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Prayer for Financial Miracles & Increase

by George

Thank God for His many blessings for He have provided us. I have been worried about my age,health & work to support my family. Unable to pay my recent high utilities bills have caused me more. Hope grant me a financial miracles & blessings that I can support my daughter further studies,pay all debts,to restore my wife finance that have used up during my unemployment that the money is to buy for Henry a house and to meet my siblings that have seen one another for many years..
And with the grace of blessings able to help others....
Listen to my prayers O God,do not ignore my plea. Psalm 55:1
Thank you Saints for prayers.

Comments for Prayer for Financial Miracles & Increase

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Mar 05, 2010
Rent and Cape Town
by: Shireen Hall

Dear Lord hear my prayer for a financial miracle to pay my rent and make the trip to Cape Town today or tomorrow morning. Nothing is impossible with God. thank you father

Mar 22, 2010
Finanicial blessings...
by: Anonymous

Dear Heavenly Father who resides in Heaven hallowed be Thy name. Please Heavenly Father bless me with resources that I may be able to pay my rent, bills on time. I ask this in Your name. Amen! Thank you Father for the blessings to come.

Mar 28, 2010
by: marlene

I am asking God to release His financial blessings upon me to pay my mortgage. My sales on Ebay to increase and that my harvest would show up speedily.
Also please pray for minister KURT. He is in need of finances to carry out his calling. He needs money to live. Father supply gas in his car, a place to rest his head, a van, food, a bed and may the supply never run out in Jesus name amen.

Apr 09, 2010
by: Anonymous

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for all of the blessings you have bestowed upon me. Please lift the heavy burden of my debt by providing me with a better paying job so that I may be able to give my daughters a better life.

Apr 12, 2010
financial problem
by: noemi

please pray for my financial problem,i need your heavenly support to pay my debt this month,i need it very badly,thank you so much.

Apr 19, 2010
by: mary

Your heavenly father please bless upon us the finances needed to pay for our daughters senior pictures , car repairs , and to help my uncle with major home repairs.We took in my sister and her 2 children please give us the blessing to help them with what ever they need.....we have alot of finances coming upon us in the next month with graduation . Thank you for the strength that you give us each and every day and the word of the bible that we learn and try to live by.
In jesus name AMEN

May 01, 2010
Lord I thank you, I am requesting a financial blessing.
by: Nyasha

Dear God

Please my fellow brothers and sisters, help me by interceding for me. My Lord, I need a financial blessing in my life and a better job so I can be able to send my late sister's kids to school, pay my own rent, pay up my college loans and find enough for food. Thank you Lord.

May 01, 2010
Financial Blessings
by: Gina

Dear Lord,
Thank you for your many blessings. I am in need of a financial blessing lord, please show favor upon me and my family and help us pay all our debtors and continue to prosper. I call upon you everyday to show me the way and walk in your footsteps. Lord I know you will provide all my needs and I will wait upon you. Amen.

May 05, 2010
Help me
by: Anonymous

Dear God

If you can find it in your heart to help us all with the economy so the money starts flowing for everyone and they can all meet their debt. I think we have all learned a valuable lesson and ask for your assistance in this time of need. Please Dear God if you can help us all.


May 16, 2010
Financial Blessings
by: Julie

Please hear my prayer. I need help to get out of this financial mess I am in. Please help me with an increase in pay or a better paying job so that I can pay all my debts. Thank you for all the blessings you have given me and for the ones to come. Amen.

May 21, 2010
Need a financial miracle
by: Anonymous

Please pray for the intervention of the Holy Spirit for our financial needs and that my family and I will be granted a miracle by God's Grace.
Have not worked in almost a year and have car repairs to pay for - I do not want to lose our home. Praise the Lord Jesus for answered prayer!

May 23, 2010
Financial blessings
by: nancy

Dear Lord God,
Please put your hands on my bills and financial responsibilities. Please provide enough money to pay off my debts. We have sinned and spent more than we made. Please help us to get back on the path of saving and tithing. We need your heavenly grace to see us through this mess we have created. We have learned and will never repeat these same mistakes. Praise you Jesus.

May 25, 2010
please help me God...
by: madz

Heavenly Father, I humbly ask for you mercy and financial support at this moment in time.. You know God how much financial blessings i need right now. God there's is no one who could help me but you.. Lord God please have mercy that i would be able to pay my utilities, all my debts, all my financial needs right now.. Have mercy oh God, please hear my plea... I love you so much!

May 27, 2010
by: Anonymous

Please pray for my finances.

I need a miracle.

May 29, 2010
thank you
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord,

Thank you for the many blessings and graces you have given me and my family.

Please help me to win my labor case in my favor as soon as possible. Enlighten the complainant, her lawyer, the arbiter, the commissioner of all their wrong doings. Touch their hearts.

Please make my business very prosperous and all my financial obligations be paid in full.

Please forgive all my sins. Thank you for answering my prayers.

I love you.

Jun 15, 2010
by: Shoobie

I'm praying for a financial miracle, I have gave to the poor nurmeous times out of sacrifice I had render on to the Lord what is the Lord. I don't have nothing myself,I been living a poverty filled life since birth even up to now (38yrs old) I need real answers now! I believe the Bible is true, God's word is true! I can't take it any longer, Lord you know! What I've been thru so much and I'm not complaining but confused! It causes me to rob you, be inconsistent in my walk when I try hard to walk circumspect before you. I'm crying even now out to you for a supernatural miracle! Literally crying for real! I thought I was operating in faith when your leaders make alter calls for money to help other members of the body of Christ, guess speakers, and help with the chruch bills. While I strave somedays. I give with a willful cheerful heart. Is this your will for my life? Will I ever propsper? Should I just hang my faith up on the wall of doubt, and say forget it? I love you Jesus! Its not financial GREED but a financial NEED! I have children depending on me, friends, and family watching me depending on YOU. What would it do to their faith? I need immediate manifested results. I'm stressed, and restless I can't sleep most nights! S.O.S. JESUS S.O.S.

Jun 16, 2010
Financial Prayer
by: Ernie

Dear Lord, thank you for giving me sales all of my career. I am getting older now and can not afford to retire or even pay all of our bills. Please guide me to correct whatever is causing my sales to be slow and bless me with a way to support my family in our time of need. Amen.

Jun 21, 2010
by: Anonymous

DEAR GOD i ask you today to help me with my finances to be able to provide a roof over my son's head and to help us to get through all that we have going on now
amen please help

Jun 28, 2010
to pay my current debts
by: msag

please Lord help me find money to pay my debts this week.i need 5thousandsr.i need to send money to my family since i am the bread winner.i know God you will not leave me in this time of need.please show me Your miracle Lord.thank you so much.

Jul 07, 2010
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord (jehovah jireh... he who see's ahead..
I am in financial trouble and have no idea how my rent / bills will be paid this month. Jesus I walk by faith and not by sight and I know you will never leave me nor forsake me, you never have. Father God I thank you in advance for providing, as I remain faithful. God cancel all the plans the enemy has for me, and give me discernment. Jesus I pray allthing sthings in your Holy name Jesus Christ Amen...

Jul 18, 2010
Miracle for extension for present deferral in University
by: M.S.

That I receive an extension on my deferral for teacher's college till next year, due to my financial situation. In order that I can work for 1 more year to try and make some money for tuition.

Thanks for all your prayers and God Bless you all and may you all be blessed with many blessings, peace, happiness and set free from burdens and other troubles you may be presently encountering.

Peace to you all!!

Aug 11, 2010
Thanking Him for His Blessings
by: Anonymous

Dear Heavenly Father; Thank you for the financial blessing of helping us to find the funds to pay all of our expenses this month; Thank you for allowing us to be blessed by you, Thank you for all that you have provided for us; Thank you for giving us the faith in the time of dire need
Thank you for giving us your grace;
and most of all Thank you for keeping our family together and providing for all our needs

Aug 23, 2010
by: Cheryl M


You know my desperation. I've never had this kind of financial need in my life before. Normally, I would work to earn the money but my chronic illness prevents me from this.

I'm sorry for trying to rely on the lottery. I know it's foolish but I've never been so desperate before.

If my financial problems aren't solved this week I will ruin my dad's credit and then have to go away forever. Maybe I'll be homeless, maybe I'll be dead. I'm terrified and numb. You've always come through in the past. But I've never asked for $3300 before. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get this illness it's rare and just happened. I apologize for my existance. I apoligize for ruining everything.

Please help me Lord. That's for last night and the bible study Lord.

Your desperate follower,


Sep 01, 2010
In time of need
by: Anonymous

Father I cry for help for this urgent financial need.. I have no one to turn to but you my ultimate Saviour. Thru my existence Lord this 2 years hit me the hardest financially plusthe responsibility that others pass on me.I don`t know how to cope with them all and so i need your help in finding employment again Amen..Thank you Father

Sep 01, 2010
Desperate plea for money for rent android for my son
by: Anonymous

Dear lord, I am so desperate and need a miracle fast. I have no money for rent and no money left this month for food. I normally would never pray for money, but I have no choice, I am so desperate to turn this financial nightmare around. Please grant me my prayers, lord hear my prayer.

Sep 08, 2010
Financial Miracle
by: Lisa Huff

I need a miracle for $550 by 9/10/2010 or that someone can lend me that amount until my disability from work kicks in on the 10th of Oct. Will be out on the streetand NEED A MIRACLE>

Sep 11, 2010
unchanging god
by: mercy

Dear god,
please help me for my financiel request. your a unchanging god. your richest person in the univers. pls help my need. thank u for your great blessing. once again thank you and receive my needed.

Sep 11, 2010
Please help us Lord
by: Jeffrey

Lord, please help my family with our finances. My wife and I have 3 children, one who has special needs, and my salary just doesn't cover all our expenses. My wife has been trying to find a job for a long time with no success. We Just need enough to live a comfortable life. Please help us. Thank you Lord

Sep 15, 2010
Out father all mighty
by: Devines

Our heavenly Father, we give you praise and thanks for all the blessings in our lives, Heavenly king of all kings I'm asking for financial blessing for both me and my soon to be husband, that his business will thrieve. Lord hear my prayers and pleads, as I'm desperate and with you Lord everything is the right way! We Love ooh Lord.. Bless us so we may be healthy, love and financial blessed. I ask this in your name Jesus Amen.

Sep 20, 2010
Prayer for God Deliverance
by: Anonymous

Dear God,

Please help me for financial debts.

All me debts will gone away with grace of God

All Visa, OD from banks will be paid by blood of Jesus on the cross.

I will be a free man and continue turn to a new leaf with Jesus Blessing.

May our God have mercy and grace listen to my prayers and deliver and also bless my sister and family fro her depression and your holy spirit will bless her.

Thank you Lord for your love for us.

Sep 27, 2010
Please God bless my wife and I
by: Anonymous

Lord you know that we have been praying that you send us a buyer for our business. We know that you have sent us people who really like our business. Lord please bless us this week Sept 27th that we close the sale of our business so we can move closer to family. You have blessed us with so much we know you will bless us with this request. My wife and I love you Lord and we give our life to you in Jesus name.


Sep 28, 2010
by: Anonymous

thankyou father for having created me and for the wonderful gift my son you have given me i thankyou,father i thankyou for my life please father open the doors for me financial i cant pay my rent pay my bills and my lawer father you are the begining and the end you are a good God i cant stop to praise you, im praying for health,son and and father my job,i ask all these through christ our LORD amen.

Oct 03, 2010
financial miracle
by: colette (mother)

I am praying for financial miracle to pay vet bills and medication for my maltese shi-tzu.

thank you

Oct 10, 2010
Please release me from financial burden
by: Debra

Heavenly father, please bestow a financial miracle on my life. The grief that I have suffered these past 2 years is overwhelming, losing both my parents and a sister-in-law within 9 months is unbearable. The loss of all my finances has only made things that much worse. Lord, I ask that the negative weight of my losses be equaled to at least the same positive in my life. In Jesus name I ask, amen.

Oct 11, 2010
Dear Heavenly Father
by: Belinda W.

Please help me in my time of need. I am looking at eviction tomorrow and one of the utilities will be turned off tomorrow as well. My husband was laid off from work and is now working one day a week and I can't seem to find a job no where. I want to thank you Lord for all of the blessings in my life and give you all of the praise and glory for each day that I get to wake up and praise you. I ask all of this in the precious and holy name. AMEN

Oct 16, 2010
Financial and relationship miracle
by: Anonymous

Ouar Father in Heaven thank you for the many blessings that you have bestowed on me. Thank your for sending me two wonderful daughters. Dear God you always keep the promises you have made to us.
You promised that you would be with us thru all times of trouble. Dear Lord I have made such mistakes in my finances and my relationship with my daughters. Please Lord forgive me and send a miracle to help me get out of the debt that we are currently in. Help me to have enough money to pay our monthly bills this month. Please Lord a miracle
this week end. I am trustig and believing that you will take care of all my fiances and I am thanking you now for what is to come. Please help me to use the money to repair my finances and to bring glory to Gods name. Lord forgive me for the misuse of our money before. I truly believe d that paying my tithes and giving money to help our pastor and his family was the right thing todo. Now we are broke and there is nonw but you who knows all of our troubles and can help us. Forgive me for the pain I have caused my daughters for not being able to take care of one daughters diabetes and for not helping the other daughter with her career finding a job, isolating her from friends and having a relationship a marriage having children all of the things she may want and need to live her own life. Oh God please give me another chance and send the financial miracle that will let us get back on our feet. I know I can't go back and change things but help me now so that I may be a blessing to them and to you in the future. Dear Lord, help me to not be selfish and to pray for others in the same or worst financial trouble than I. There are so many who suffer now. Lord please help us all. Thank you God for sending your son to die for our sins and to leave with us the Holy Spirit to pray for us when we no longer know what to say. Dear Lord strengthen my Faith and help me to know that you will answer my prayer.
Amen - Amen. Thank you God. Hear my prayer and do not forsake me in my hour of need.

Oct 26, 2010
Financial Blessing
by: Anonymous

I want to thank you lord for all of the many many blessing you have given me and for being with me in my time of need. I am praying for a financial miracle to help pay my mortgage, truck and other bills. please any help would be greatly appreciated.

Oct 26, 2010
by: ED

Dear God,
Thank you for giving me a life. I ask forgiveness to all my sins. I ask You oh Lord for help in my financiual need. I am in need of money to pay my debts tomorrow. I dont know where to ask money from. Please Lord enlighten my mind and give me wisdom on how to solve my problem. Touch the hearts of those people that I have debts with.
Thank you so much for listening.

Oct 27, 2010
Need job miracle asap
by: Anonymous

Please God grant me a job so that i can pay my $450 dec rent and feed myself and my baby. You alone can help.

Oct 29, 2010
by: Anonymous

Need job and hope so can feed self and child. Need cash asap for rent.

Oct 29, 2010
finance debts and serious illness in my both leg
by: Anonymous

Jesus help me to pay all my debts by today.I only have short time to pay debt.Lord jesus please make miracle to get money to paying all my debts.

Lord jesus just begining on this year u cure my legs but the evil start attck me again.Lord i feel very pain.jesus please solve my problems.in jesus name.(amen)

Nov 03, 2010
Urgent miracle
by: Anonymous

Father in the name of Jesus Christ, you said in your word that whatever we ask in your name it will be granted to us. you also said if we tell the mountain to be lifted up and thrown into the sea and do not doubt at all in our hearts but believe what we say will take place, it will be done for us.

Father God i need your urgent deliverance and blessing from my financial mess. i am in verge of lossing my car, i owe so many people and cant afford to pay even a single debt. i pray that you open the windows of heaven for me and pour a blessing into my life. You open the red sea that the children of Israel can cross. Lord i need that miracle in my life this moment.

Nov 08, 2010
thank you Lord for the Financial Blessing
by: ms.g

As I am in dire need of financial blessings, I thank you Lord for the results. Though I have not physically received those blessings, I trust in You Lord, that the deed is already complete. Again, thank you My Heavenly Father for this blessing, the blessings of the past and those blessings yet to come. In the Name of JESUS, Amen - Your daughter, Ms. G.

Nov 09, 2010
thank you so much
by: ed

Dear God,
I am writing this thank you note to let You know that I am very grateful for the answered prayer, although it was not what I had in mind, it was a big big help and it made my mind at peace for the time being.....
Thank you Lord.
I love you!!!1

Nov 09, 2010
Job and Health
by: Nai

Dear God,
I have been trying to find the job that I need but I never get one yet. Father, I wanted to say thank you for everything that I have now. But lord, I don't have a job. I want to support my husband too. He work so far away and I want to get a job here and have him move closer. He got a job in San Rafael is too far for him to commute. God, I am thinking of opening a restaurant here in Antioch but I don't know if I can manage it. God, I really pray that please find a way for me to get this work. Thank you for everything. I want to walk the path of Jesus. Please allow me and watch over me. Even if I open a restaurant but I will still serve you. I will serve you till the last day of my life. God, no matter what I do, or go. I'll alway have you in mind. I love you with all my heart god. I will never forget that everything I have right now is coming from you. I'll will never forget about that. I would like to ask to bless me with more knowledge and wisdom and encouragement. Father, I need a lot of knowledge in order for me to get a job in government fields. I like to help people out. Helping people is one of my satisfaction and one of my interest. God, i really need to get me a job but i don't know how. like i said, if you think i can manage a restaurant then i do it. lord, i need your help. i couldn't do it without your blessing lord. i want to open a restaurant please help me to get some money and i don't know how to start and where to get the money from.

