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Prayer for Stength to be Authentic for all Leaders

by Fiona

My husband is going through a very challenging work situation and being a leader is very lonely I pray that he has the strength to be his authentic self the kind loving, caring, focused person that is within him as this is needed by the leaders of the world now.

Simply the prayer for Howell & all leaders is to give them the strength to be their true self in all the challenges they face



Comments for Prayer for Stength to be Authentic for all Leaders

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Jun 27, 2008
I pray with you

I pray for your husband and all leaders to be supported in standing for the light even when this is not the popular choice.

Jun 27, 2008
Prayer for leaders
by: Mashubi

Hi Fiona, thank you for your prayer request. I want to share with you of the prayers I pray for the leaders of our world. I will hold your husband in my prayers as well.


We come before you who govern the nations of the world, to ask that you who wield great power consider the source of this power, and that as part of the wisdom that dwells within each human breast, you honor and recognize the Source that has placed you where you are for the benefit of all.

Too many times throughout history have those who stood at the helm of the public domain taken power for themselves and not for those whom they represented. Indeed, many have forgotten altogether that they existed on behalf of the people, and that the people did not exist on their behalf.

We pray that those who are given the privilege and responsibility of leadership, may find within themselves the humility and goodness to continually attune both to the will of those they represent, and to God's Will which flows through them as it flows through each heart that beats within a human body.

May this innate goodness and humility characterize the leadership of all who seek office and of all who come into office, and may the willingness to abandon self-interest in service to the well-being of the whole, define the essential character and quality of those who come to represent the rest.

We pray on behalf of all humanity that the rulership of the few for the benefit of the few no longer plague the Earth, and that the leadership of the many BY the many be established as the signpost of the new time to come.

Blessed are those whose hearts have opened to the truth of the source of their power, who understand its Divine origin, and who vow to never take it lightly or betray it carelessly.

Blessings and Amen.

You can find this prayer and more prayers online at PrayersAmerica.org

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