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Prayer for Self Love and Self Healing and Freedom from Distrust, Jealousy and Fear

Dear God and Everyone Who Watches Over Me;
I pray for the healing the parts of me that hurt. Please, God, please heal the hurting part of me that is a distrustful romantic partner who is so often jealous of my boyfriend's interactions with women and afraid that he wants to leave me for them or cheat on me with them. Please, please, please heal the wounds in my heart that ache every time my boyfriend talks to a woman; and often looks for hints that he wants her more than me. I have repeated this pattern so many times and every time it hurts so badly in my stomach and my chest. I need a miracle, God, because I certainly haven't been able to heal this pain by myself in all these years; and I really love my boyfriend and I want us to keep getting closer. I don't want to push him away with these feelings of fear and jealousy and I don't want to be in a constant state of pain and worry. Please send me self love and healing and freedom and trust and faith.

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Jul 01, 2008
Be Not Afraid
by: Naomi

All jealousy and negative thought arises out of fear. Trust that Love goes before you, dwells within you, and follows after you. Love is not only in the other person. It is in you. Let Love be your companion, and then you are free to allow Love to be with you always. You give away your own creative power when you believe the other person holds the secret to your happiness. Love waits to arise from within your own soul. True love desires the happiness of the other person, even if it sometimes means going in another direction. Fear will drive others away. You push them away by being possessive and afraid. You make it happen. Just love them....don't try to own them.
Words to a favorite hymn.

Be not afraid,
I go before you always,
Come follow Me,
and I shall give you rest.


You shall cross the barren desert,
but you shall not die of thirst.
You shall wander far in safety,
though you do not know the way.

You shall speak your words in foreign lands,
and all will understand,
You shall see the face of God and live.

Be not afraid,
I go before you always,
Come follow Me,
and I shall give you rest.

If you pass through raging waters
in the sea, you shall not drown.
If you walk amidst the burning flames,
you shall not be harmed.

If you stand before the power of hell
and death is at your side,
know that I am with you, through it all

Be not afraid,
I go before you always,
Come follow Me,
and I shall give you rest.

Blessed are your poor,
for the Kingdom shall be theirs.
Blest are you that weep and mourn,
for one day you shall laugh.

And if wicked men insult and hate you, all because of Me,
blessed, blessed are you!

Be not afraid,
I go before you always,
Come follow Me,
and I shall give you rest.

Just think that love is already with you, and will always be with you through whatever happens.
It gives you peace.

Love, Naomi

Jul 01, 2008
What a blessing Naomi
by: Deb

That was beautiful...fear certainly is a robber...I have a little thing I do in my mind...came from working on a computer...you know the SEARCH and REPLACE feature?...well, every time I have felt FEAR, I do a search and replace it with LOVE....slowly, the fear disappears and the empty space fills up with love...remember, LOVE IS the healer of all...I SEND you LOVE in every cell of your being, dear friend of mine...as I am you and you are me...we all share the same parts...rest and KNOW beyond all your doubts and fears you are LOVED and the most special being on this planet...no one else is just like YOU...you are a gift to this planet...right here and right now...just who you are...LOVE YOU, LOVE YOU, LOVE YOU...you're worth it!

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