Nov 10, 2010
freedom from debts and financial blessing
by: Sohail

Dear Brother & Sister in lord JC.

Please prayer for my Financial Blessing and debts freedom and so that I can able to fullfill my financial obligation to my parents and family.
So that I can also participate in the Lords work by developing His kingdom
In the middle east..


Nov 22, 2010
a financial blessing

dear god please grant me a financial blessing to pay my bills and to help me have money to buy food and save and buy my kids christmas present in jesus name help me lord obtain a financial blessing

Nov 22, 2010
Financial Blessings
by: Robert

I want to thank you lord for all of the many many blessing you have given me and for being with me in my time of need. I am praying for a financial miracle to help pay my loans, tuition fees and other bills. please any help would be greatly appreciated.

Nov 30, 2010
by: Thabza

Heavely Father thank for every blessing and blessing to come. Lord help me to cover my debt and to be financial free in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ Amen

Dec 12, 2010
prayer for the relief of debt
by: greg

Please lord in the name of your son Jesus,help me to relieve the burden that debt has put on my life.Help me lord to reach my full financial potential in Jesus name.Amen.

Dec 13, 2010
Please God help me
by: Seblewongel

Dear God I know you are able always.I'm in serious financial problem since 2 years I want to pay my rent my bills and my daughter school fee by my self with your help and I need my husband to have his own income please dear God help me out I want to see your miracle like you did in Elijah 17,13 please keep your word what you gave me Isaiah 54 Amen!

Dec 14, 2010
Financial Miracle Needed!
by: Anonymous

Lord Jesus Christ, I know that you always know exactly what I need and when I need it. I pray Lord that I receive your blessings TODAY to be able to pay my rent, childcare bills, and utility bills. You know that I have very few options left and I pray that one of the two I have looked into today will work out today. I am finally in a mental state that I am able to organize my debt, financially plan, work on paying it off and rebuilding my credit, but Lord, I cannot do it without you! I pray Lord Jesus Christ for Signs and Divine Guidance so that I may be able to receive these finances and be able to take care of these burdons, as well as pay for gas and groceries today. I thank you Lord for being ever faithful and for answering prayers, in Jesus' name, Amen.

Dec 20, 2010
by: JJ

Heavenly Father,
Lord i need your help. I have sinned against you by borrowing and spending more than i earn. in addition Lord i have not been giving you your ten percent. Please forgive me Lord and thank you for the knowledge that i now have towards your word and my finances. Lord you see this situation that i am in and i cant go back home before paying these bills. So Lord what do i want you to do for me as i cry out to you? I need you Lord to give me 5000 dollars today Lord so that i can send it home to pay my debts. Lord i vow to you now like Hannah in the Bible that if you get me out of this financial mess before December twenty fifth- i vow oh Lord that i will never get myself in this mess again, but to seek your face in all my financial decisions. Father i ask, through the name of your Son, Amen. i thankyou for it God because your promises are true.

Dec 21, 2010
by: anuradhi

please help me to increase my earnings as i am the bread winner of the family i have 3 kids a gambling husband please help me.

Dec 23, 2010
Financial help
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord,
Please hear my prayer, i am raising 5 children and am struggling. i was able to save keeping the house but I am over my head in debt. I lost my job some years ago and was working part time jobs until a full time job opened resently but it is still not enough to get out of debt. I fed my children and bills credit card to credit card. Please lord help to find a way. Please shed some light.
Thank you Lord
Long Island,NY

Dec 23, 2010
by: Anonymous

Thank you God for all your blessings and gifts that you have brought into my world and my families world. I am in awe of your power, your glory and your unconditional love. Thank you! Thank you! I reach out to you to ask that you continue to bless me with your love and to also show me how to be more open financial wealth. In God, in balance, in serving you, I pray that you opem me to knowing how to bring in financial stability so that I can take care of my family and my health.

Dec 26, 2010
Paid in Full
by: Denia

Dear Father,

I come to You now in the Name of my Lord and Savioor Jesus Christ. Holy Spirit I pray that You will quicken me to hear my Heavenly
Father's Voice and lead me in prayer. Heavenly Father, I bow and worship before You, i come to You wih praise and with thanksgiving. I come to YOu in humility, in fear, and in trembling. I come to You in gratitiude,in love and through the precious blood name of Jesus Christ. My spouse is without a job and I am praying daily for you to send a miracle and that a job would come available for him. I am in a place in my life where I have never been before, I am the only person working in my household and I am about to lose my home, which is my first home. My husband has been looking for a job for the last 6 months but with no success. Heavenly Father, in Jesus' Name and on the authority of Your Holy Word, I call my debts paid in full. Debt, I speak to you in the name of Jesus Christ: be paid and be gone. Dematerialize and cease to exist.I now declare that all my debts, mortgages, and notes are paid in full, cancelled, or dissolved. I pray that a job is on the way for my husband. I pray in Jesus' Holy Name with thanksgiving. Amen!

Dec 27, 2010
Prayer For A Financial Blessing
by: Anonymous

My Lord,

Please grant me the resources to pay for our living expenses and obligations. Living on my wife's small salary since March, it is a miracle that we have been able to somehow last this long. I beg for the opportunity to become a good steward of any financial blessings that You may shower on me and my family. I also ask You Heavenly Father to forgive me for all the times in my life that I ignored Your will to follow instead my own selfish or greedy desires. Lastly, I pray that I will be able to accept Your will with humility and perseverance.

Dec 31, 2010
by: Anonymous

please hear ans answer my prayers,help me and my family,urgantly with our finacual problems,please end our finacual wows,our severe illness,s drain us,its hard to make ends meat,illness driving us into further trouble,never enough to pay our way,please bless us finally,and others that are experiencing the same thing,thru Our Blessed Mother Mary,amen.

Jan 01, 2011
forgive me
by: PBS

Lord I know I'm not perfect. I have many faults,I ask you please grant me financial mercy.The worry of bills has drain me lord.I pray that you provide me with enough to make it through the month and so on Lord.Please forgive for over spendind and ignoring my Blessing Lord.Thank you for what you have given us.I pray that ypu will continue and see my family through this month and new year.I pray for the miricale Lord.I pray you lift this stress off me and my family.I pray that you bless everyone going through this struggle Lord.Please allow us to stop the worry and rest Lord . Please Please Please amen. Thank you Jesus. Amen

Jan 12, 2011
God with You All is possible!
by: Anonymous

I pray today that God will help each and everyone of these persons who are in dire straits financially as well as employment. God you are a merciful God forgive us for our trespasses are we forgive others' their trespasses. Forgiveness happens when we forgive others and ourselves, prosperity and blessings will always follow us when we wish for others prosperity and blessings and even take it a step further - to give your very last to someone who is in need - for it is in giving that we receive!
God bless and best wishes for 2011!

Jan 12, 2011

pray for me so that god can provide a total prosperity in all areas of my life especially in the field of finance. pray for financial miracles and god will help me by a nice house for my family.

Jan 24, 2011
financial blessings
by: Anonymous

Pl pray for me that god will bless me to repay all my loan on time.thanks

Jan 27, 2011
Financial Abundance
by: Anonymous

Lord God please grant my needs for financial abundance in able for me to get back home to my country and stay with my family and love ones for the rest of my life. I know that you are not going to ignore my plea Jesus am confident that you will give me your blessings for what is best for me. Amen

Jan 31, 2011
Prayer Request
by: Anonymous

Please help me pray that God will touch the heart of my aunty jackie as she goes to work tomorrow, that she may consider lending me the money for my business capital. Today she refuses coz she said she doesn't have the money but i can feel that she's just hesitant, please help me pray to God that somehow He will touch her heart and consider changing her mind and let me borrow money from her with a very good payment term. Thank you very much. May God continue to bless you and your family, always. 

Thank you father.

Feb 02, 2011
God please answer me.
by: Honiebloom

Dearest God, my love, my all. MY family has been going through some financial difficulties and I know that you know about that. please love, help us out of this financial problem and uplift us financially so that your name will be praised and adored forever. Give us a new testimony. AMEN

Feb 04, 2011
by: v de alban

Please assist us Lord in our needs both for personal and for us to serve well your people.

Feb 05, 2011
Financial Miracle
by: Anonymous

Heavenly Father,

I know i made so many mistake in my life. I understand that, but everyday I truly do my best to walk the Christian life. I really need your help, please help me financially. I am so behind in my bills, and I don't know what I am going to do as the days are to follow. I know you don't give us anything we cant handle, but i feel like my candle is running out. I really need you help and assistance. Please allow a financial miracle to happen. I love you heavenly father. In you precious name

Feb 06, 2011
Prayer for Financial Miracle
by: Anonymous

Gracious father, Forgive me for my past foolishness and sin. I am in desperate financial trouble and have nowhere to turn to. I am relying solely on you for a financial miracle. My daughter needs to resume her university study this week in South Africa and I do not have the tuition, maintenance and other expenses needed for this. My son's school fees are not paid yet. The rents for my house and office are not yet paid. I have bank, credit card and other debts. I need to develop my business as well. Father, due to unemployment, affecting both my wife and myself, I am unable to meet these obligations which come to nearly US$ 100,000. How I pray for a miracle from you today. Father turn to me and hear my cry. May I not be put to shame because of my financial troubles. Lord hear my cry! Turn your ear to me, Father. Do not forsake me.

Feb 06, 2011
Financial Restoration and Increase
by: Ms. Ann

Lord, I thank you for all you have done for me in my life; even when I took things for granted. I have learned the lesson you desired me to learn. Please restore my financial status with increase. While I will not be selfish, will continue to help your people, I know how to use wisdom in all that I do. Please allow me to become financially stable so I do not have to depend on anyone, to be able to pay monthly debts and assist our church family. My desire is to spend the balance of my days serving you, but I must have peace in my life, health and strenth to go forth and of course, the finances. Please furnish to me the money key so I am able to transfer miracles in the lives of others, this day and forevermore. I shall become a deliverer of miracles in your name. It is my desire to start today in this financial realm to transfer miracles from Heaven to your people and a miracle shall come with my name on it. Thanking you for this opportunity and my new home.

Feb 22, 2011
help me oh god please
by: carl and daughter shayne and wife cara

it is my only duty to prove to you my love and caring for god and family PLEASE! help me in this troubling time .
god you know the way to the miracle of life and sustaining the financial woes that have come before me and and my family .
god please please please come to me in a way i have never needed before my wife and daughter need you i need you .
please make it apparent to me on how to dig my way out of this hole .

Feb 27, 2011
Financial Help
by: Anonymous

I pray for all of those asking for your help. I truly understand how terrible it feels to be financially helpless. Please help all of those who need you today. Thank you!

Mar 02, 2011
debt free blessing
by: moviestarr

Dear Lord
I come to you asking for a financial blessing.
I am asking for 5 million dollars. Jesus I would
Like this amount to donation to the food bank,repair my parents home, build a recreation center for Church,pay off my student loans, pay off the balance on my credit cards and my repo car, by myself a home and a car,get my cousin Tamika a car, and start a scholarship program for minority students. Please provide my blessing so that I can help others.

Mar 09, 2011
Financial Miracle
by: Anonymous

We are going through some very rough times financially. Our business is about to close, our bank accounts are drained, our cars are going up for sale and we need jobs to replace the business we are about to lose. I believe that God can do all things. Therefore, I am petioning the All Mighty to get us through this situation and restore us 10,000 fold. Praise the Lord. Amen

Mar 18, 2011
miracle prayer
by: angelita

Dear God i sincerely pray to You to grant my mom the victory on my fathers insurance case urgently to pay off all our debts .God i also sincerely and humbly ask you to let me go to uk or europe as im going to be a single mim and i sould want to start my life in uk or europe with my child.i pray go you to grant me this grace .AMEN

Mar 19, 2011
by: Sarah

Deae LORD JESUS CHRIST, I am praying for a financial miracle of USD13000 immediately, to pay debts, bills, school fees, rent, mortgage, help my mother and my family, help men and women of GOD in support of the gospel spread, buy a car, pay my 2 daughters college fees. Please LORD, do not let me be put to shame. Last November, my household items were auctioneed for lack of rent. I feel the pain upto now, and I have not been able to replace these items due to lack of finances. I love you LORD, get me out of debt once and for all. I have a fiance whom I love so much and he too id soo needy, after his earlier partner fleeced him of all his finances. He is now looking up to me to help him. Pls LORD provide for me so that I can also provide for the man I love, whom you have blessed me with. I pray believing and trusting in JESUS' name. Amen!!!!

Mar 25, 2011
Prayer request
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord

you said it in your word that whatever we ask for and believe we have received , we will get it. you also made it clear that you will give us life in abundace. I need a financila breakthough, i dont want to find myself in debts and counting cents. I do not care the how and the when but iam leaving my request with you knowing that you will make it come to pass in the might name of Jesus christ . Amen

Mar 25, 2011
prayer for a money miracle
by: teri

Dear god
I need a money miracle today to pay my rent and to save our vehicles from being taken away. my husband has been out of work for three months and things are starting to look black. Please in your infinate wisdom and grace help us.
with love and devotion in jesus's name

Mar 28, 2011
Request for a financial miracle
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord,
I have come to realize that you have a might and a strength that is beyond human ability, limited thinking and contrained comprehension and I ask that this power surge within, through,and around me, my house, my family, my friends and my finances to create that which unto man is impossible: a great financial miracle. I ask that You re-establish our bank accounts according to your riches and glory so that they can thrive in a healthy positive balance and bless us with great abundance so that we may serve you, bear witness to your works and live healthy and abundant as has always been intended. Please forgive us our debts and make them null and void, setting Your Children free.

Mar 30, 2011
Jesus help me
by: James Wallace

Oh lord I ask that you help me through my hard times. Since 2004 I feel as if my life is falling apart. Through the death of my mother and grandfather. The falling apart of my sister me and my father. Through being homeless and in poverty. Its seems everytime I get a foot hold something else hapens to knock me down. I finally find some security and then I lose my job of over 10 years. I ask not for a finacial mirical but ask that you bless me with finacial security, a good job and to find a good home for me and my family for it is only a matter of time i feel before we are homless again. I'm trying lord I am going to school and increasing my knowledge so I care for my family. In these hard times Lord a lot of people are in finacial trouble and I pray that you reach out and help everyone in thier time of need.

Mar 30, 2011
I claim your promise
by: Patrice

"Surely the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever. They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the LORD. Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear; in the end they will look in triumph on their foes. They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor, their righteousness endures forever; their horn will be lifted high in honor" (Psalm 112 6-9.

Heavenly father, I claim this promise. You have promised to care for my finances. We need to have a windfall to cover our debts, medical bills, and daily living. Please redeem us again. I look for Your miraculous intervention today. I claim it in the name and power of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Mar 30, 2011
by: Anonymous

want god to bless me with a new house in a nice safe & comfortable neighborhood & i want the money my children father owes me to come forth... he have been hiding ,avoid paying child support & the payments he owes my children keep going up , & he did not care... i wants money to get to the court in maryland & i wants him to pay for my children medical & dental & pay balance he owes & pay my children child support payment on time

have been praying & seeking god for a new home ( in safe & comfortable neighborhood )i am a single parent & the father do not pay child support consistedly... i have a court order coming june 01-2011 , in montgomery county , md ... i live in florida .. i have to fly to maryland... my children & i live in the project , low rural area ... my children father drives mercedes & live in high living places,, instead paying child support he uses money on other things enjoyable for him ,& to make his immediate family & friend thinks he is living high.wealthy. but he will not take care of his children & he talks down to my children & makes them sad & discourage .. because he has the money & better living …...it is not easy trying to provide the children on my income...

Mar 30, 2011
In Need of a financial miracle
by: Andy

Oh God of Abraham,Isaac and Jacob,
I ask in the name of your Son Jesus to deliver me and all those whom I pray for from our troubles and sorrows.I know that You can do all things and nothing is to difficult for you.
Look with pity upon servant,do not remember my many sins but look at the little good that I have done.
As your servent David looked earnestly for anyone left from the house of Saul, and soon found Jonathan's son Mephiboeth,who was lame in both feet.
Please look dilgently for me Almighty God and care for me as David cared for Mephiboeth.
Come to my aid quickly Father for my strength fails me.Let Your face shine upon Your servant who wishes to do Your will.
Lift me up Jehovah Nissi, and do battle for me.
Guide me Good Sheperd of Israel and make my way straight.
Redeem the soul of Your servant.

