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Prayer for Miracles

by Jeremy

Please pray to Our Lady of Miracles for great miracles, blessings, and works within Catholic and non-Catholic, non-Christian religions. She needs us to appeal to her miraculous medal, heart, and say many prayers for the relief of the Holy Souls in Purgatory. St. Leonard said if you are able to release one soul from Purgatory, you can be "confident that heaven is mine". Please ask Our Lady for many great miracles, both through her miraculous heart and medallion and her sweet and generous heart. Please ask for extreme and radical miracles, she wants to pour out her greatest blessings to fight the current pollution of this world. Peace and God bless. Don't forget to pray for clergy. Please also appeal to the Miraculous hearts of the Saints, particularly St. Joseph, St. Jude, St. Terese of Lisieux, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Josemaria, St. Padre Pio, St. Teresa of Avila, and St. Agnes. Appeal finally to the Sacred, Merciful and MIRACULOUS heart of Jesus! MIRACLES ARE COMING, PLEASE DON’T BE SHY, DIG DEEP AND PRAY HEAVY AND HARD THAT THESE MIRACLES ARE THE BEST WE CAN POSSIBLY GET!!! DON’T FORGET TO ASK FOR THINGS NOT KNOWN OR EXPECTED!!! Radical prayers at this time are needed more than quantity, ask for St. Joseph’s help with your prayers always!!! Please also consider asking for some kind of union being reached between the Catholic Church and Joel Osteen’s Protestant ministry, please ask Our Lady of Miracles for this intention and turn to the Litany of Our Lady of Victory as well, very efficacious for me lately!!!!!!!!

Thank you for viewing this and kindly honoring the requests of Our Lady through applying this to your prayer structure and times ahead, which will get rough. Hang in and be smart. Use the rosary with the Our Father and Hail Mary substituted with a combination of "Glory Be's" and "O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!" and you'll receive whatever you want if it corresponds to God's glory and love!

Try once and you'll be shocked at what you receive (It appears to be some kind of miracle prayer because I’ve been using it for one week and I’ve gotten nothing but an overflow of blessings since - I normally use the beads for the Glory Be and then between each bead for the "O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!" salutation. God bless and be well, you will be in my prayers as well. All love!!!
Jeremy, Toronto

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