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Comments for prayer for marriage

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Apr 01, 2010
Marriage prayer response
by: Rebecca

Hi Lucie,

First, thank you for openly expressing your heart and sharing what you are currently living with your husband. I will be honest, I am not married, however I am engaged and these past couple of weeks I have been praying to God for some serious insight, wisdom, and advice in regards to marriage and what exactly our "roles" as husband and wife should entail. I will share with you what the Lord has been sharing with me...

First of all, I don't know your husband or how he views God but I can tell you that it is absolutely vital that your husband has a genuine and intimate relationship and connection with the Lord. In order for your husband to be living in the "spirit" and not in the "flesh", he must be in prayer and put God first before anything no matter what. And you can also pray for this for your husband. Just this would dramatically transform and improve the situation and your union. However, if your husband is being physically abusive with you, or causing your spiritual life to perish, then perhaps you should consider taking a more drastic decision. As the scripture puts it in Ephesians 5:25: Men are to love their wives as Christ gave himself up for her, this also demonstrates "sacrificial love", meaning that your husband should do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves (Phil 2:3) and that he should serve and love you as a godly husband.

Hope this helped you. God bless and keep you and all your family.


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