Mar 30, 2011
Financial blessings and miracle
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord and almighty god! I look to you in my time of need and thank you first for the blessings you have put into my life today, tomorrow and each day going forward. I ask you at my most vulnerable moment for a financial blessing that I know only you can provide and I ask for that favor to be a blessing that is so strong and powerful that only you can put before me. I ask you in a time of need for my family and I ask know that all good things come to those that have faith and believe they are worthy. I know that only you Lord can make miracles happen in our lives and I ask you Lord to provide me and my family with the favor of financial abundance. I thank you for hearing my prayers and I know that you always come through and will continue to provide for me and my family. I thank you in advance and also for giving me the tools I have been given to be rewarded by you. In Jesus name i pray!

Mar 31, 2011
by: KC


Apr 04, 2011
God please Help me
by: Cindy

God thanks you for everythings that you have done for me. Now im having a debt problem, please help me to grant the loan that i have applied, please God help me. Each day im suffering of this problem and no peace of mind. i calm my self by your prayer. Lord Jesus I only trust in you. Please Help me ASAP.

Apr 04, 2011
Financial Needs
by: Anonymous

Please pray that our family recieves a closing on the leases we represented. We should have closed on them on Jan 1, 2011. However the oil company has yet failed to do so at this time. The bank is calling and demanding payment that we do not have because of the failed closing. The commission would bring everything current and allow us peace. I have prayed for this miracle so that we can stop the foreclosure on our home. I can not withstand the stress any longer. I do not sleep and worry every second of every day. I promised God that I would never ever forget the strife I have encountered. If he would only provide the closing before all hope is gone. Thank you for keeping us in your prayers. God Bless each and all.Roy

Apr 08, 2011
financial miracle
by: Anonymous

dear Lord, please here my prayer . i need financial miracle. idontwant to go through life panicking on how i will pay my bils each month. i need to spend time praining and enjoying the abundance life you promised. please fill my burn today.after all , you own al the fiances in the worlsd. In jesus name. amen

Apr 11, 2011
by: Anonymous

God through your powers you created the eath and earthly things. You taught how to forgive sins and to be forgiven .Lord it is our duty to use and respect the world around us ,to respect our parents ,to respect what you have blessed us with.Lord we use money to achieve various cores ,but lord help us when we get money to also remember those with nothing for giving back to the world /society is noble thing blessed by you .LORD I REQUEST INTERSESSION OF VIRGIN MARY AND JOSEMARIA YOUR PRIEST WHO FOUNDED OPSDEI AND ALL OTHER SAINTS TO PRAY FOR ME MY FAMILY THAT I CAN MANAGE TO PROVIDE AND HELP THE POOR THROUGH A MIRACLE OF FINANCIAL BLESSINGS.

Apr 14, 2011
by: Anonymous

Dear Heavenly Father please hear my prayer to pay all my debts & education of my son, and please help all those creditors to pay their debts n me. I know there's nothing impossible with you. Please bless me in my life to be a fulfilling one.. a healthy wealthy life...Thank you Lord.

Apr 19, 2011
financial blessings/miracle
by: Pamela

Dear God,
Thank you for your past blessings and blessings to come. Sorry for my sins. I know it is my fault my I have this debt burden, I regret my past decisions and promise to amend my ways of handling financial matters which you abundantly blessed me. Please forgive me and give me another chance to correct my mistakes. Furthermore, I need your spiritual guidance on financial matters which I forgot to consult to you before. I pray that I can find enough money today or tomorrow to pay my present financial obligations. Thank you for your mercy. Amen.

Apr 19, 2011
financial miricle
by: chris

heavenly, father i ask that you forgive me of my sins but more than that i thank you for life, my family, and today. i also ask that you grant me the resources to pay all my debts and my taxes so that i can provide for my family. i ask these things in Jesus's name amen

Apr 20, 2011
Financial miracle prayer
by: Sarah Zvomuya-Mundembe

Dear God.

I pray for a financial miracle to be able to be provided with rent for the month of May which is due on the 1st of May.

I pray for a financial miracle to have money to pay all my debts and bills. I pray and trust that I will receive the miracle in 48hrs.

Thank you Jesus

Apr 22, 2011
need more customers

Please pray for my business (magic-cleaning) , I'm starting a cleaning company , having cash flow problems and needing to find good customers so I can work and rise my childrens.

Apr 22, 2011
Jesus, I need Your helping hand
by: Tom

Dear Lord Jesus,
I come to you, not out of desperation but simply for financial and medical needs. I am seventy-one, seventy-two in three months and I sincerely asking for a financial and medical helping hand.
With the economy tanking: fuel,food, and medical costs are rising dramatically, I am having trouble handling these costs. My pantry is starting to thin out. I also need some home repair. It seems like it never ends.
I live off social security along with a small pension and they are not meeting my financial responsibilities.
I also have prostate cancer, diagnosed chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, and a broken left foot. I am not able to address any of these ailments except the prostate cancer and I am using an alternative medicine that I read about on the internet. It involves a mixture of aloe vera leaves, brandy, and honey.
Dear Lord Jesus, You know me and I know You as my personal Lord and Savior. I also know that You answer prayers for You have answered many of mine in the past. I am believing that You are going to answer this prayer request in due time and I am thanking You for Your consideration.
Thank you Dear Lord Jesus. I love You.
In Your name Lord Jesus, Amen

Apr 22, 2011
by: Christina

Dearest Lord,

I pray for a Finanacial miracle to pay off my house before I lose it to foreclosure. The mortgage company is not willing to work with me on lowering my payments.

I also ask you Dear Lord that my husbands small business become a success so that we do not have all of this financial stress.

I pray for the health of my family and myself and that the fiancial problems do not take a toll on our health.

In Jesus name your son we ask.

Christina and Sam Salas

Apr 23, 2011
prayer for financial miracles & increase
by: Anonymous

Father I come to you this morning with thanksgiving in your courts and praises in your gates. Father you alone know my life situation and only you do I tell it. ABBA father please send down from the third heaven from where you sit on your throne a large financial blessing and a healing miracle for me and my son so we can glorify you in heaven and on earth. This financial blessing i'm asking for is not only for me lord but to help the homeless and needed people may your name be praised throughout the earth and world. Your servant in jesus name i ask these things amen and amen. Abba father i thank you that you heard my prayers

Apr 28, 2011
I need an amazing grace miracle
by: Yira M

Dear Lord

Thank you for my son and parents. I need your blessed hand to give us a major financial blessing to keep our home, our health and pay off our loans and creditors. Lord show us your mercy and thank you for letting us rejoice in your Glory everyday!

Apr 29, 2011
Financial Blessings
by: Darleen

Lord Jesus, I am in a financial situation right now and I am working fewer hours. I am facing a court date soon May 5th, 2011 @11a regarding child support which I am the non custodial parent. Lord you look upon the evil and the good. My mom passed this past December and the lawyer said that would not be a concern to my judge. Lord Father God you are judge and jury and You reign high in the Heavens. I pray for peace within myself as I that court date keeps coming closer and closer. I pray for that peace instead of the fear that tries to overtake me. I believe in a miraculous blessing of monetary means to come my way just in time to catch up on things! God your mercy and your grace and your favor be with me in the court room this time and every time you have been at those too! I love you Lord Jesus and I Thank You for being there for me when I wasn't deserving of your love. You constantly care for me and I hope to get back on track with your help. In the mighty and matchless name of Jesus, AMEN!!!

May 05, 2011
Help us please
by: Anonymous

Pray we can recieve the financal means to payour obligations and support our family - thank yo I am terified

May 05, 2011
Help us please
by: Anonymous

Pray we can recieve the financal means to payour obligations and support our family - thank yo I am terified

May 05, 2011
help me i have three small children and afraid that we r going to lose the roof over our head
by: Anonymous

dear lord,
please keep my family safe, healthy and a roof over our head. I am financily struggling my morgage is 2500$ behind please lord help i pray that u help me to get back on my feet

May 05, 2011
help me i have three small children and afraid that we r going to lose the roof over our head
by: Anonymous

dear lord,
please keep my family safe, healthy and a roof over our head. I am financily struggling my morgage is 2500$ behind please lord help i pray that u help me to get back on my feet

May 11, 2011
by: Victor

Thank you God for my health, family, victories,failures(this helped me grow), your fogiviness, mercy and love. Right now, its been real tough for teachers to hold a job. Alot of teachers have been loosing their jobs and it has been very stressfull for newly graduated students to get a job as a teacher. I feel now that I dont know what to do or what decision to make, now that im a husband, i feel like a worthless husband to my wife. We are both working partime jobs just trying to make ends meet. We sure do need your speedy help so please pray for us, all who are on this request web-site and the whole world..Love you God.

May 11, 2011
Immediate financial help for my bills
by: Anonymous

I am desperate for money to pay my bills that are long overdue and in jeopardy of being terminated for delinquency! I get paid this coming Friday and will not have any money left tom pay these bills due to an overdraft in my bank account! I will not have anything to live off for the next two weeks. I am also in need of my rent money, right now!! I have no where to turn for help!!Please pray for a FINANCIAL MIRACLE FOR ALL OF MY BILLS TO BE PAID TODAY!!(05/11/11) I AM DESPERATE AND IN NEED FOR THE MONEY TO COME NOW!! THANK-YOU IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR PRAYERS!!

May 13, 2011
financial miracle
by: Anthony Goss

Dear feather god I believe with prayer all things are not impossible you can do all things through Christ gives me strength to believe and to have faith that a financial miracle is in the works you want let your children hurt you love them all and we shall have what are heart desires long as we put you first before all things We most believe dear feather god i give you the praise in the glory for all that your doing in my life AMEN..

May 20, 2011
Instant Financial Miracle
by: Mariama Sillah

Dear Lord,

Thank you for finding favor in me and always being there for me in my times of need. Lord God, you are my Alpha and my Omega. There is non like you, no one else can touch my heart like you do. Lord God, I need to move into a single family home before August 31, 2011. Lord, my credit isn't good and I do not have any down payment for it. Father God, you said seek and ye shall find. I am seeking Lord, your daughter Abiail needs the peace that she is not receiving where we are presently residing. I do not have the peace of mind and comfort that I should have living in my current abode. Lord God please do not foraske me. I come to you as a sinner and a humble person. Lord please send me a financial miracle in order to move out of where I am currently and into a nice single family home for Abigail sake.

Lord please hear and accept my prayer. With faith , I believe my prayers will be answered.


May 27, 2011
Prayer For Everyone on this Site
by: Anonymous

Lord, God, in Jesus name, please financially bless everyone on this site. Please grant them the blessings they seek today here in the natural. Thank you. Amen.

May 30, 2011
Financial Miracle
by: Zirelda K

Dear Lord,
Please help Anthony and I with a financial miracle. Please help us to pay the rent, school fees, loans, food, petrol and all other expenses that are worrying us Lord. We desperately need you Lord. This financial problem is pushing us apart and I do love my husband very much and don't want to loose him. Please help us Dear Lord, We love you. Kana Family.

May 31, 2011
All is possible
by: Anonymous

Lord, I ask that you hear my prayers. I need a financila miracle to help pay my rent, food,past due bills and to get out of this debt! But most importantly, enough money to be able to buy a can of whip crea for my 9 yr olds school picnic tomorrow. I don't even have money for that! I know we can get through this.

May 31, 2011
Most people say I am nuts
by: Adam

Mark 9:23, Is this true at Jesus' word, or am I missing something? My prayer is nowhere near selfish nor are my desires. I truly believe, after much prayer and fasting, that God has put in my heart to help others financially through real estate investing/development back home. I am doing my best to get back home, Tampa, FL., but financially I am hindered. I am in need of a financial miracle and asking God for that. The money for starting the company and my partner are waiting for me in Florida. I am willing and wanting to step out in faith and take the risk, but if I do, I will be breaking a promise to my wife. I said I will never make her the primary provider again. I lost my job in 2008 and was out of work for almost 2 years. We packed up and moved to Seattle for a job as a customer service rep in a call center. I am so very grateful for the opportunity to provide but I am miserable. The last few months I have been seeking God's word and guidance intensely and the notion to quit my job and move back are very strong.
So many christians tell me that I am crazy for asking God something like this and that I need to face reality because God does not answer prayer like this. The God of the bible, Jesus' own red letter written words, say so much different. Nothing is impossible with God, all things are possible for the one who believes and nothing will be impossible me. I have stepped out in faith and quit my job. I am back in Tampa, FL. Please pray with and for us. The amount of money I am asking for is not something I can borrow or get a loan for. This money will provide a new start for my family and will not make us rich. As a matter of fact, each dollar is spoken for and it does not leave money left over for senseless buying. It is only used for resources. Thank you for your prayers and time. God bless!

Jun 02, 2011
prayer request
by: Toru

Pl pray for me that i can pay all my debt nearly 150 000.pl pray that god will perform miracle in my life thanks.glory to god

Jun 07, 2011
by: Anonymous

Can u pls pray for me to get another job that i have apply for in the City of Cape Town. I am working but the money is too little my qualifications. Please poeple of God help me i need prayers very urgent.

In Jesus name i thank you

Jun 09, 2011
Financial miracle
by: Jane

Dear Lord, pls accept me as I am and make me as You wish , pls help me, help me, help me with a financial blessing and miracle. I love You,my Lord. Jane

Jun 15, 2011
my prayers for my finincial burden and health issues
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord, hear my prayers for my finincial burden and health issues.

Thank you for all you have given and to help me out of the finincal crisis.

Jun 20, 2011
Please Lord...
by: Anonymous

I am prayer today for a financial miracle. I lost my job awhile ago and haven't any income. I am about to lose my Fathers home, my car, and my self worth. This has put me so deep into depression that I just don't want to go on. There are no jobs in this area, I am desperate and in such a need of a job. I want to move back to my home town where there are jobs, but need the financial resources to get me there. Please hear my prayers for your assistance. I really need your help Lord!

Jun 23, 2011
by: Anonymous

That I can be able to pay my long outstanding debts. Cant buy a house or a car because my name is in credit bereu. Need a lump sum of money my salary can not make it.

Jun 23, 2011
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord
I am in a financial need at this time. My rent is due tomorrow and I dont have the funds to pay for it. I am asking Lord that you pour out your blessings father and work your miracle as you always do.Mark 7:7 "Ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened" I ask for peace and strength. To be able to finish college and reconcile my relationship with my ex. I pray for my family and my brothers to get in church, my friends, and the rest of my family.

Jun 28, 2011
by: Helen

Dear Father i pray for a fincial miracle in my life, please help me to cut loose all strong holds that the devil want to add towards my life, i rebuke all curses on my finance and my marriage, please lord hear my pray, Lord you say in your word that you will only give us prosperouse things and nothing to harm us, thank you father that you say that only goodness and mercy will follow us for the rest of our lives, i ask this in the name of Jesus Amen

Jun 30, 2011
Financial miracle- please Abba Father
by: K. Amar

Dear Lord:

Please provide my financial miracle this day so that I will be able to pay my finances(rent and utilities) to come up as promised to landlord!!I need this to happen so that I can then pursue my summer vac. as promised to my daughter. Abba Father please provide a miracle .. no I thank you for this miracle.


Jul 01, 2011
by: Anonymous

Father, I know and trust that you will shine your light on me. You have always taken care of me and always will. I thank you for your love and support and your continued miracles to make my life and that of my family easier.

Jul 07, 2011
by: Fay

Oh heavenly father here my prayers in my hour of need. Thank you in advance.

Jul 08, 2011
Praying for a financial miracle
by: Agatha

Heavenly father I pray to you for your grace and favour in providing me with the financial means to pay up my debts and provide for my family.I ask in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.I humbly pray for supernatural provision, in Jesus' name. Amen

Jul 09, 2011
i Need Financial Help
by: Brian H.

Oh my God, I am on the verge of personal bankruptcy and my business is on the verge of bankruptcy. Please Please I pray to you that you may help me find a way to eliminate all my debts. I have a beautiful and loving wife and young daughter whom I love so much and I do not want them to suffer as I have been suffering. I need a financial miracle my Lord. I need this so i can support my family so we can live the remainder of our lives together in happiness, love, security, peacefulness, serenity, and abundance. All in your name my Lord.

Jul 09, 2011
I need a financial blessing
by: James Coleman

God, I need a financial Miracle to help my rent, utitilities and few other bills. I need a financial blessing in my business so that I can help others This prayer I ask in your name
Thank you for Lord for granting my prayer, although sometime I don't think I deserve it.
In Jesus name

Jul 10, 2011
Prayers for God to intervene
by: Kellyniccole

Dear Heavenly Father, Let thy will be done in my life. Show me they way so that I may walk in the steps in which you have ordered for my life. Make the devil flee from me because I hold your word and promises close to my heart. God I ask in Jesus name that you oversee all finacial dealings for the new home and that your will be done. Please set me on the path so that I may be pleasing to you and a good steward for your works. Create in me a clean heart denying my flesh so that I may be of the spirit and not of the world. Please make a way where there seems to be no way. Only you dear Lord Jesus can make this blessing be true as it is your way Lord that I seek and not my own. In the name of Jesus I claim this blessing giving you honor, glory, and praise. Let doors open and the victory be won. Amen!

