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Comments for Please pray for my daughter

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Jan 23, 2010
Forgive the past and try not to use that as a basis for the present
by: Stacia

I am a mother also and one that has had my share of struggles within my own life I had to overcome some of the hardest things that life has to offer and I too had loving parents who wanted nothing more than happiness and a future for me but one that was built around their hopes and dreams and not mine and even though I had proven myself over and over if something went wrong in my life they were quick to throw up the past and therefore in order to break free and to exert my own ability to handle my life I had to stop putting myself in a position where I kept living in the past with them and this was hard they never regained their trust in me but I had to move on and constant reminders of my mistakes just wanted me to give up and do what they thought I was doing but really wasn't they were so quick to judge me but I had found God and knew through my faith that He alone was the only person in a position to judge me please don't push her away by making assumptions that are not proven to be true! Today is what we make of it as tomorrow is not a given! What He brings us to, He will bring us through! From 1 mother to another....

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