and is now gone to court to have the restraining order against him removed. He feels that I destroyed his life. He is abusive in every way and no matter how hard I try to get away from his abusive behavior I can't.

Comments for Prayer Request - Abusive Ex-husband

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Jul 20, 2008
Prayer for Transformation
by: Mashubi

Dearest Kathy, may this entire situation be completely healed and transformed in God's holy light. May you be freed from this abuse on all levels, in all realms, and in all ways. Blessings and Amen.

Jul 21, 2008
by: Deb

I add my prayers of support, love, protection and transformation to Mashubi's....so be it!

Jul 21, 2008
More prayer and support for you.
by: Betty

May those that guide you, hear your prayers clearly, love you dearly, and may the negative energy that keeps you be released fully and lovingly for full healing.

Sep 08, 2008
More Prayer
by: Ria

I add my own prayer for protection and peace and healing...as I say it so be it

Sep 23, 2010
Abusive ex
by: Mandy

I too have an abusive ex-husband. He continues to spread lies about me and lie to our daughter to alienate her from me. I am so weary. I spent 13 years being verbally abused, controlled and isolated by him and now that I finally got the strength to leave he is even worse. He is a narsisist and so communication is impossible. I continue to ask the Lord to take this burden and show me how to cope and to shield my heart and body from his abuse and to protect my child.

I pray the Lord protect you and as my mom says, let the Lord take care of those who purposely do evil to others. Continue to follow God's word and He will never fail you.

May 02, 2011
Divorces and Children and when they turn the anger on us!
by: Anonymous

I can feel what Mandy feels I go through the same thing but my son sees it he is almost 12. God sees our actions so i try my best to act the proper way I pray for the changing of his dads heart that is the best thing to do,but believe me when they act a certain way it is harder than hard but God never said it would be easy. We just need people to lift us up in prayer and us all pray together. Like the bible talks about how there is power in numbers when it comes to praying! Ive been praying for years,but I am not going to give up if I do then there is no hope if I keep praying at least I have some hope. There is hope in Christ Jesus Amen! Thank you Jesus for never leaving me or forsaking me! He was controlling to me for 13 yrs now the control is worse he uses my son as a pawn but my son sees it and he is in the middle that is who I feel sorry for not myself It hurts me yes deeply but I can handle it if I have to it tares my son up badly God help him and us all in the name of Jesus!

Nov 27, 2011
I am weary with you.
by: Tammy

My ex is also a diagnosed narc. The court system is so corrupt, that it encourages the abuse to continue long after the divorce. You can't escape, it's legal slavery. If the abuser gets custody, the protective parent becomes the slave of the abuser all over again. After-all who's going to abandon their children? Mine if he wins, will get me right back into his home. How could I leave them with him? I will pray for you and all the women who suffer in this unimaginable way. It's become so bad these days, i would almost have to encourage the next generation to avoid intirely the idea of home and family. There is nothing more excrutiatingly painful than to watch your child suffer. I pray Gods Kingdom come with a vengeance on anyone who would harm a child.

Whole lot of evil self serving men out there!

Mar 18, 2012
I Know your pain
by: Heather

My ex husband gave up on the lord in 04 when his
parents died in a car crash, he is so filled with
hate and wants me died and my kids to! he just
wants money to buy drugs and alcohol "abuse" is
scary, I hope your safe! I'm praying for mine to be saved some how. money, drugs, alcohol are what
drives abusive people to hurt and kill! be safe.

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