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Please Pray for Us to Save our Marriage

by George Jessee Jr.

My wife Gwen and my daughter Sarah left me on July the 12 of 2008.I need all of your prays to bring them back i LOVE and miss them very much.Sarah and i go to church regular now but Gwen will not.She will not even speak of working things out in any kind of way.She says she loves me but not in love any more.PLEASE PRAY FOR US TO SAVE OUR MARRIAGE PLEASE GOD HELP US.

Comments for Please Pray for Us to Save our Marriage

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Aug 21, 2008
Wife Gone
by: Anonymous

I know the feeling, lonely, and desperate,I'm in the same pickle. The only thing left is God's work if it's ment to be...
May God Continue to Bless You

Oct 01, 2008
wife open your heart
by: max

Hey im praying for you.With GOD anything is possibble for those who believe.IM praying that GOD opens her heart.My GOD bless you.

Oct 18, 2008
hope this brings comfort.
by: Anonymous

never give up,always have faith, pray for your
happiness,and hers, that jesus christ, would
melt her way word heart and return to you.
pray that all the differences you had would be
settled and let gods love guide and direct
each of you now and always, from this moment on
bless each of you as you follow him this day.

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