Jul 12, 2011
Prayer for financial increase
by: Jackline

Dear LORD Jesus,i pray for financial increase in my life,let money cease to be my problem and i refuse to struggle for finances any more the name of Jesus.Amen.

Jul 14, 2011
needing god's children
by: Anonymous

I have to come up with $5000 dollars by next week to move into a house. My little girls need a permanant home. We have the will, pray Jesus will provide the way. God Bless

Jul 14, 2011
needing god's children
by: Anonymous

I have to come up with $5000 dollars by next week to move into a house. My little girls need a permanant home. We have the will, pray Jesus will provide the way. God Bless

Jul 14, 2011
depending on Jesus
by: Anonymous

My little girls need a permanant home. My husband and I need to come up with $5ooo dollars to move in by next week. Pray that it be in Jesus'a will for this to happen. God bless and thank you for your prayers

Jul 17, 2011
financial breakthrough
by: Anonymous

Dear Heavenly Father ,Master of all creation,I come before thy throne to ask thee to intercede for every other person whom might be in financial need as I am
Today,Lord Jesus I have accumulated Debts beyond my ability to pay in time,Majestic King,Lord of Mercy shine before me to enable me pay my debt in time in order to Glorify your name,the NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES Both in Heaven and earth.LORD Jesus, I want to thank you,for your intervention in this situation.LORD Jesus
Blessed be thy name,As I pray and trust in your able

Jul 19, 2011
by: Anonymous

lord i pray to bless me,iam really been struggle for years now being a single mom i hardly put food on the table and pay my bills,my kids need money for books soon i just can't support them. i beg your help and mercy. i know im not deserving mercy i beleived that u love us and i know u help me and my children. thank you jesus for answering my prayer and thank you for loving me and my children.

Jul 24, 2011
change me
by: Anonymous

lord i thank you for all you do and all youve done. I come to you an unworthy sinner asking that you save me from my sins and give me strength 2 break these shackles of weeknes and temptation. And the strength 2 help others in need and 4 u 2 show us all your glory and love. Also i pray that you help me with my financial struggles i am in need of you in my life so bad pls dnt let me slip thru the cracks pls keep me in your thots lordgod i cant drive any more i give you the wheel i leave it all 2 you i knw horrible things await if i dnt change so0n help me lord in your holy holy name i pray my lord amen

Jul 24, 2011
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
by: Erin

Dear Lord God, the Father thee almighty, the maker of heaven and earth, of all things that are seen and unseen and of me.
There are so many prayers asking for what I am asking for. Lord God, please see all of us through. Bless us with your love, grace and mercy. We are all in financial struggles. I am not alone. Lord God, I love you with all of my strength and pray to you to free all of us from the burdon of financial lack and bless us with the abundance of prosperity and joy.
Lord, help us to follow your path with all of our love and faith.
In Jesus name, my lord and savior.

Jul 26, 2011
Please Help us
by: Anonymous

Please pray that i will be able to pay all our bills on time and have food on our table. We need so much work on our home and we are unable to have things fixed. Pray that i will get a substantial raise at my job so i can help my daughter with her student loans and help my son through his college years. Please lift this weight from my shoulders and grant my petition.

Jul 26, 2011
financial blessing for my family
by: Anonymous

please GOD shine your love upon me andmy family so that we can stay in our home and pay for the medical bills for our sons who needs a serious medical surgery. We adk for your financial blessings and that you know we love you and are good people who pray with you and for you to help us in our time of need. thank you for the many blessing you have given us. we need your help to get through this difficult time.

Jul 27, 2011
debt freedom
by: pradeep

dear god, i pray to you with a lost hope from every one . I am left alone witha feeling of sucide, iam unable to anything except drinking, God plz plz i pray make me debt free person that i would be able to pay my debtors and give me good earning and a maening in life and use me. I PROMISE I WOULD GIVE MY LIFE TO YOUR WORK THE WAY YOU WANT TO USE ME PLZ GOD DONT IGNORE MY HUMBLE PARYERS GOD I NEED URGENT HELP LORD PLZ LORD. DO SOMETHING. GOD YOU KNOW THAT I NEED A INVESTOR FOR MY PROJECT GOD PLZ ARRANGE ONE PLZ PLZ LORD. HELP ME! I JUST BELIEVE THAT YOU WOULD HELP ME OUT.

Jul 27, 2011
prayer for my needs
by: Anonymous

o' lord god of host forgive me and bless me once again, i have big debts due to no blessings, its all my fault who have caused such a big debt, yes i was blinded and deceived, i have seen your wrath and punishments, but now i have knowledge and understanding, and i will do my best to keep my self out from wrongdoings, i have realized about my bad nature and i know that no one is as big as you o' lord, i pray that you fulfill my needs and save me from going any deeper in this financial problems, in Jesus name i ask and pray AMEN.

Jul 31, 2011
abondant financia blessing and peace of mind
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord,i am Edafe who you know very well,you created me not to lark,i am in a far away country and i have been here for over a year,i need your financial blessings so that i can go home and visit my wife my children and my family,protect us and give us the grace o hold firm,you have done it for others and you must do mine because you never change,bless your name lord,my future program s near and i have seen no changes

Aug 01, 2011
by: Dean

Pray for me and my families prosperity we need the LORDS blessings ....to bring our family together and prosper as a family in all aspects of our lives AMEN AMEN AMEN

Aug 02, 2011
you child needs a miracle
by: Anonymous

mother father Holy parents, your child needs this miracle to get into this apartment with ease and with out any hiccups. Let everything fall into place, and allow me to be accepted with no questions asked and no extra monies to have to be paid. Thank you Amen And allow no harm to come to me or any one, amen

Aug 03, 2011
Urgent Financial Need
by: Anonymous

Creator of the Universe, Origin of Consciousness, send financial assistance immediately to pay my back taxes and all the back credit cards I owe that I have not been able to pay due to being laid off. I have never had problems paying my bills until recent years. Allow those that believe that they need billions, to be satisfied and allow those who are in need be blessed now. I thank you for my immediate, instant and simultaneous manifestation of more than enough money to pay all of my debts now. AND SO IT IS!!!

Aug 09, 2011
understanding your needs

dear lord, you are high and look low and see all that is going on and what everybody's needs are. there are those who sincerely need your finicial help and those who are just trying to deceive those with good hearts. lord, i come to you in the name of jesus asking you to bless all those on this list, people are in need but because we are in our last days people do not want to help. there are people who can get jobs and will not try, there are people with adictions and will do anything to get money. i ask you to filter those out and bless those who really are in need of your help. people are winning the lottery, but unwilling to help those in need. i ask you to bless them to use the money wisely and to bless those who really need it. bless me to bless those in need. there are children hungry and needy lord, they need your help. as bad as i want you to bless me, i just want to intercede for all thes people because they need you. i thank you because you have been good to me, forgive me for selfishness and hope me to provide to the kingdom of heaven. you have supplied my needs but i was a good stewart. i do promise when you bless me again i will give to your kingdon and help those who you send to me for help. i thank you for jesus and when you have time in this busy wicked world i ask you for find favor upon me and all that is sincere and real. you are a mirical working god and i ask the angels to go out and hope those who need help now. you are the creator of the universe and i pray you allow the universe to smile upon me. you said in the time of trouble to call upon you...i call upon you now...release us from the bondage of this world and bless our families and our troops. 30 good soldiers died and, i am asking for help... bless their families and comfort them, let them know that you do not make mistakes and you will be there to guide them and comfort them. please bless our troops to come home. amen

Aug 11, 2011
Financial breakthrough
by: Mmathapelo

Father God I pray for my financial situation and thE offer increase.U said if we knock you will open the door Father.I know u can hear me Lord.And prepeared the answer for me Lord.U said U will never leave us nor forsake us.Thank you Lord.

Aug 11, 2011
debt free
by: Anonymous

heavenly father,
hear my prayer, i'm in need of your assistance, please bring financial breakthrough and remove my debt so that I may be able to support my family on my own.

Aug 13, 2011
by: Anonymous

dear lord if you have any miracle out there please help us with buisness let our sales go up and let our buisness strive so we can pay our bills thank you lord

Aug 15, 2011
finace miracle
by: harry

please lord send a financial miracle today 8/15/11

Aug 16, 2011
need a miracles

lord we need help real bad to pay our bills we our sales to go up in our buisness so we can meet our invoices please help i am so worries i do not know what to do

thank you

Aug 17, 2011
Increase My blessing
by: Richard Palacios

In the book of james it says that you dont recieve because you ask a mist. Dont ask God to bless you, but to increase his blessing upon you. Blessing is that we are still alive. Please Father increase our blessing.

Aug 19, 2011
Financial Blessing
by: Anita G

Dear Lord,
I come before you thanking you and Praising your holy name. Father god my need and requirement is immediate. I cannot feed Sean nor put gas in the car, I am asking you father to bless me with a financial miracle. I need money to pay my bills lord Jesus. I thank you in advance for the break through that is about to happen in my life.
In Jesus name Amen.

Aug 25, 2011
by: Anonymous

Am exteremly overjoyed by the Miraculous power of prayer,thanks for everybody whom joined me in prayer
Friends God is real,trust, believe and have faith and you will be amazed.Have seen the hand of God in my situation,Glory back to him as we continue trusting him more to answer you prayer.

Aug 25, 2011
Financial Needs & for business success
by: RB Paez

Almighty God the Father, bless me and my husband for all our financial needs & debts, specially for our house amortization and school accounts. Help us in our business o Lord & give us good sales and projects.Guide us and lead us always in everything we do. Almighty God the Father, we trust YOU, BELIEVE YOU and we PRAISE YOU for your goodness. Send your miracle upon us o Lord & grant these favors that we asked from you. AMEN

Aug 29, 2011
mercy for my finances
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord,
I know through you all things are possible. you are the giver of good things. you are faithful please God deliver me of these burdens. I need your grace & mercy. I am so weary my lord. help me. I love you.

Aug 29, 2011
by: Price

Hebrew 11:1, Now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Whoever reads this comment; I want you to be encourage. There is a little trick I have learned while going through my storm. Have driven on a clear day, then all of a sudden a strom came from nowhere? Well either you kept driving or you pulled over. Either way the storm passed and clear skies appeared again. Yes, you may had so drizzle, but you could see your way through. I decided to truly trust God because I know he loves me and he cares for me. I can't trust man, but I can always put my confidence in God. I have learn that test become testimonies and we should be thankful for our trails because God said he will put no more on you than you can bare. He also said his ways are higher than ours and so is his thoughts and one day to him is like a thousand years. Beloved, you have to let go and trust him. Listen, what do you own? Nothing, there is nothing on this earth that belongs to you. It belongs to God and he allowed you to enjoy it, however, you are not a good stewart you will learn hard lessons. Ask yourself who have you helped other than those with your last name? If you keep doing what you are doing you are going to keep getting what you are getting. It all starts with the changeing of your thought process. If you put negative thoughts in the universe, then that what you will attract. Get away from people who are negative and pulling you down. God is not an emotional God, he gives to you according to your faith. The reason you are going through sister is because a breakthrough is on its way. Give it up and trust him. He will not leave you. I am going through, but I thank God for helping me. I am at peace because I know the storm is almost over. When you least expect it brother God will answer. He may not be there when you want him, but is is always on time. Look back in your, can you count the times you should have died, but did not, did you count the time you lied and he help you out of the lie, we all have demons in us, but we must confess them and give everything up to him. Now, put on your smile and go to the Throne of Grace and Mercy, ask for forgivesness and report your miracles. Forgive those who hurt you and forgive yourself, free yourself from hate, backbitting, and lies and show love. This is what is going to help your situation to change. Do unto others as you will have others do unto you. God forgave us, by giving his son Jesus who died on the cross, beaten beyond recongnition so that we might live. Start prasing him in the time of trouble and he will come through. I know how you feel, I use to feel the same way, but the joy I have the world did not give it to me and it sure can't take it away. I realize I am just passing through and what God has for me is for me.

Aug 29, 2011
Financial Help
by: Anonymous

Please help us get caught up on our bills, and help us get through the week. I have absolutely no idea how we are going to make it through, but I know that you have everything under control. I trust in you and believe in your strength. Dear God, please watch over George and the others who have also asked for your help.


Aug 30, 2011
The darkest hour is just before dawn
by: Price

Weeping endure for a night but joy comes in the morning. Claim today as your day of peace, love and prosperity. I look upon the hills which cometh my and my help cometh from the Lord. Heaven and earth may pass away, but his word will last forever. He he promised he will do it he will, for he is not the son of man that shall repent nor is he a God that lies, his word will not return void. If God promised you something you will get it. We lie, but God doesn't. Just because you don't get what you want when you want, it doesnt mean he does not hear you. Rejoice in your hardship, tell God thank you! There is someone in worst shape than you. Pray for one another. Though I be slayed, I will still trust the Lord because he is my deliver and my redeemer. Let the redeemer live. You are next in line for your Miracle and I pray you will be receptive of it. God said he will supply all your needs according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus. Worrying is a sin, If he clothe the lilly of the valley and the fowls in the air would he not take care of you? The ones he created? If you are alive and reading this today then there is hope. Your blessings are on the way. I love all of you and I intercede for your change and your blessings.

Aug 31, 2011
Please help me Father
by: Anonymous

I need to pay rent and bills Father, please manifest a miracle for me. I need a sign tomorrow

Sep 02, 2011
Financial miracle

Dear lord,
God i repent of my sins. I have a lot of debts that i need to pay. I also have a function at my in-laws place that i need to attend in a weeks time. Lord i do not have the finances for these. I beg you to give me a financial miracle today. Amen

Sep 07, 2011
financial guidance
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord
PLease send me the financial resources so I can pay off my son's bills and help my mother with hers...you have always blessed me and guided me in the right direction. Please send down a miracle so I can help those I love...as always I am grateful and appreciative for all that you have given me

Sep 10, 2011
Financial Miracle and Increase
by: Anonymous

Dear Wonderful father,

Their is none like you and their will never be no one ever like you,you are the light of the whole wide world, I come to you in your present in jesus name asking for a great new job with great benefits and pay so I can be able to support me an my children. We have been struggling for such a long time without a home to call our own, and other issue as well and I place it all in your hands. We need your help immediately, I thank you that their is nothing impossible for my father God to handle. I give you all the honor and glory forever.

In Jesus Name Amen.

Sep 11, 2011
Lord I know You are able
by: Tomeika jones

Lord I surrender to Your will and Your way. I need Your help to pay bills and my sons past due tuition from the school he used to go to. Lord I know You are able and willing to help Your children in need. We all call it done and know You see each and every need and I know Your heart is here with us in our times of need. Amen.

Sep 12, 2011
praying hard
by: Michele

Dear Lord
Please bless me with the financial ability to help my mother pay off her bills and to help my son as well. I pray for enough money to ease my financial troubles and to get myself and my mother in a good position. Thank you for all the blessings you have given to me and for guiding me through this blessed life you have given me. In Jesus' name i pray

Sep 13, 2011
Kindly pray for my finance
by: Shomir

Please pray for me that God may solve my financial problem. I needed God's miraculous help. Thank you very much.

Sep 14, 2011
financial help
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord
First, thank you so much for all the blessings you have given me...I am grateful and appreciative and thankful...I wake up everyday knowing I am blessed.
Lord..I need a financial miracle...enough so I can help my mother ease her burdens so she can retire without worry...and for my son who has some debt he needs to clear up...it is hurting him and I want to help them both get on their feet as well as ease my financial burdens as well...enough to help those I love and those who are in need...
I thank you Lord...you have given me so much throughout life...your guidance has been a beacon

Sep 19, 2011
I want 35 lack ruppees pray for me.Iam the child of God.
by: Geevarghese

I want 35 lack rupees. Iam the child of God.Kindly pray for me.

Sep 19, 2011
need a financle blesing
by: Anonymous

no job rent due need a blessing

Sep 20, 2011
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord
I am in need of financial help...just enough to help my mother and my son as well as myself to get out of debt. I know it's my own fault and I promise to get better with my finances. And I want to help my son get on his feet and start his life. I want my mother to be able to retire and not have to worry financially...please help me to help them.
Thank you for all the blessings I have been given. I am grateful and appreciative of all I have been given

Sep 21, 2011
financial miracle
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord,

I am in need of a financial miracle. I am behind on all of my bills, my daughter's wedding is coming soon and I don't have the money to pay for it. I owe everybody money and my credit is horrible. I am depressed and at the point of despair and desperation. Please Lord, don't turn your back on me in this time of need. Grant me the grace of receiving a financial blessing in order to get out of all of this debt.

