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Comments for Prayer for Financial Rescue

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Jan 03, 2009
The Lord cares
by: Tonny Kyagambiddwa

Dear Rev. Fr.Augustine Lukenge. I thank God that you are serving him as a prist who is faithful, obedient, and humble.The Lord who made you a priest knows all those problems.Let us put our trust in St. Anthony,he is a powerful patron; may he be with you always, may he strenghen you that you may cope with the trials and troubles of daily life.Fr, may st.Anthony come to your help in this moment o ftrouble and anxiety by whispering your humble request to Jesus Christ if it be for the greater groly of God and for the betterment of all those under your care and providence.I promise to pray for you Fr.

Let us put our trust in him.

Jan 17, 2009
May God help you.
by: Tonny Makumbi Kyagambiddwa

Fr, The Lord can't forget you. He knows whatever you want to receive, and all that you want to overcome. May the Lord hear your prayers. Let pray for one another,


Jul 28, 2010
Enemies of the cross
by: Joseph and Tonny Kyagambiddwa

Enemies of the cross of Christ. Philippians 3:18-19
I would like to pray for the people who are suffering from all forms of injustices wherever they are. Here in London, many people are mistreated by their friends, natives and some by their children and parents. I thank God that my family is blessed with good people who are true Christians. I pray for my parents Joseph and Iren. My brothers Tonny, Joseph, Ronald and my sisters especially Moreen who studies here in London.
I pray for all people who look to be the enemies of the cross of Christ. It is not easy to determine the true enemies to the cross of Christ. Sometimes I ask myself, ?What example do we give to the people around us?? I believe that good examples are good in our Christian life. There are many people who have never seen true Christians!!! Saint Paul is an example of a true Christian, and we need to follow his teachings everyday in our Christian life. May God bless our nation and the city of London

Jul 08, 2011
University of st. Mary of the lake School of Theology/Makerere University and Nairobi School of Theology
by: Anonymous

Most of the theology and education professors at the University of St. Mary of the lake school of theology focuss on teaching how to be a real minister in the present day Africa. I liked most of the professors and I pray for them for what they offered me while doing my studies there. We had a group of professors who gave us different talks on how to pass well our class. one of the most inspiring professors presented a talk on how to plan for our academic success.Plan: Ask yourself—Was Richard, the winner of the tv “Survivor” program, really the person who would have been most likely to actually survive on a desert island? Probably not, but he won because, unlike many of the other participants, he had a strategy, a plan. The first secret is to figure out and implement your own scheme, your own method to succeeding in this class and in college generally. Be something of a gamesman: successful people determine in advance how they are going to approach a task, whether it is cleaning out the garage or impressing a boy or girl or something more academic. Don’t just drift, hoping that things somehow work out by luck or magic or wishful thinking. Figure out your best way of learning and earning (the grade you desire) and then do it.
Long live St Mary of the lake university-school of theology. May God bless us all.

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