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Comments for Prayer for a Miracle in my Marriage and Employment

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Jun 17, 2010
by: Omar

sometimes when we get married , we get to lazy to meet the other ones, needs and sex and a friend , the world is not just money, its about trusting in god and following his word, you should pray for healin in your heart and start to be his dream lover and friend, then once you meet your true word in your vows he would change and your blessings would come. i have a wife that was great in bed and friend etc, once we got married and i was unemployed , no sex, tons of calls to her mystery friend and no support either in spirit or physical, yet she sits and prays and acts so christian, that it makes me sick. i am trying so hard not to divorce her , than i found a diary she keeps in the room about all the dances and acts she done with her past lovers and none to me???? so just pray either for a true heart or just call it off. thanks you.

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