Sep 21, 2011
Lord my father stay on my side
by: tj bronx n.y.c

Dear lord i went to the legal aid office today for help to over turn the ssi deccison to stop my payments and i am really ill i put this case and myself in the lords hands amen amen amen

Sep 22, 2011
by: Anonymous

I have a very huge debt to pay which is hanging around my neck like a noose and this debt has caused a major set back even for my children. I do not know what else to be done. I have been promised some money which I will pay on a low interest which is much better than the intersted I have paid wich has put me into this financial debt. This has cuaed a total breakdown to my life and even to my family

I ask my Heavenly Father to forgive me for all my sins and to be merciful to wards me. He is a merciful and just God and I surrender all my bad ices up to God so that I can change only for my Lord to make me a better person.

All I ask is God to free me from this debt so that my children and myself can move ahead in a positive way in life as this debt is hampering every single things in our lives.

heavenly Father be merciful to this child of yours and forgive her for all her sins

Sep 24, 2011
hope for a better life with my sister
by: debora-indonesia

dear God, thanks for everything that You do in our life.God we ask You to help us about financial problem,because we need money to have our own home.because we don't get along with the people surround us.and bring happy heart for both of us,after losing our beloved mom of cancer.please God do't let us more falling down,let us see Your power and love because we believe if You want that,that can be happen just right now and we thank You forall amen

Sep 24, 2011
financial miracle
by: jenni-west java

dear Lord,please give me and my sister to get financial miracles,because we do need money to have our own house and bussiness.let us to be happy people,stop being depress or scared.
dear people who love Lord,please pray for me and my sister,we do have amazing God,trust in Him amen..

Oct 02, 2011
Prayer of Thanksgiving
by: Virtuouslady

Dear Heavenly Father I thank you for your awesome works past present and future. I pray that Your word will stay in my heart that I will not sin against You. You said in Your word that I am the head and not the tail, I am above and not beneath and I will be the lender and not the borrower. I am thanking you in advance for the financial breakthrough which is about to come my way. I am also thanking you for favor in all areas and that my blessings will run after me. I will not be moved by what I feel or see. You also said in Your word that you inhabit the praises of Your people for when the praises go up the blessings come down. I will cotinue to give you all the praise, honor and glory. So when the enemy tries to come in like a flood You promised to raise up a standard against him. Continue to bless me so that I may be able to be a blessing others. I thank You for peace which surpasses all understanding. Its in the matchless name of Jesus I pray and do believe now and forever more. Amen.

Oct 03, 2011
prayer for financial
by: Anonymous

Dear LORD help me i need money this month LORD help i know you provide..thank u LORD

Oct 04, 2011
Financial Blessing Needed Lord
by: Anonymous

Lord we are in some very difficult economic times. Please bless and prosper our businesses as you know that we seek to do good with these stores. Please bring financial blessings through good things happening so that not only do we break even, but that we make a profit, even though it seems like an unsurpassable task based on where we are located. Lord bring all the right people into our lives to help us and bless my husband, my son, me and everyone whose lives we touch. Lord pour your blessings now in every imaginable way, in Jesus name, Amen

Oct 05, 2011
dear sweet father in heaven

dear sweet father. thank you for i know you hear me always when i call. i ask father that you grant me a financial miracle so i can pay my debt and school fee. in jesus name. amen!

Oct 08, 2011
help in running busimness
by: Anonymous 2

Dear heavenly Father,

Please guide me in my business which I have been running for at leat 10 years . I need your help to turn it around to pay the school fees of my children and rentals and I may be able to retrieve all the funds that I have put inside the company whci I had kept reserved for my old age.

Oct 11, 2011
by: Anonymous

financial blessing soon

Oct 14, 2011
Prayer for a miracle
by: Anonymous

Heavenly Father-through my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ: I know that all things are possible through you, and I pray that you increase my faith so that, by believing that you can do anything that is yous will, my finacial situation will improve so that I can adequately provide for my family. I pray that a solid job is placed before me that I can physically perform.

You have shown me your greatness many, many times in my life and I am in awe and give thanks for all of my many blessings.

In the name of Jesus I pray.


Oct 15, 2011
Please help me Gracious God
by: JDB

Please help me with the dire circumstances I face God. My bills are overwhelming and with no money coming in and things breaking down I am lost and worried. Please help me financially in this dark and troubled time...all things are possible through you and your loving light.Thank you for your blessings and your mercy

Oct 17, 2011
Favor, Finances, & Wisdom
by: KTM

Thank you Lord for your provision.
Lord, Please give me favor to get this new truck with little or no money down. Also, low reasonal payments. Lord, help me discipline myself in the area of finances and spending. Help me pay my bills & come out of debt. Help me to use the resources wisely that you have given me.

Oct 18, 2011
Financial Blessing
by: Anonymous

Thank you for all your provisions. I claim your promise to expand my territory and for plans to prosper. As my annual evaluation at work approaches, I claim your blessing and wait for you to bestow on me financial prosperity as I continue to seek you with all my heart.

Oct 19, 2011
I will not lose faith
by: Danny

Things are very tough for me right now, God. I don't know why you've chosen to keep work, loans and gifts out of my reach, but I know you have a plan. Right now, to keep Sarah's schoolwork going and to find me a job, we need to give Sprint some kind of money by the 24th. We also need to pay the rent on or near Sunday. I have nothing to give but my love and unwavering faith. I know you plan to help us somehow, I only pray you give me the serenity and peace to hold on until then and help me know when you're trying to show me or tell me something.

Oct 20, 2011
Dear Lord,
by: jamez

Please God ! help me gather the money to get an operation done on my throat on the 16/11/2011,

Oct 23, 2011
Request a miracle
by: Anonymous

Lord I have been running a business for many years but unable to make a profit and I have sunk a lot of my capital in it.

I need a miracle to turn around the business and am indeed getting frustated and anxious with the present state of affairs. Lord can u grant me a miracle

Oct 23, 2011
Prayer For A Home
by: Anonymous

i just moved out of state, and have been living on the street with no money. i'm asking god for a nice home, a great paying job, a car and to take care of all my necessities = in the name of jesus. it's hard to find a job here but i know god is able. prayer for my family, my brother is in jail and an alcoholic and drug addict. thank you for your prayers.
p.s. i would love to meet a nice companion.

Oct 23, 2011
Help me sell my car Lord
by: Lisa

Dear Lord

U know what I am going through please help to sell my car this week so I pay my bills at the end of this month I know that for u everything is possible
Thanks because I know for sure that U will answer me Thanks Jesus

Oct 25, 2011
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord
Thank you for the blessings you have given me. I am grateful and appreciative. Lord I need financial help. I want to be able to help my son pay his school loan and help my mother with her bills so she can retire. I also want to get some of my own bills paid off. I want to prepare so I can go to West Virginia in good standing. Please Lord I do not ask for more than I need..please help me. I know it's my own fault and I promise to be more disciplined in the future...

Oct 27, 2011
Financial blessing
by: JB

Dear heavenly father in heaven please bless my family with a financial blessing today so that I can, pay my electric bill on time an have money to buy gas to get my son to school an husband to work. Thank u in advance heavenly father. Amen

Oct 29, 2011
financial miracle
by: O.R.A

almighty god,i thank you for your love for me which propelled you to sacrifice your best(jesus)for me. for all you have done, you are doing and will continue to do in my life, i say thank you.you have brought me thus far in my aviation training,please miraculously provide funds to me to enable me complete my training and get a secure good international job. i am grateful lord. thank you lord.

Nov 01, 2011
by: Anonymous

Need to receive a miracle blessing from God for finances... Looking for a specific sum to be received... Need it fast though as well as direction going forward..

Nov 01, 2011
Creating A Positive Current Of Financial Abundance!
by: Pamela

* Getting so good at visualizing that the money flows through you easily.

* Your role is to utilize the Energy. You are an energy-flowing being, a focuser, a perceiver. You are a creator.

* Allow Energy to flow to your Desire.

God Bless!

Nov 02, 2011
Financial Blessings
by: Themba

O Lord, Giver of Life I ask for financial blessings so that I can meet my family obligations in the name of your Son Jesus Christ, Amen

Nov 04, 2011
I need a miracle
by: Christine

Dear Lord i know your a miracle working God please come through for me financially...i need money for rent which is due on the 13th and also money for upkeep and rent for 4months in the new house that i have got 5million would sort my issues for know...forgive me for trusting in men to sort me out..and help me to focus on you alone. In Jesus' name i have prayed and believed Amen.

Nov 04, 2011
financial increase
by: Anonymous

Our Father Who is in Heaven,Jehova Jire i want to thank you for all your provision of health and wealth,you are all our sufficient provider,you are our hope for life because you have defended our reason for trusting in you Lord,Enable us to pay our Debts in order to glorify your name.Lord of all the substance uplift us at this time of need,provide us with the resource,as you Bless all our sisters and brothers in christ who have registered in this site.Glory be to your Name Lord of Lords.

Nov 04, 2011
Supernatural Financial Blessing
by: Anonymous

I thank GOD for all he has given me and all his many blessings. I know I am not deserving of all he has done for me. I ask that you all pray and agree with me that GOD will shower down his blessings upon me and my family. I am in the middle of a job move to another state scheduled for November 29th. I have four major bills outside of my moving expenses that have to be paid immediately. I can not access my 401K funds prior to my move; funds will not be available until the middle of December. Father I pray in the name of JESUS that you send me a financial blessing today to not only cover the bills on this end but to cover my moving expenses and deposits. In addition I pray that you will provide peace, health and safety for my daughter and I through this major transition. I pray that your will be done. Bless and cover my friend who just moved to another state---- we are moving in different directions. If it is your will for us to come together--LORD YOU DO IT!! Bless all of the individuals and families on this sight crying out for your covering and protection. LORD,I will be forever grateful for your mighty move. In the mighty, powerful name of JESUS! Amen

Nov 06, 2011
Need a finanical miracle
by: Anonymous

My family and i are 1 month to losing everything. Asking a financial miracle. Thank you.

Nov 11, 2011
Financial miracle
by: Anonymous

Dear lord,

I have come to know poverty. I have ended up in this terrible pit due to circumstances and wrong decisions. I am overwhelmed and sick from worry. Please provide favor upon my life and my financial crisis. I need the money to stop the foreclosure and pay my outstanding bills. I am sad that I have made bad choices. Please send a miracle today.

Nov 11, 2011
Debt Free
by: Anonymous

Thank You Father that I am debt free according to your word.I owe no man nothing except to love Him.
My God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
To Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly Above all we ask or think.
I will that thou prosper and be in good health even as thy soul prospers.
I claim all your promises and thank you Father that my Credit card debt and mortgage are paid in full.I can now be generous to others..and help others.
In Jesus name Amen

Nov 12, 2011
by: Rebecca

Lord, I see all of these prayers and I cry for the misery of your children. Dear Lord, give us the clarity and courage to Occupy Wall Street for them, to be our brother's keeper by defending them from the avaricious and cruel who would rob them, and grant us the gentleness, perseverance and patience to turn the hearts of the oppressors.

Nov 14, 2011
by: Anonymous

Father I know you are great and you look after your children. We pray you help us through this period and perform financial miracle and healing in my situation with everybody that needs it. O lord heaar our prayers, Amen.

Nov 14, 2011
Father help me
by: Anonymous

Lord please help. I don't know what to do anymore and all I know is to turn to you. I am asking for a financial miracle. I am putting all my faith into you and just falling into your arms. I am not afraid for I know that you will catch me. Thank you lord in advance for the miracle that you will grant me and if it is not your will to do that immediately lord I ask for the strength to keep pushing forward untill that day is here. Thank you lord!

Nov 19, 2011
financial blessing
by: rbb

please GOD help me with my financial problem. i'm in deepress.no body listen to me. don't let us to be homeless with my family. and not to be empty stomach on bed. dear GOD need a miracle to you.

Nov 27, 2011
help me god i feel hopeless i lost my job
by: ryanselfaz@gmail.com

Dear god,

I spent my entire life giving everything I have to other people and trying to help others without helping myself first as you know. I have been through great trials and heartache. I lost my job for no reason after so much that I gave. I've been 3 months behind in my mortgage and all of my bills for a long time. Now I am going to lose my house and car. My credit has gone down during the past 18 months of struggles. I take care of my family and they rely on me and feel like a failure now. Im hurting inside dear god. I don't know what to do. I don't want to be homeless or start all over again. I don't have it in me to do it all again. I don't want to lose everything I worked so hard for. Im in pain dear god. I need you. I need a financial miracle. I am desperate for a financial miracle. Please help me god. Please. I just need a break. After all that I have gone through im asking for your grace. I love u god almighty. Come into my heart and give me happiness and peace. Bless you!

Ryan s

Nov 28, 2011
Blessing for my Huband
by: Pam

Dear Heavenly Father I would like to thank you for my family. Lord in the pass year losing my job,things have been tough. My family has been there throught the test of time.I would like to take care of my husband who works so hard. I would like to take care of hime for a change . He really desevers it. Thank you Lord for give me some of your time and all the blessings you have given.

Nov 28, 2011
Financial dilemma
by: Anonymous

I have a major financial burden and because I am not in a position to pay back my debt my lie is in danger and I am being threatened. I ask our Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary and St Jude for a miracle to help me over come my present situation and to help me for which my family also will not go through this torment and fear.Please Lord Jesus please forgive me and hear my anguish and prayer so that I can pay this amount by tomorrow. With you and through you anything is possible oh Lord my God and Saviour. Bring someone to my help through you oh My Lord and My God

Nov 29, 2011
A miracle....
by: BRC

Dear Jesus,

It is said that we must be open to the channels provided by you to receive.

Our family is in need of a financial miracle. You know what we have been through and are going through. We have taken hit after hit after hit - bad news seems to be a daily occurence. Like one writer I do feel like a failure - unworthy of your love - but so grateful of your love and of The Cross.

To those who may read this - I am praying specifically for $1,800.00. Please pray with me.

Nov 29, 2011
Help needed
by: Christine

Thank you dear Lord for all the blessings you have given me in my life. I have been blessed with a fabulous family and 4 fabulous children. Please take pity on me dear Lord while I try and hold down the entire fort so my children can finish school. I need a financial Blessing so I can help my only daughter with the finances for her wedding and to help me meet my monthly financial obligations. In your Sons name I beg of You.

Dec 02, 2011
He is alive
by: Sonali

Dear HEAVENLY Father,

I humbly ask you to hear my prayer. You know of my wants and also of my needs. Please have mercy upon me. I place all my debts and burdens in your hands. I try not to live in fear and worry because I believe all things is possible with GOD and through him alone I am at peace. I know and feel as though I dont deserve your help for time and time again I walked away from your grace. The word of the lord gives me strength and as your prodical daughter by faith My lord will welcome me with open arms even now. Cancel this day all my financial debts and place me in increase that I can meet not only my financial obligations but that I can also shower my four beautiful kids with joy and gifts for this season of miracles. Help me to find favor in the darkest of place and devine favor when I need it most. Cover me and my love ones, protect us from those who wish us harm and rejoice in our failure. The battle is one tru GOD the one I still and only serve. Praise be to him. Amen.

Dec 02, 2011
life threatened due to financial debt .HELP LORD
by: Anonymous

Heavenly Father and Immaculate Heart of Mary. These past six months havve been the most horrifying time of my life. I have a financial debt for which I have tried all ways to get out of it but the situation is becoming worse each day and I am being threatene3d. I have to owe almost Rs. 5 lakhs as I had to fight a court case which caused me this debt Because of this debt hanging on my head I have come in for deep depression which is affecting my three children in a very major way. Please my Lord and Saviour, save us the people who need your help and are trying to live their lives according to your will. Forgive me for whatever sins I have committed. You are a forgiving ord so be merciful towards my children, husband and my kids who do not deserve to go through this. PLEAsE MY GOD I BEG YOU TO BE MERCIFUL TO ME

Dec 06, 2011
Lost my job
by: Anonymous

I live in UK, I lost my job, I'm in very bad financial crisis, I also don't have money to provide to send to my brother and my mother in India for their illness. I desperately need help with my finance. Please I need help, Amen

Dec 07, 2011
Need a financial miracle

Please Lord, Heavenly Father, help my family with a financial miracle. Please release our pain, stress and woes in your Holy Spirit, your Grace and your Faithfulness. My parents are struggling in these hard times and need enough finances to remain in our home that they have lived in for 30 years. I pray for my Dad that you will look after him and help him through these troubles times. I have all my faith and my hope in You that you will protect us and bring happiness back into our lives. I pray and hope that you can forgive us for any sins we have caused and i believe You will bring us through these times of hardship. Lord, You are my Savior, my King and Majesty. I pray in Jesus name, AMEN

Dec 10, 2011
Financial Breakthrough
by: Diana

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to participate in this prayer progamme.

I desire a multiple finacial breakthrough in Jesus name Amen.

