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Pray for Us

by Cora
(Metro Manila, Philippines)

i am Cora, please pray for me as I am having difficulty in my life at present. i am feeling lost and in so much pain of what happened to us. my husband Dennis left me for the reason that he was not happy and tired of our relationship because as he was saying that I am always nagging or starting a fight with him.. please also pray for my husband and enlighten him.. God knows what is really happening to us.. i love him so much and i don't know what to do, thank you so much for the prayers..

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Jan 13, 2009
I hear you
by: Anonymous

Dear Cora,
I think i understand where you are as I have been through something so similar. It is so deeply painful and so incredibly confusing. You are so right to pray for yourself and to pray that your husband find the light. This is what he is searching for -- and he is placing his confusion onto you. That is the painful part which you must work every day to untangle from. You are not the source of his pain in any way. You are a bright light of perfection being thrown into a lot of darkness right now. Surround yourself with love, friends, anything that gets you in touch with the divine. Ask to know how to love yourself completely. Most of all, do not abandon yourself or torture yourself with "what did I do wrong? He is leaving me therefore, I must be wrong or bad. I am unlovable." or other such misguided and destructive voices. You will need lots of love and light to get through this time -- and you are not alone. I send my greatest blessings and prayers to you. Ask for help (just like you are here!) And most of all, know that this deep darkness is always surrounded by light wanting to come in -- and if you ask for it and allow it, it will. One more thought: allow yourself to feel everything you need to feel. Your feelings are necessary tools that will help you to move to a better place. By allowing these feelings to come out (crying, intense anger, whatever), you are allowing yourself to heal and providing necessary love for the hurt person within you.

You will make it through -- I know you will. If I can do it, you certainly can!

Many blessings and great light to you.

Jan 13, 2009
Prayers for you and Dennis....
by: Deb

Dearest Cora....I send out prayers for loving support during this time...may all be revealed according to the plan for the highest good for you and for Dennis....may you be surrounded and uplifted in PEACE and love abound within and without...hang in there....

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