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Prayer for Healing of my Relationship and my Higher Purpose

by Rhonda
(Fort Smith, AR)

Please pray and hold the vision of Rhonda and Kenny healing their relationship if it is for the highest good of all involved. Please assist in working out financial concerns and manifesting abundance. Please assist Kenny in awakening and assist Rhonda on her spiritual path. Please help Rhonda with her service job--be it through her art or whatever it might be. Please send answers to her as to what career path she should embark on that will be in the highest good for all involved. Inspire her art to be a prayer to others and to uplift others and assist in their awakening. Please help Rhonda to hold the vision of abundance, service, love, praise and gratitude and to heal herself so that others my be healed as well. Please help Rhonda to melt off all of the layers that she that she has covered her true self with so that she may be one with God. Atonement. Thank you for the Holy Spirit who interprets on a daily basis. Please help us to remember to ask for assistance from Spirit as well as all helpful beings. Please help me to get to the core of my peace and to be who I am supposed to be.
Namaste, and thank you all. Rhonda

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