Dec 11, 2011
Ffinanical blessing
by: Anonymous

Father God I come to u in need of a financial blessing im beehind in my house payment light bill I lost my job I have more struggles that u know about and I know u and only u can help me father god please come in to this house today and help me lord I pray in Jesus Name Amen thank you Jesus Amen

Dec 12, 2011
please pray for us some body help us

i want to any body help us for financialy we want in credit basis.

Dec 12, 2011
Prayer for a Miracle Financial Blessing
by: Carla

Dear Lord, thank you for the many blessings already bestowed upon me. I ask your help in digging me out of the fiancial hole that assist me in finding a way to boost my finances. It's been really difficult raising a son on my own and finances are tight.

Thank you again!

Dec 13, 2011
Financial Miracle
by: Anonymous

My Lord and Savior, please forgive me for my poor handling of my finances. I need Your guidance and Your blessing to bring me a financial miracle to remove all debt from my life. I pray for these things in Jesus name,


Dec 13, 2011
Financial Miracle
by: Anonymous

My Lord and Savior, please forgive me for my poor handling of my finances. I need Your guidance and Your blessing to bring me a financial miracle to remove all debt from my life. I pray for these things in Jesus name,


Dec 13, 2011
Financial Miracle
by: Anonymous

My Lord and Savior, please forgive me for my poor handling of my finances. I need Your guidance and Your blessing to bring me a financial miracle to remove all debt from my life. I pray for these things in Jesus name,


Dec 13, 2011
Financial Miracle
by: Anonymous

My Lord and Savior, please forgive me for my poor handling of my finances. I need Your guidance and Your blessing to bring me a financial miracle to remove all debt from my life. I pray for these things in Jesus name,


Dec 13, 2011
Financial Miracle
by: Anonymous

My Lord and Savior, please forgive me for my poor handling of my finances. I need Your guidance and Your blessing to bring me a financial miracle to remove all debt from my life. I pray for these things in Jesus name,


Dec 14, 2011
Help needed asap
by: Anonymous

Dear God, Heavenly Father

I am sorry for all my wrong doings .... my carelessness with my finances and greediness have result in where I am today ... My stubborness and pride have also brought me to where I am today ...

Father I desperately need help and need my prayers to be answered - I sincerely pray for your assistance, support and also for a miracle ... I know that I have disappointed and upsetted you - I am sorry and please forgive me ...

Today I pray for your forgiveness and I ask that you will help me and show me the right way from here on. In your son's Jesus precious name - I pray and seek for forgiveness and help.


Dec 19, 2011
financial need
by: tina

Dear Lord, please hear my calls I'm saying this to god up above. My family and I are in need of assistance financially. I am a single mother of three. My son ten,daughter eight, and son 1yr son. I just started a new job, but not until the 29th. My first check will not fall till 2 weeks later. Its not going to be enough for car payment, light, and rent and cell phone.I do have faith in you, that you will keep me safe,and provide for us. But I am scared to lose what I have fought so hard for. My children will be with out christmas this year. And I feel like the worst mother in the earth. That others have to provide for them because I can not. I feel like scum of the earth. Please hear my prayers and help us out. Oh lord! Thank u for the blessing u have given us. In your holy name amen!

Dec 21, 2011
financial miracle
by: Anonymous

I am praying for a financial miracle. I am at my wits end. My daughter is getting married in June and is counting on me to help her pay for her wedding. I have not been able to help her and she has disowned me. I am totally depressed. I would love to help her but it is difficult. I therefore pray for a financial miracle in order to help pay for her wedding. It hurts when your own daughter says that she hate me.

Dec 27, 2011
I need a financial breakthrough fast!
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord.i really need your help!i need finances for my tution and boarding fees at college he the next three weeks.Please help me,i really need this!

Dec 29, 2011
Financial breakthrough
by: Wallace

Dear God
I know I have been so poor in handling my finances that come in my hands..
I ask You to forgive me.Give me a wise and dedicated mind to know what to do with the money that comes my way.
Recently i've been having a dry season of finances in mylife.
I need you to rescue me from these.And do a miracle that I maybe able even to help my family from the bad situation we are in.
I also need to open up a big recording studio that will be running internationaly,And so i need alot of money for these.
Daddy do these for me and i wunt let you down

Dec 30, 2011
Miracle for mother with 5 children
by: Anonymous

God, I have 5 kids and I am in the nursing program, except I owe a balance before I can start my classes in March. Please God, I need a financial miracle. Or else, I will lose my home where I live, because my mom will kick us out, if I don't continue with my schooling.

Dec 31, 2011
financial blessing
by: cathy

Dear Father, In Jesus name I ask of You to provide a financial miracle for my family and me. My car was taken from me. I need the car to get to work, yet I do not have the money to get it back, So Dear Father, I am trusting in Jesus Christ to relieved me of this burden of debt. Dear Father I am standing on Your written promises.

Dec 31, 2011
by: Ciara

God somehow I wish I had enough money to pay my rent tomorrow. I always thought this move was a blessing for me, but that idea began to snag when I realized that my first months rent may not be paid on time. It hurts knowing this and that spiritual world has lead you to believe you'll be okay and it seems not so. God I need almost 2,000 to be back on track. I have rent due on the 1st( up until the 5th before it is late, pay on my furniture in which I wish I had in my home at the moment, I need food, gas, to be able to pay my electric bill, the gas, the AT&T, and be able to pay on my credit cards. As well as my cell phone bill. The list probably could go on. God and Angels I truly need your help, please help me get these things paid on time. Girl please let the heavens gates open and flood out abundance over me. God I beg you, I don't like being in a rut. No matter how hard i try to stay away from debt, it seems as if I fall right into the straps. These days its hard not to. God Please, Angels Please, Help me pay this off tomorrow, and everyday after until these things are paid of. I want to speak of those great miracles. Even though everyday life is filled with blessing. Thank you god. Everyone please pray that I have everything taken care. I'm sorry to go on like this, but i am distraught, hurt, I'm stressed, and not sure if I can pull through these stressful moments at the time.

Jan 03, 2012
we need ur help lord
by: Anonymous

Lord hear my prayer for a finacial miracle we are hanging by the wire so many bills are pilling up on same dates struggeling to pay our rent this week and put food on the table for our kids please lord come to our aid in the name of jesus christ amen...

Jan 03, 2012
Financial Help
by: Anonymous

Dear Jesus, I thank you for everything you have blessed me with. I am asking that you continue to watch over my financial situation an help me through this dark time in my life. I know that through you all things are possible. In Christ's name I pray. Amen!

Jan 03, 2012
prayer for finacial help soon pleasei
by: carmie

i would like to ask if i may for some prayer for finacial help in prayer i have put my self in this situation . and i need help as soon as possible.i have all kinds of bills. my husband does not work yet he has tried to find something but he can,t find any thing yet please i need your prayers to help us .

Jan 04, 2012
God is a sheild of protection
by: RTB

God always causes us to triumph in all our affairs and bring about our successes. For He is a God who never fails and has not failed yet. He will bring to pass everything He said in His Word if we decide to use it. Psalm 91 is a covenant for any believer to stand on and see the divine hand of God provide an umbrella of protection. I thank God that He will allow us to behold and see His salvation (health, healing, deliverance, protection, PROVISION, and rescue). I claim and speak these promises daily as I call on God for financial miracles and increase.

Jan 05, 2012
miracle need blessings
by: prasad

Dear Lord hear my prayer for a financial miracle to pay my rent. please pray for my financial problem i need your heavenly support to pay my dept this month thank u father for all the blessings you have bestowed upon me thank u father i love you Father Amen.

Jan 09, 2012
Thank you my lord...
by: phillip

My lord my eyes are now open, I can see the many blessings that you have brought into my life and those in my life. Thank for blessing me with your grace. Thank for manifiesting the things that I need and desire in my life. My lord I know that your works are constanly blessing our lives and I am greatful. Faith grant me the financial means to take care of myself , my daughter, my animals, my debts, my needs, my desires, and to be able to help those in need. faith grant me the means to buy a nice home with land so that I may be able to help the homless dogs that I come across. My lord jesus christ hear my plea and take it to the father on my behalf. Thank you my lord....

Jan 09, 2012
by: phillip

My lord I see the many prayer request on this page and I am excited because I know now know of your works. I know that every prayer request on this page will be answered by your love and grace. I know every single request will not go unanswered. My lord I just ask that you open their eyes so when their blessings come they won't miss it. Because I know that your blessings come in many forms. In name of the Father Son and Holyghost I send each and every one you uncondition love, peace, abundance, prosperity, and the joy of jesus christ. May Gods blessings touch every area of your lives... Amen

Jan 10, 2012
financial help
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord, Please give me the strength to cope and deal with these hard financial times. I am praying lord for a financial miracle to assist me in paying bills that have piled up so I can provide for my family. I thank you lord for the strength you have given me in the past the way you gave to your only son who you gave to this world. I pray this O lord.


Jan 11, 2012
i need miracle
by: Anonymous

For more than 3 year there was not any salary raise in company im working. now im facing challenges for my future, as my savings are not enough to start independent career, also add to that my marriage was broken just because i could not help my wife to repay her loans. I know with God everything is possible. So i need desperate miracle to solve my financial worries. It is nearly impossible to find me a better job through net. I need desperate miracle to solve my financial worries.

Jan 12, 2012
Eviction Notice
by: ORville

Dear God,
as I come before You a "sinner" who has fallen from grace..... Have mercy upon me, forgive me, and wipe away the tears from my face. Lord Jesus, I am praying to You in the name of the Holy Spirit for "financial" support at this time in my life. You know how much financial blessings I want right now. Lord Jesus, there's no one like You who could help me, but You.. Heavenly Father, please have mercy that I would be able to pay my utilities, all my debts, all my financial needs right now in the name of Jesus.. Have mercy upon me oh God, please listen to my plea... In Jesus name....Amen!

Jan 12, 2012
financial mericle
by: Anonymous

dear father ,i ask for forgiveness for robbing you with my tith ,and not using my finances in a right way.daddy please send my angels of povision in jesus name .thank you Father in Jesus name .AMEN

Jan 13, 2012
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord,
Hear my plea for financial help. I need a steady income of about 3000.00 a month to provide for my family and get us a new home. Our current home is falling in around us. Bless us Lord. AMEN!

Jan 13, 2012
by: Anonymous

Please pray for my finances I only have £2.75 to live on for food I'm really asking for a miracle. I need a job also God bless

Jan 19, 2012
financial Miracle
by: kairu samuel

king of kings and lord of lords,i believe when pray you answers us,i need financial miracle in my life to pay the debts,the bills,to expend the businesss territory,to help these in need,heavenly father through your son i pray.amen

Jan 23, 2012
by: Anonymous

lord mama mary bless me with graces today for the completion of my funds >>>i place this cause in your hands

Jan 24, 2012
can these dry bones live
by: moo

Dear God I thank you for my Family,i don't deserve, my son, my heart need a miracle of belief in you grace towards his life,unmerited favor poured out, show yourself strong in his life, speak to him continually that he knows it is from you ,open doors that no man can close, have acceptance from these various colleges at the ready, that he knows that it was from your strong hand, give him an innate appreciation for your hand, your love, i put him at your foot stool....My daughter need you to intervene on her behalf, that she will set her face like flint to the opposition, and trust you,move upon her spirit, let her know the strength of your might to see her through, but put steel in her spine, that she does not waver to the left or right, let her realize her dream, i bind words spoken against her, and renew her spirit to perservere, place DR villa back in her life, send your ministering angels that she be open to then, shut the lying tongue...GIVE MY HUSBAD PHYSICAL STRENGTH, HEALTH AND ABILITY, FORTITUDE TO LOSE WEIGHT, FAVOR WITH THE COURTS

Jan 26, 2012
God in you great mercy
by: Anonymous

Almighty father I pray that you will grant us the financial resources to bring an end to our struggle and pain. I pray by your grace that you will be merciful on us this Saturday so that our dream to help the family and others will be a reality. By your almighty name it shall be so. Amen

Jan 29, 2012
Thank You Lord
by: Brian

Dear Heavenly Father, please Lord, grant me a financial miracle to pay my debts, support my family, and save my home. Help me oh Lord to be able to help others also. Please Lord, hear my prayer. In Jesus name Amen

Jan 30, 2012
help me and all who stand in such need
by: Anonymous

the lord comes to all who cry unto him in faith deliver us my lord as thou hast always and save our home

Jan 30, 2012
fininacial prayer
by: Lillian

Dear Heavenly father,
i pray that you will bless me finacially to support my struggling family and be able to pay my bills.
Father i pray that i may have an increase in my wages.
Thank you Lord Jesus for your cntinued love and blessing. Thank you for your protection and guidance.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Jan 31, 2012
by: Carrie

Dear heavenly Father,

I come to you today to ask you for the favor of financial aid in helping with my student loan, rent, car payment, and utility bills. I thank you for your many blessings, forgiveness, kindness, mercy, and most of all for your love you've shown me and bestowed upon us. In Jesus Name...Amen

Jan 31, 2012
by: Anonymous

Heavenly Father, I come to you Humble as I know how. Asking you Lord for a financial blessing to repair my heat in my home. My heat went out two days ago and my house is so cold. I know you know what we need, so I thank you in advance. I trust you Lord, because your word don't lie. Amen

Feb 07, 2012
Financial Blessing
by: Anonymous

Dear, Father God, I ask in Your name that You bless me with the ability to be able to continue to pay my rent and bills. Father God, I know and have been a witness to you making a way out of no way. Father God, I ask in Your holy name that You continue to bless me with a way...In the name of Jesus Christ, In Jesus name I pray.

Feb 07, 2012
financial blessing
by: Anonymous

Lord I need a financial blessing to pay off all my bills and pay increase from my job in jesus name amen . I claim the victory lord please answer my prayer thanks from key

Feb 09, 2012
i need financial miracle
by: Anonymous

I have been working In qatar for cement company for 3 years. I don't have much salary but for 3 years my conpany has not raised even single dollar as cost of living around the world has increased much. Also it ia difficult to make saving at my present salary and achive my dreams. As my marriage was broken due to financial problem anf unable to look after family, it seems difficult at reconcile marroage if i have financial weakness and not mucg saving. I know everything is possible with God and I request for financial miracle and help from god to solve my problem


Feb 10, 2012
car and insurance
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord,

I need a financial miracle for me to pay my car payment and insurance in three days. I need 400 dollars to do this. Please help me. I believe in you and know this miracle is possible, in spite of what everyone is saying around me. help me to relax in your gift adn not be stressed. In your blessed name...Amen...

Feb 10, 2012
car and insurance
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord,

I need a financial miracle for me to pay my car payment and insurance in three days. I need 400 dollars to do this. Please help me. I believe in you and know this miracle is possible, in spite of what everyone is saying around me. help me to relax in your gift adn not be stressed. In your blessed name...Amen...

Feb 13, 2012
Thank you
by: Anonymous

Thank you Lord for all your blessings. I am so grateful for you helping me with getting my insurance license, my bonus and my pay raise from my current job. You are an awesome God! Lord, please help other people in the world who are suffering because of this economy. Help provide for them and their families. I love you lord and my savior. You are so good to my family and I.

Feb 16, 2012
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord I come bfore you to ask for the relief my son and I need to survive. I know though it feels hopeless and dark, you are with me, give me the strength to better our lives. Please hear my prayer.

Feb 19, 2012
financial blessing
by: Anonymous

Praying for a extreme financial blessing to support my future family and ministry.

Feb 27, 2012
by: Anonymous

Dear God,
Save my two precious girls and I and Bob my husband in another state to be reunited reconciled and send us abundant financial Blessings. A financial Miracle is what we need give us a light on this end of this rock bottom tunnel..its been like this for past 9 -10 years..! ............for a home and a job and school for our girls.

I would like to help the poor too here I know..just like us......I am broke now help us God.............I love you God Jesus.!Amen our Savouir!. Thank you a zillion times for financial miracle to health and safety.

AAA (Anne A A & B)

Feb 29, 2012
by: Anonymous

God, Please provide money for my house rent in the next 7 days, as well as money to settle all my debts in 7 days. Please God , help me.

Feb 29, 2012
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!
by: Anonymous

We've been redeemed from the curse of the law, for sickness we have health and for poverty we have wealth.

God is supplying all of our needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

Let us not be taken by sudden fear, for we've not been given the spirit of fear, but the spirit of power, love and a sound mind!

Trust in the Lord with all you heart, lean not into your own understanding, acknowledge Him in all of your ways and He will direct your path.

Be still and know that I am God!

Mar 02, 2012
by: Anonymous

Dear God, I feel like I'm drowning in debts and I have no support. I pray for a financial miracle. I trust God if I ask you will provide. I put all my financial problems in your hands. Please help me. In the name of lord Jesus Christ I pray. Amen

Mar 03, 2012
Financial Miracle
by: Vickie

Please pray for Phil, Vickie, Brian and Kyle Hebert, that God will send us a financial miracle to help us pay our loans and bills today. We are not asking for wealth just enough to pay our loans and bills.

