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Comments for Prayer for a Miracle

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Dec 21, 2008
by: Deb

Dear Kimberly...today, I pray for a miracle for you and a miracle for me....I expect it! Love to you...

Dec 21, 2008
You are loved Kimberly ....
by: Katerina

Dearest Kimberly,

Bless you my child and bless your beautiful heart. You are a courageous soul to have taken this on, that is to be willing got let go of another and to trust that whatever is happening and whatever the outcome may be is not only for your higher good but for the higher good of others including Philip. I feel intuitively that you are going through a very deep healing and that it is the letting go of another that is allowing this healing and transformation to take place within you. Your title “Be still and know that I am God” is perfect because for me that is the key: STILLNESS …. It’s so difficult to let go and take our hands off the ‘steering wheel’ of our lives because, we think that if we do we’ll lose everything and we’ll end up totally alone with none and nothing. Yet the path of surrender (which I believe is the path you are on) requires just that ….to trust that YOU ARE SAFE and loved by God, Jesus and the angels and that you don't have to control anything. So we can infact relax al little and trust that all is well.

In my experience of relationships I have found that the more I panic and try and control situations and the actions of others, the worse things seem to get. Whereas if I leave things alone (and that will take as long as it needs to) miraculously things start to sort themselves out in ways that feel ‘good’. I don’t know the situation between you and Philip and I can’t read the future, yet I know that by being still inside and trusting that all is well, everything will fall into place. It's only the mind that’s the problem. It likes to know and it needs to feel in control.

Allow yourself to feel whatever comes up for you, be with ‘the pain’ without self-judgment or judging others. I also want to say that you are whole and complete in yourself as a woman and that completion is within you. There is noone and never will be any one who can ‘fill you up’ inside although the world continues to tell us that we need to find our 'other half!'

Please don’t panic, what will be will be. Believe in yourself always, trust yourself, love and except every bit of yourself and continue respecting yourself. Know that what is happening is exactly what needs to happen for you to come into union with yourself and with God. You ARE loved Kimberly ….

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