Our Open Path newsletter can help you stay aligned in today's changing world. Yes, Please!
by Naomi
Within each one of us is a light in the heart space that is given to us to light our way.
It is a mystery that is beyond our belief system and moves us to listen to our hearts to guide us in a loving way.
I pray that this infinite and loving presence, which created all life, may guide and comfort and sustain you in the prayers and requests that you have shared here.
I pray for your peace, for increased faith,
for your welfare, your sense of well being, and that you may feel the guiding light of love in the moments you most need it.
I believe with all my heart that we are are greatly loved, and I pray that you can make the leap of faith to accept the gift of this grace flowing out to you in this very moment. When we can do that, we feel alive and hopeful that love will guide us through even the most difficult situations. We come together in community to pray and care about each other in the spirit of that love.
Thank you for sharing your prayers with us,
Blessings and Love Always,