Mar 07, 2012
Financial Blessing
by: Molula

I ask you Dear Lord to help me get money to clear all my debts i'm drowning, and today i need your Holy Spirit to come down on me as i have a serious need of money as i defaulted to pay my loand in February and the bank is chasing me. Lord forgive us our sins and help us to plan our lives wisely so that we don't live that are full of debts. I ask you to bless me get a home loan and bless my family financially. I pray for a miracle to happen in my life. Amen

Mar 10, 2012
I pray for an Increase
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord, I Praise you for all that you have given me. And I thank you for your Grace in my life and for forgiving me for all my sins. Dear Jesus please feel my heart and hear my prayer for a increase to pay off all I owe. Medical Bills (so many), loans, credit cards. I Praise your for this increans. Glory to you O'Lord..Amen.

Mar 10, 2012
I pray for an Increase
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord, I Praise you for all that you have given me. And I thank you for your Grace in my life and for forgiving me for all my sins. Dear Jesus please feel my heart and hear my prayer for a increase to pay off all I owe. Medical Bills (so many), loans, credit cards. I Praise your for this increans. Glory to you O'Lord..Amen.

Mar 15, 2012
miracle needed in debts
by: premkumar

lord jesus i love you so much, knowing or unknowingly i have been traped by the enemy so called satan or by my foolishness action i got cought in a deep debts which almost 7 times of my salary very month i need to pay for next 20 months prox Rs 1.5 lac per month, i don`t want to die in this worry of debts , today i come before your presence with full confidence in you, that if i ask anything according to you will , you hear me and you do it. i have none expect you lord jesus, have mercy on me , my wife & two children, devliver me from debts completly so that i can share the miracle you have done in my life to the world in jesus name i pray amen.

Mar 15, 2012
miracle needed in debts
by: premkumar

lord jesus i love you so much, knowing or unknowingly i have been traped by the enemy so called satan or by my foolishness action i got cought in a deep debts which almost 7 times of my salary very month i need to pay for next 20 months prox Rs 1.5 lac per month, i don`t want to die in this worry of debts , today i come before your presence with full confidence in you, that if i ask anything according to you will , you hear me and you do it. i have none expect you lord jesus, have mercy on me , my wife & two children, devliver me from debts completly so that i can share the miracle you have done in my life to the world in jesus name i pray amen.
if jesus talk to someone to help me contact me at india mobile no. +91 8123000679

Mar 15, 2012
To pay rent
by: Anonymous

I am asking for prayers to pay full rent and stop giving only partial rent. My landlord wants me out. I would like to give him the full rent beginning in April and going forward.
I would also like prayers so my internet business starts to make money so I can make these payments quickly.
Also, I would love to find another apt in my neighborhood where I can keep my possessions and pay less money so the rent can come out of my social security check each month with no problems.
Whatever I earn in my business can go towards paying off my months that I did not have the full rent.
Please pray for me.

Mar 15, 2012
To pay rent
by: Anonymous

I am asking for prayers to pay full rent and stop giving only partial rent. My landlord wants me out. I would like to give him the full rent beginning in April and going forward.
I would also like prayers so my internet business starts to make money so I can make these payments quickly.
Also, I would love to find another apt in my neighborhood where I can keep my possessions and pay less money so the rent can come out of my social security check each month with no problems.
Whatever I earn in my business can go towards paying off my months that I did not have the full rent.
Please pray for me.

Mar 25, 2012
Please Help Us God
by: Ericka

Please pray for My Fiancee Victor and I. He was Blessed with a good job in the last 6 months, then it seems like everything is being thrown at us financially. He was in an accident in January and it was not His fault. He did not get a police report, but got the young mother's information. She admitted fualt and that Her insurance would take care of it. 1 month later she changes her story, and now her insurance company is trying to bill My fiancee for $7,000. Our truck just broke and needed $600 in repairs. My fiancee's job cut everyones hours, now we are barely making ends meet. We try hard to do the right thing and when it seems as though things are about to turn around for the better, something bad happens. Please pray for us. Help us Lord!

Mar 26, 2012
change my life
by: Anonymous

dear God blessing me with your mighty hand to end my money problems so i might take care of my beautiful daughter she is going to be 11 very soon and she needs me to care for her the mega lottery would solve all my problems if i were to win my family and people around me would want no more for i would help all people anything and everything is possble thru you my lord please grant my prayer o mighty lord

Mar 26, 2012
Dear father
by: Rena

Thank you for what you have done for me...Father i know you say not to worry about food ,clothes housing,but lord .I do NOT know how i will feed my little girl i don't have food.. for my little girl.My rent is due,my lights,and gas bill are due,.my car,ins,medical bill..All are due help me Father in the name of JESUS....AMEN

Mar 26, 2012
wedding plans
by: kimberly

I am praying to God that he bless my fiance and i to get the money for our wedding. the date is already set but we are missing the money. We really love each other and need the money. I believe with all my heart that the lord will bless us.

Mar 27, 2012
Financial Mercy Prayer
by: Jeff

Dear Lord, We pray for financial mercy to me and my wife. Hear us lord and be merciful to provide us with a financial miracle that removes the crushing debt and sadness in our lives. Through your mercy and strength, we pray you grant us this miracle and end our suffering. In Jesus name, Amen.

Mar 28, 2012
Prayers for financial blessings

Dear friend in Jesus Christ

Please pray for me today so that Jesus can bless me financially and break all difficulties surrounding me.


Apr 02, 2012
Financial Problems
by: Emeline

Dear God, I feel like I'm drowning in debts and you are the only hope I have. I pray for a financial miracle. I trust God if I ask you will provide. I put all my financial problems ( Car, overdraft, kids school, groceries, electricity and water, house)in your hands. Please help me. my job also is on the line, everything seems so dark, In the name of lord Jesus Christ I pray. Amen

Apr 03, 2012
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord,

I pray that you fulfill each and every person's prayer on this list. In Jesus Name Amen.

Apr 03, 2012
Financial, Rent, Utilities, & Family.
by: Jennifer Reyes

Dear Lord, please help me financial with Rental with all my utilities and family financial situation i'm a single mom with 4 children and 2 grandson's that i'm need of help and can't barely make it on my own. i tryed my best but i believe nothing seems to work. I wish i can make alot of money each week for my family just so we can get on our feets were theres no worrie. I truly believe in the lord please help me and my family.

Jennifer R

Apr 09, 2012
Praying For Financial Miracles-
by: Boni

Dear Lord, I need $10,000 dollars urgently to pay for my Daughters Higher Education, Praise Jesus!

Apr 10, 2012
by: Anonymous


Apr 11, 2012
financial breakthrough and miracle
by: kemodiretse

May the lord Help me pay my debts and have enough to help my self and those who needs my help,i am lonely and helpless,i am an orphan and have no one to cry unto,i trust that you love me and you will provide me with everything i need,may your favor be upon me,may you please release my happiness from the hands of my enemies,they are laughing at me day and night father,they see me as nothing Father,release my business success from the hands of my enemies father,please help me grow Spiritually father,i am losing my patience Heavenly father.in the name of Jesus Christ i pray.Amen

Apr 11, 2012
by: Anonymous

Lord I am drowning in debt. My job doesn't pay well and my monthly expenses outweigh my income. I have no health insurance and my medications are expensive. Please bless me with a financial miracle and thank you for my life, my health and my family. You have always provided for me and I trust that you will now too. Thank you for allowing me to receive a higher education. Please bless all of these people here, your children, with the answers to their prayers. Praise Jesus.

Apr 11, 2012
by: Anonymous

Lord I am drowning in debt. My job doesn't pay well and my monthly expenses outweigh my income. I have no health insurance and my medications are expensive. Please bless me with a financial miracle and thank you for my life, my health and my family. You have always provided for me and I trust that you will now too. Thank you for allowing me to receive a higher education. Please bless all of these people here, your children, with the answers to their prayers. Praise Jesus.

Apr 14, 2012
I need a financial miracle ASAP!!!
by: Barbara

I was living with Billy for 21 years when he passed away on Feb 1st of this year. I Love and miss him dearly but he left me with no money for food or rent. I'm way past due on my rent and have barely any food for myself or my cat Tabby. I'm praying for some financial help. Thank you for helping me!!! (((Hugs)))


Apr 17, 2012
in much need
by: AnonymousTina

I'm move into my new apartment,all bills paid. I have no job,therefore no income. I'm not familiar with the resources for help nor of my community. I sleep on my.my couch. I have a 2bedroom apartment for my daughter and I. She has a bed, I don't. I want to enjoy my home the way I'm supposed to. Yesterday I received an. Eviction notice. I need a blessing and prayer to receive it. If 2ate gathered together there He will be in the midst of them. Please help me.

Apr 17, 2012
in much need
by: AnonymousTina

I'm move into my new apartment,all bills paid. I have no job,therefore no income. I'm not familiar with the resources for help nor of my community. I sleep on my.my couch. I have a 2bedroom apartment for my daughter and I. She has a bed, I don't. I want to enjoy my home the way I'm supposed to. Yesterday I received an. Eviction notice. I need a blessing and prayer to receive it. If 2ate gathered together there He will be in the midst of them. Please help me.

Apr 17, 2012
in much need
by: AnonymousTina

I'm move into my new apartment,all bills paid. I have no job,therefore no income. I'm not familiar with the resources for help nor of my community. I sleep on my.my couch. I have a 2bedroom apartment for my daughter and I. She has a bed, I don't. I want to enjoy my home the way I'm supposed to. Yesterday I received an. Eviction notice. I need a blessing and prayer to receive it. If 2ate gathered together there He will be in the midst of them. Please help me.

Apr 22, 2012
Prayer for increase
by: Anonymous

Father God in the name of Jesus, I come to you humbily Oh God. I ask that you bless me Oh Lord. Bless me so that I may exceed expectations in this company. Take them to higher heights Oh God. Increase Oh God. Reach theirs and mine maximum potential Oh God. I ppray that I receive finances to help better myself and help build your kingdom Oh God. So that I am able to gve back to you my ten percent and receive my increase and be glad in it Oh God. You are my King. And I put no one before you. I worship you Oh God and just ask for this blessing for my family in your son Jesus' name. And I know with you it is already done. So I thank you in advance. And I pray.

Apr 24, 2012
Lord hear my prayer
by: Anonymous

Lord, hear my prayer for financial freedom from debt - the anxiety is just too much. You have the power lord to see this through - in Jesus name. Amen.

Apr 27, 2012
Financially stable
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord Thank you for giving me a good & happy family... but God please still help me to be financially stable, please provide our own house. I hope God that you will give me a successful business . Thank you & Love you

Apr 27, 2012
by: Anonymous

I will pray for you that you will get your home and a business.

The Lord does provide for us.

May 01, 2012
Lord hear your child's cry
by: Anonymous


May 01, 2012
by: Ms. Arnold

Jehovah I humble myself before you I am asking for a finacial blessing to take place in my life you said ask and it shall be given to you father I'm asking for a miracle you know my situation and I drop my burdens on you ,you said my yoke is easy and my burdens are light .Father my burdens are to heavy for me this day i'm giving you full control. In jesus name I pray I LOVE U JEHOVAH ;)

May 01, 2012
GOD I give it to you.
by: Angela

GOD I asked that you provide me with a financial blessing so that I can prosper and grow in my current job, responsiblities, happiness and be able to pay bills, create new blessings for others and that me and my family and live long, healthy fruitful lives. For with you GOD all things are possible. I ask this and many more blessings in your son Jesus name, Amen.

May 02, 2012
Financial help
by: Anonymous

Lord in heaven,
I thank you for our many blessings;a family who provides support and love to its members. However I wish to seek financial aid which would help alleviate our debts and improve our standard of life.
We are deperately seeking a miracle-one which would bless us with a huge sum of money to improve on our current situation and help us be free from worry over debts.

Please Lord hear and answer our prayers.

This we ask in the name of the Lord our God.


May 03, 2012
Father let your will be done...
by: Lawrence odame awuah

Father ,Lord Jesus everlasting king true God and saviour in you we trust and in you we hope I pray this day that you shall not look at my sins and that of my family but ,father in your own precious time will open your well and dam of financial blessings unto me and my family... You are a GOD we trust hope in and love and I can feel it alreadi that you have done it..I look to you FATHER IN HEAVEN ..LET YOUR WILL BE DONE....

May 04, 2012
by: ALMA

I pray for financial aid for my children's enrollment and school supplies requirements.
financial assistance for my financial onbligation to GLR, DCT, seati, mitcor,tc and aibc.
financial help for our daily needs!

May 04, 2012
by: ALMA

I pray for financial aid for my children's enrollment and school supplies requirements.
financial assistance for my financial onbligation to GLR, DCT, seati, mitcor,tc and aibc.
financial help for our daily needs!

May 08, 2012
Our loving god please help me
by: karunkumar.v

loving god
u know our problems and my mind i believe you

but i don't have will power please help me please...

May 09, 2012
God Your are Able
by: The Believer

Lord, you are the creator and giver of all things. You can create revene where there is none. God I need you to bless the work of my hand and enlarge my territory. Your word decalres that the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell there in. God please work a miracle as only you can. My business needs $50,000.00 and that's nothing to you. You can do anything vut fail!

May 10, 2012
Tuition fees
by: Ambrose Onyeukwu

Lord Jesus, you are my Lord God i Love you so much deep down my heart sincerely i do love you. Father, in your Holy book you said all our needs shall be provided, Jesus i need you in my Acedemics, Family, Future and so on. Show me you are alive and provide money for my tuition fees to the university so i can testify your loving goodnees to people for you are the Almighty God. (Amen)

May 10, 2012
financial miracle
by: Anonymous

help me to provide to pay my home mortgage. and to pay the enrollment of my daughter. tough the heart of ian diwa not to angry to me. i pray all of these in JESUS name. AMEN.

May 11, 2012
prayer for financial relief
by: Naila

God i want to thank you for your blessings thus far but i am in a financial quagmire.I need to pay my bills and my debts.today. i am claiming your promise that you will supply allmy needs and right i am openly thanking you for the blessing you are preparing for me in Jesus name... Amen

May 12, 2012
my tuition fee
by: Ambrose

Lord Jesus, I thank you for all and everything. I Bless your name and worship you forever for you are the greatest. My Loving Father, i need to pay my tuition fee into the university, you gave me this admission i believe you will provide the finance for me as you have and will always done. I love you Jesus (Amen)

May 12, 2012
my tuition fee
by: Ambrose

Lord Jesus, I thank you for all and everything. I Bless your name and worship you forever for you are the greatest. My Loving Father, i need to pay my tuition fee into the university, you gave me this admission i believe you will provide the finance for me as you have and will always done. I love you Jesus (Amen)

May 17, 2012
Help me God
by: Anonymous


May 17, 2012
Financial Miracle
by: Anonymous

I am asking for a financial miracle to be able to pay my back rent and to avoid an eviction from my current residence. I am a single mother working hard to improve myself and my children's lives.

May 21, 2012
by: Nomsa

i thank you Lord for blessing me each and evrydae, for the job that you have given me, as i pray for a salary increase and total financial increase i thank you father that i have already received them in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ

May 22, 2012
Financial and medical problems
by: Anonymous

Dear God,please help me with my financial problems and medical conditions.I am a sinner,please forgive my sins,and help my family to overcome.In holy name of Jesus,Amen.

May 23, 2012
Financial need
by: Anonymous

Lord I thank you and praise you for you have given me everything what I asked you. Bless my Aunt and Uncle for giving me the plot to build a house for me. Bless their children and grandchildren. Bless my uncle for helping me by giving money to build my house. Bless my parents and my brother, sister, sis-in-law and my aunt and my dear friends and my boss for helping me. I will be really helpful for them. Lord I thank you for you had put in their mind to help me. Lord one more thing I want to ask you is that to have a number for my house. Please make a miracle and let my house get a number without any problem. one more thing I want to ask you lord I am planning to inaugurate my house on Saturday,give me courage and power to do so. I am falling short of money Lord Jesus, please put in somebody's mind my relatives or my friends or my husbands friend to donate us some money so that we can solve our problems. Lord you very well know how my house is, it is not painted.
Lord please help me. I will wait, I know you will help me within these two days.
Thank you Lord, Alleluia Alleluia..............

May 23, 2012
finavcially breakthrough
by: Jacckie

thank you God for everything you have do ne for .thank you for blessings .l pray that you heal financial to pay my bills in the name of Jesus Christ.

May 23, 2012
finavcially breakthrough
by: Jacckie

thank you God for everything you have do ne for .thank you for blessings .l pray that you heal financial to pay my bills in the name of Jesus Christ.

May 24, 2012
Lord please help us
by: Anonymous


Please solve our financial problems. Please make my company increase my salary. My husband has a heavy loan. My elder sons school fee, appointing house maid for looking after my children, we want to buy a house in our home land and also we are getting older now. Lord I am giving all those financial problems to you. Please help us

Thank you for everything Lord

May 24, 2012
Lord please help us
by: Anonymous


Please solve our financial problems. Please make my company increase my salary. My husband has a heavy loan. My elder sons school fee, appointing house maid for looking after my children, we want to buy a house in our home land and also we are getting older now. Lord I am giving all those financial problems to you. Please help us

Thank you for everything Lord

May 24, 2012
prayer for financial miracle
by: maria yvonne

Dear God,

Please help us our financial burden , my children will be enrolled to school and our finances are not enough . Help us to sustain the business for a lot of my workers are depending on their works too.

May 25, 2012
Father Secure My Finances In Your Hands
by: Anonymous

Dear Heavenly Father, Increase J Secure My Finaces so I will not have to worry how I will pay my bills. Continue to keep your promises to me as it is written on Earth & in Heaven....Manifest the blessings in my life......Amen

May 25, 2012
prayer for a financial breakthrough
by: j

dear God thanks for my job and thee precious gift of life, i pray that the debt of 1million i have gets paid and i prayer to get a good affordable house for rent where i can find comfort enclosed in a fence. thanks for responding king of glory

May 25, 2012
Thank you Father GOD
by: Michael Thompson

Thank you father GOD for the increase you provided for me in advance. I walk worry free because I have FAITH in in you Oh MIGHTY LORD.I see the increase and I claim it now in your MIGHTY name I also rhank you for protection and for blessing all the prayers on this blog you are truly and GOD of his word and to you I thank for everything I have and everything you have in store for me. I LOVE YOU LORD.

May 29, 2012
Finanical Mircale
by: Ash

I am currently in a Finanical mess. I been through a divorce 4 years ago and 3 years ago I have lost my mother. I have fell back on the bond payments and the bank wants their money or the house. I bonded my my mums house with my ex-husband but he abanded me finanically.I am swimming in debt and feel like im drowning. I dont what to do. I have meet current one new in my life but sadly he is a fraud and cant speak the truth which just adds to my problems. My older son was in a fight last week and my chain was stolen from him in school.

I need a prayer to come out of this situation please help.

May 29, 2012
Finanical Mircale
by: Ash

I am currently in a Finanical mess. I been through a divorce 4 years ago and 3 years ago I have lost my mother. I have fell back on the bond payments and the bank wants their money or the house. I bonded my my mums house with my ex-husband but he abanded me finanically.I am swimming in debt and feel like im drowning. I dont what to do. I have meet current one new in my life but sadly he is a fraud and cant speak the truth which just adds to my problems. My older son was in a fight last week and my chain was stolen from him in school.

I need a prayer to come out of this situation please help.

May 29, 2012
Prayer for Financial Blessing
by: sand dalla

Heavenly Father most gracious saviour please hear my prayer for a financial blessing today. I trust and believe that YOU sent YOUR only son Jesus Christ to die for my sins, and know that without Jesus in my live I am nothing. Thank You Father God!

Jun 01, 2012
financial help
by: Anil

Thank God for His many blessings for He have provided us. I have been worried about my age,health & work to support my family. Unable to pay my recent high utilities bills have caused me more. Hope grant me a financial miracles & blessings that I can support my daughter further studies,pay all debts,to restore my wife finance that have used up during my unemployment that the money is to buy for vishu a house and to meet my siblings that have seen one another for many years..

Jun 04, 2012
Financial Breakthru
by: Julia

Blessed be your name, Heavenly Father. I cried out to you, and you sent your WORD to heal me. Now, I ask you to release funds owed me so that I can pay down on a house. LORD, you know I am unable to work, am homeless, and getting older. Please grant this request so that my mentally ill son and myself will always have a home of our own. We are tired of the rejection by apartment complexes and family members. Lord, you are the defender for the poor and the helpless. Please come thru quickly, for my strenth is wearing out. Thank You for listening and answering, O Holy One of Isreal.

Jun 05, 2012
Interceding for financial breakthrough
by: Charisse

Heavenly Father, I come to You today interceding for my dear friend Robert, who is in financial crisis now. Father God, I plead his case before You for He needs financial breakthrough urgently of RM20k to settle his tax before Petronas release his cheque for his completed contract. He also needs additional finances for his daily needs so he can come back to Miri and after that he may be able to go back to visit his family members and love ones back home.
Father God, I believe You are the God of miracles. I thank and praise You for You are faithful and will not return my prayer void.
Father God, I ask all this in the precious name of Your dear Son, my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Jun 06, 2012
financial problem
by: Anonymous

Oh Lord,
I have taken someone else's financial debts on myself and also I have my own financial commitments that I am not able to fulfill.
I need atleast INR 2,00,000 immediately and will be able to return the funds after 2 months. I tried to ask from all possible people that I know but was disappointed. If by your grace, I get a creditor who could lend me this amount then I would be greatful to your divine self.
I can be reached at inditox@yahoo.co.in

Jun 06, 2012
Prayer for Financial Blessings
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord!
Please I ask in Jesus name, a financial breakthrough in my projects to be able to pay school fees, bond and short term credits. I ask you that you walk with me in this path of taking care of my family. I call upon you to increase my faith in You. Amen!

Jun 06, 2012
Financial Miracle
by: Anonymous

Dear God,

I pray that you will open the windows of heaven and bless me with a finical miracle so that I can meet my needs. Only you can provide...
In Jesus name I pray..

Jun 06, 2012
Financial Miracle
by: Anonymous

Dear God,

I pray that you will open the windows of heaven and bless me with a finical miracle so that I can meet my needs. Only you can provide...
In Jesus name I pray..

Jun 06, 2012
Financial Miracle
by: Anonymous

Dear God,

I pray that you will open the windows of heaven and bless me with a finical miracle so that I can meet my needs. Only you can provide...
In Jesus name I pray..

Jun 06, 2012
Financial Miracle
by: Anonymous

Dear God,

I pray that you will open the windows of heaven and bless me with a finical miracle so that I can meet my needs. Only you can provide...
In Jesus name I pray..

Jun 06, 2012
Financial Miracle
by: Anonymous

Dear God,

I pray that you will open the windows of heaven and bless me with a finical miracle so that I can meet my needs. Only you can provide...
In Jesus name I pray..

Jun 07, 2012
dying soldier
by: troubled heart

Lord Jesus

My suit of armor is in shambles. I'm only a shell of a woman whose been through many battles and still fighting. Lord I ask as your humble servant to rescue me and rebuild my armor, for I am broken and fatigue. Bless me and my little soldiers with the weapons we need to continue on to win the war against financial distress. Guide my feet and hold my hand. Lead the way dear Lord. Lead the way.

Jun 07, 2012



Jun 09, 2012
Prayer for financial miracle & increase in salary
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord hear my i am very much need of money to complete my house and to pay the amount to the contractor and also to pay money for husband sponsor. So dear Jesus please give us your helping hand to overcome from this present situation Amen.

Jun 10, 2012
Prayer for financial miracle & Job for Daughter
by: Anonymous

Please God the Father In union with your loving son Jesus Christ who died for our sins, have Mercy on me and my family, Father ever loving God Al mighty kindly pour out your Holy Sprite and with the Mighty power of Lord open up all the closed door for the Financial miracle to happen and my daughter to find a Job, who completed graduation 5 months back in Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health and Safety Management.

I pray this in the name of Jesus.

Jun 11, 2012
father we need you

jesus i am so blessed to have you our life . Without you ,Lord we know nothing is possible. Jesus, I have walked down so many dark roads and done things that I am not proud of . I asked that you forgive me jesus and make me and my husband whole. Lord,we really do want to walk ,talk , and think like you jesus. With so much stress on us jesus , we seem to loose sight of the things that is important; such as you,life,health and most important love. I over heard someone say nothing is to hard for god. Lord I believe that imposssible is possible through you . So Lord I thank you for my finacial blessing,and I thank you for believing in us when noone else does. I thank you for blessing me with everything my heart desire. I thank you for the wisdom and knowledge of knowing that everything is going to be alright because you said so. I thank u for my husband and famliy . Lord I ask that you look down on all of us jesus and grant us with you blessing but most of all lord I ask that you do your will. I am more than confident that I am going to get that phone call today.

Jun 12, 2012
by: Anonymous

Heavenly Father, who loves all his children. Thank you for your abundant blessings. Forgive me for my sins. Lord I ask for a miracle to pay off my Cheque credit by the end of the day today. Also I ask for a miracle positive response regarding the project I want to undertake to uplift me financially. By the power of the blood of JESUS I humbly ask and claim your promise with thanksgiving in ny heart. Amen.

Jun 13, 2012
by: Anonymous

My Heavenly Father, Im in desperate need of a financial breakthrough. I need money to pay my rent, car, and other bills on this day. Father I know that with you ALL things are possible. I have the FAITH the size of a mustard seed. Lord I ask you to please hear me. I NEED YOU LORD!

Jun 13, 2012
financial burder relief

for years i have been struggling with no one or no where to look to for assistance, i'm really in a financial situation that can make me lose out on a house if i don't come up with a few thousand dollars as soon as possible. all that i ever asked for is to keep my family happy and afloat. i've struggled for too long and i refuse to allow the devil to keep interfering in my house hold. please keep my family and i in your deepest prayers. thank you and god bless you all!!!

Jun 18, 2012
Please Lord, act quickly
by: Anonymous

Jesus - thank you for your gift of salvation, Your grace to me ...
I need Your help - We need $10,000 to keep our house. Please Jesus - provide. Bring a miracle. Only YOU Lord can help us ...

may YOU be glorified through this Jesus ...

Jun 18, 2012
Please Lord, act quickly
by: Anonymous

Jesus - thank you for your gift of salvation, Your grace to me ...
I need Your help - We need $10,000 to keep our house. Please Jesus - provide. Bring a miracle. Only YOU Lord can help us ...

may YOU be glorified through this Jesus ...

Jun 19, 2012
Financial Miracle
by: Anonymous

i am mr peter I need Financial Miracles in my life

Jun 19, 2012
Financial Miracle

i am mr peter I need Financial Miracles in my life

Jun 20, 2012
Prayer for financial miracles
by: Justice

Oh lord almighty I pray for financial breakthrough. To be able to pay all my debts, to have my own house , to repair the car that I use to perform my duties during the day. Thank you Lord for your deliverance, I Jesus name I pray, Amen!!!

Jun 20, 2012
by: Anonymous

pleaese lord jesus, st jude all the angle and saints. please help me get enough money to get caught up on my bills so i can breath again. thank you lord

Jun 23, 2012
financial blessing
by: Anonymous

Lord Jesus, you have always been my light and all the blessing in my life. I love you Jesus. I need this money£10000.00 to clear my debt and have a peaceful life,
. I am already doing 2 jobs and small salary to just keep the living. With 4 children to feed. pls bless me to my mortgage and high utility bill. I do not have friends, husband and parents to help me. All I have is you in my life. And you alone can i turn to. Bless me Jesus. I know you will open miraculous doors for me.

Thank you for hearing my prayer. Amen

Jun 24, 2012
God We Need You Now
by: Your Daughter Lord Is Praying

Lord You have always been faithful and helped us when we needed it. Today we need you to provide our rent, and rental late fees, to pay off the carnote, to pay off the medical bills, to help us with the utility bills, to provide gas for the car to go to work, to help us find a job that we can do, to allow my SSI to be granted and to heal my body from the spinal problems, we need you help to overcome the fear that tries to grip us because we can not see how You are going to provide for our immediate need. Yet, we know that You are able Lord and that you always come through for us when we need You to. Someone, somewhere, somehow is going to come and be Your hand in our time of need, or you will give us the miracle to be blessed from within our own walls. You always have done this for us in the past, and we are believing You to do it for us in the present. Comfort us Lord, and help us wait on You. Deliver us from fear, and rescue us from doubt, lack, and unbelief. Free us from the hand of misunderstanding, give us wisdom and knowledge and ability to do the things that are right in Your sight to walk in Your prosperity OH LORD, please com eto us now we need YOU. IN JESUS NAME AMEN!

Jun 25, 2012
please lord
by: Anonymous

Dear lord

i need help i need an increse,my salary is too little and i have big responsibilities,i dont have both parents and am looking after my great grandma and my lil sis,if i could atleast get R2500 increase,it would make a very big difference in my life and i'll be able to assist my granny and other people who need my help + i want to persue my career because am still young and need to be someone important in life and i also want to make a very big differecne in my life and my family,oh lord i know that your listrning and can you also help me find another job,somenthing different from what am doing now,lord you are my only trust and you know why you took my parents away from me,you have your own plans and i know you will make my dream come true because your are my 1st and last hope oh i love you lord,i need your help please hear me out...

Jun 25, 2012
Financial breakthrough
by: Mauréen nyambura

Lord Jesus i come before you just as i am,i love you Lord jesus,save me from the embarrassment of the people i owe money my God.. I hv debts left right & centre,some with my juniors Please My Saviour come to my aid i beg,make a financial miracle Lord Jesus that will turn my life to a debt free 1,i even don't hv gas my God,save me Lord i ask all this through our Lord Jesus Christ..AMEN

Jun 27, 2012
Financial help
by: Anonymous

Oh lord how I love you. Thank you for always taking care of us. Please lord send a miracle. We need rent money and utility money by this weekend oh lord. We have run out of time but I know you are never late. Please provide the means to take care of our bills now and in the future. Please provide work. I trust you and believe your word to provide for our needs. Forgive our fear and stress. I am trying to stay strong but my family has become very weak. Please don't delay lord, please send a miracle.

Jun 28, 2012
Financial Breakthrough
by: Jane

Lord, please help me open my arms to receive $5000 from you or something better so that I am able to pay for my rent, grocery and start my own life coaching business which will benefit thousands of people. I am able to donate more to charities and other projects too. Thank you lord for meeting my needs and desires. Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for guiding through the difficult times. In Jesus name, Amen!

Jun 28, 2012
Financial blessing needed!
by: Anonymous

Dear heavenly Father, I humbly come to you in prayer, please provide finances to pay our rent and other bills in 2 days before end of the month, I believe with my whole heart that everything is possible with You dear God! Thank you for all the blessings comming my way! In Jesus name I pray, AMEN!

Jul 02, 2012
Financial break through & miracle
by: Shawna

Dear lord,

I come to you with a open heart and mind asking you to help me out this financial hardship I am in Lord it was your plan to send me to Afghanistan and leave my family. We are now struggling and I need your help Lord. Lord I know that I have been financial irresponsible in the past but I am trying to get things right and if you get us out this harship we promist to work through managing our finances better because I dont want to have to worry about my career and my family while I away. Lord God please hear my prayers and answer them. Amen

Jul 02, 2012
Financial Miracle
by: Lisa Perez

Lord, I come humbly before you. Please bless me with a good job with good pay and benefits to be able to stay in our home with my kids. You brought me a job at FPCH and I didnt go. It was your miracle and perfect timing LORD. I beg for mercy on my soul. Please Father God, make a way where there is NO Way. Thank you Lord for all my blessings.

Jul 04, 2012
I have Faith
by: Anonymous

I need prayer for my family and myself that with God's blessing we can get out of the financial disaster we have created for ourselves, please provide for us my Lord Jesus Christ and grant us the financial stability we desire. Please forgive me for the sins I have committed and heal the wounds I have caused others and allow me to heal too. You know my heart's desires and I am waiting for your promises to be fulfilled. I know that you are putting your plans into motion and I wait eagerly. Thank you, Amen

Jul 05, 2012
Please help us get a dream home, it means everything
by: Anonymous

Dear God. I am grateful for all that I have and also I now understand lessons that I have learned from things in my past. It all happens for reason.I am human and trying.i am so sorry for all the bad things I ever done.please forgive me. I try to live a good life everyday best I can.I please ask for your prayers and help, love and assistance , please help me and my partner with finacal help, that are money plans or other finacal help comes through quickly and is enough to buy our dream home we spotted this week. It felt like home when we walked in. Instant connection.We are now scared we are going to loose it and both are heartbroken because we dont have the money yet.It's been the first time I felt happy in years with all that has gone on, my heart sang and it brought me and my partner even closer.i can't explain it but we are so drawn to this house that it instantly felt right, home. It found us! I can visualise my life there , happy, so please dear heavenly father, angels and saints if heaven, pray for us and help us that this house finds us and that we find finances to buy our home in the near future. Thank you I heavenly father. Amen .Love L

Jul 06, 2012
for finance miracle on 06.07.2012

please pray for finance miracle today on 06.07.2012
i will help for your mission.
i will help poor people.
i will work for holy spirit.

thanks in jesus

Jul 07, 2012
by: l

miracles for financial help for money and place to live shalom and love to you

Jul 08, 2012
I desire a miracle
by: bonnie

I pray for a financial miracle in my life today or very soon. I pray to increase my income so that I can build up my supply. I give thanks because I know it is already received.

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